Mark Andrew Poe Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 41 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Mark Andrew Poe.
Famous Quotes By Mark Andrew Poe

We all know what we have to do what the inkling provokes us. We have to do the right thing. We have to make that extra push out of bed, or off the sofa. We must just do it. — Mark Andrew Poe

I have learned it's best to face down the trouble. Otherwise it will grow into a monster. We don't have time for monsters. — Mark Andrew Poe

The man smiled. "Harry is unique, for he was born with a special gift of sight, with eyes able to see things that are unseen. He has talents to move matter by the sound of his voice. — Mark Andrew Poe

Words like "patience", and "kindness", and "goodness". They are the words of a hero. — Mark Andrew Poe

There are all kinds of love. We place too much emphasis on romantic love as the be-all and end-all. But there is brotherly love. Sisterly love. Love for mom. Love for dad. And naturally, vice-versa. Even with our enemies, we should try to turn them into friends through love. — Mark Andrew Poe

Not accustomed to entertaining angels, are we?" he asked. — Mark Andrew Poe

I am Rabbit. I can be anywhere. I can be everywhere. I am outside time. I am outside dimension. — Mark Andrew Poe

Don't write your child's pages. Turn them with love. — Mark Andrew Poe

We all have the choice as to how we want to create our world. — Mark Andrew Poe

A hero is someone who is selfless. — Mark Andrew Poe

The Great Magician is very clear when he says there will always be trouble in the world. As for any human today, in my book, that is a call to action. That's a call to our own inner hero. That hero is inside all of us whether we be fat, skinny, tall, short, black, white, olive, or yellow. We all have the capacity to be heroes in this life. — Mark Andrew Poe

Don't be afraid of the dark. — Mark Andrew Poe

The Prince of the Air may rule the world, but last I checked the Great Magician still owns the place. — Mark Andrew Poe

A blessing changes the atmosphere. If you say something kind like, 'How about being my partner at the annual Spring Fling Dance Contest?', it's going to affect the situation. If you say something mean, like 'Harry Moon, you are shorter than my two-year-old brother,' it's going to affect circumstance. It's the simple rule of cause and effect. You bless. You are bringing positivity. You curse. You are making the atmosphere lethal. All humans have the choice to change the atmosphere by what words they say. Think about it. — Mark Andrew Poe

I am love. But no one has ever said that love is easy. — Mark Andrew Poe

How can I be spying if I live inside you?" Rabbit asked. — Mark Andrew Poe

I'll tell you what time it is. It is time to be a hero. — Mark Andrew Poe

We don't need to wait for Heaven. Heaven is with us now. — Mark Andrew Poe

Do you want me? I am yours. — Mark Andrew Poe

I don't give up on people, even when they give up on me. — Mark Andrew Poe

For a hero is someone who is selfless. Think about it, friends. Superman, Luke Skywalker, and Captain America. They are helping others. They aren't only thinking for themselves. They are reaching out beyond themselves. — Mark Andrew Poe

To love is to give hope to even the darkest atmosphere. — Mark Andrew Poe

Once darkness has what its wants, it drops you like a hot potato. — Mark Andrew Poe

Put your hand inside the hat, search with your fingers. He is the light wrapped inside the darkness. That's the wonder of Rabbit. We think he's not in the hat. But he is. — Mark Andrew Poe

Even without church walls, or doors or sconces, Easter had come. Even without altars or crosses, Easter had come — Mark Andrew Poe

Why speed life up? There is so precious little of it. — Mark Andrew Poe

This magic does not work with anger. — Mark Andrew Poe

No time for monsters. — Mark Andrew Poe

I just wish human beings were better gardeners. — Mark Andrew Poe

I do not support vengeance. I support justice. They are not one in the same. — Mark Andrew Poe

Heroes can lose their way. Sometimes, heroes can go missing from even themselves. Have you ever had that feeling in your own life? — Mark Andrew Poe

Love is at the very root of having a positive attitude. — Mark Andrew Poe

Love is a word that can truly change any atmosphere. — Mark Andrew Poe

Rabbit is the space between the stars. — Mark Andrew Poe

Our ability to choose is sacred. It's what makes humans special. — Mark Andrew Poe