Tammy Kling Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 9 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Tammy Kling.
Famous Quotes By Tammy Kling

None of us knows anything. We think we know, then it turns out that we don't. The universe has a way of intervening. Of changing you. In the end, you don't know what you're seeking, and you don't know what you'll find. — Tammy Kling

We all believe we are in complete control. When really, we do not know the beginning, middle or end. — Tammy Kling

If you just do what you're doing, you're going to do what you do. Time to interrupt patterns. — Tammy Kling

It's not about the future, it's about the moment. — Tammy Kling

The only sure thing is that God has a plan for your life. — Tammy Kling

When you realize the awesome power of words, you can change lives. — Tammy Kling

There's more to life than you can see. Your sight is limited. — Tammy Kling

Old pain is an anchor. — Tammy Kling

Everyone needs freedom. If you're in bondage, get free. — Tammy Kling