Tanya R. Taylor Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Tanya R. Taylor.
Famous Quotes By Tanya R. Taylor

Being a slave to a fellow human being, many times, starts with giving his opinion more weight than you should. — Tanya R. Taylor

If you cannot uplift someone, don't risk the repercussions attached to trying to bring them down. Malicious behavior always finds its way back to you in one form or the other. If you examine yourself and acknowledge your own short-comings, you would not have the mindset or heart to judge what you deem to be the missteps of another. — Tanya R. Taylor

Sadly, few Christians today experience the magnificence of the supernatural realm simply because of a passive attitude, dim perspective, and a mere complacency toward the things of God. If you really want to see beyond the natural, you have selected the right literature for guidance. It contains the knowledge and insight that God Himself, the Professor, has taught me, His student, and wants to teach you as well. — Tanya R. Taylor

If anyone views himself as being totally perfect in the actual sense of the word, he is undoubtedly imperfect in God's eyes. For the thought alone is one of presumption, impurity and imperfection. One may rightly strive for perfection pertaining to character and spirit, but must bear in mind that he will never reach its purest form within this human body. The fact that he has strived for it until the end has made him 'perfect' in the eyes of God. — Tanya R. Taylor