Michael Xavier Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 14 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Michael Xavier.
Famous Quotes By Michael Xavier

And when you realize, finally, that deeply wounded
things need loyalty more than love-
Then you will see the human race in a way as the earth has been seen
by a few from the moon. — Michael Xavier

The reasons we can't sleep at night are usually the same reasons we don't truly live during the day. — Michael Xavier

If you think love will drive you mad... then try loneliness. — Michael Xavier

The Perfect Weapon
It's what men both long for and yet....secretly pray we never find.
A woman with equal parts passion and reason. — Michael Xavier

The problem with memories is they get more valuable with time,
and the places we keep them get weaker with age. — Michael Xavier

Most souls labor under a self imposed curse of desiring but never truly giving themselves over to love. — Michael Xavier

It's only when we've danced with the devil do we truly appreciate heaven. — Michael Xavier

Wild things have restless wings that too often need to fly. — Michael Xavier

There is no dark side to love. Only a darker side to those we love — Michael Xavier

We were not desperate for love, we were desperate for each other's love."
The first implies weakness-
the second only heaven — Michael Xavier

She loves me for the way I never leave her .. and I love her for the thousand secret ways she makes me stay — Michael Xavier