Lisa McMann Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 100 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Lisa McMann.
Famous Quotes By Lisa McMann

Cabel calls Captain.
Sir, any chance Janie and I can be seen together now?"
Under the circumstances, that would pretty damn much make my day, yes. Besides, the Wilder cocaine case got settled on Monday. He pleaded guilty."
You rock, sir."
Yes, yes, I know. Go out to a movie or something, will you?"
Right away. Thank you."
And stop bothering me. — Lisa McMann

I was a blueberry picker, bindery worker, bookstore clerk and later manager, and a Realtor. — Lisa McMann

Excellent." Captain nods. "Cabel. What's your job?"
Watching in agony, sir."
Captain suppressed a smile. "I'd make you stay home if I didn't know you'd sneak out, anyway. while you are watching in agony, feel free to take note of anyone who comes or goes that's not on the list. — Lisa McMann

I had one of those defining moments in the fourth grade when my teacher said the story I wrote was the best in the class, and therefore I would be going Young Authors Conference where I'd get to hang out with authors all day. — Lisa McMann

Because our power is motivating, and gives momentum and ownership of changes to those who dream of failure. — Lisa McMann

To Aaron, it didn't seem logical to hope anyone would do anything - did it? Either Aaron would come back or he wouldn't and the rock would have to be fine either way. Hope was a waste of time. — Lisa McMann

Or maybe she wants to believe that he found her on purpose. Even Janie can have her dreams. — Lisa McMann

But everything came flooding back too fast. Meghan was still unconscious, Sam and Lani were still missing, Simber was still at the bottom of the ocean, and Mr. Today — Lisa McMann

With the notebook resting ominuslously on Janie's bed, Janie procrastinates.
Does her homework first.
And pours herself a bowl of ceral. Breakfast - one of the five most important meals of the day. Not to be skipped. — Lisa McMann

Even if you made them up, I'd listen to all your stories until there were no more, and then demand you begin again. — Lisa McMann

Bashful=Spanish, Miss Gardenia
Doc=Psychology, Mr. Wang
Happy=Chemistry 2, Mr. Durbin
Dopey=English Lit., Mr. Purcell
Dippy=Math, Mrs. Craig
Dumbass=PE, Coach Crater — Lisa McMann

Life is very complicated. Filled with dreams and adventures, and disasters and broken hearts, too. — Lisa McMann

I've got a huge, terrible problem."
Oh no! Not that horrible toenail fungus that takes six months to cure?"
No, no, no. Much worse. This is shocking news. Are you sure I should tell you while you're driving?"
I've got my headset on. Both hands on the wheel. Windows rolled up. Go for it."
Okay, here goes ... Principal Abernethy called me this morning to let me know I'm in the running for valedictorian."
There is silence.
A rather loudish snort.
And guffaws.
Congratulations," she finally says, laughing. "What ever are you going to do?"
Fail ever assignment from today onward."
You won't be able to."
Watch me. — Lisa McMann

I vividly remember sixth grade. It's the year when kids turn mean, and it's definitely no longer okay to cry in public. So we force our hot tears back, and they burn our throats all the way down. — Lisa McMann

She opens her eyes slowly. It takes her a moment to adjust to the bright kitchen light, shining in her eyes. "Can we rearrange the furniture this weekend?" she asks sleepily. "So when I sleep out here, you don't shine all of Satan's fiery hell lights in my eyes first thing in the morning? — Lisa McMann

I don't see a day when teenagers don't read. They are very enthusiastic. That is so inspiring to me. — Lisa McMann

I'd rather die fighting to keep us free to do as we wish, fighting to be free to come and go as we please, fighting so we no longer need to hide. Fighting the fear that all of you were programmed since birth to have. Fighting against Quill's bigotry, which says brains and brawn are better, or more important, than creativity.
Marcus Today — Lisa McMann

Are you actually laughing at me? Seriously?" Janie rubs her hair with a towel. "I almost died out there. Plus my brain is now infested with plankton and carp shit. You'd better watch it, or I'll blow a snot rocket at you."
"I'm ... eww. That's disgusting." Cabe laughs. "But seriously, you really should have seen yourself. Right, Megan? I wish I had a video camera. — Lisa McMann

Are you okay?" she whispers, giggling.
Me? Oh sure. You might have to carry me out of here, though."
What happened?"
I created a distraction."
I gathered that."
Step stool, encyclopedias, floor."
I see. Well, I can't thank you enough."
Sure you can. Help me flunk enough tests, so I drop out of the 'torian range."
Can't you just tell Abernethy that you have a reputation as a dumbshit to keep up, and you don't want the attention?"
Flunking is more fun. — Lisa McMann

I lurve you, circus freak," Cabel says.
It almost hurts to hear him say that.
I lurve you, too, you big lumpy monster man," Janie says.
That hurts even more to say. — Lisa McMann

Janie's hip buzzes again. Maybe
she'll have to have her whole leg amputated, she thinks sadly. That
would really suck. — Lisa McMann

I am alrrready herrre forrr you, Alex. Wheneverrr you need me, as long as you need me. And even longerrr," he said. "It is my duty. But it's also my pleasurrre. — Lisa McMann

-We'll need to go back soon. We won't trouble you for long.-
-Never have I desired trouble more.- — Lisa McMann

Cabel gives her a quizzical look. I am totally not getting enough attention here. — Lisa McMann

Whatever I want,' he says.
'I'm afraid you haven't been privy to that dream yet. — Lisa McMann


Go force your condescending man-logic on the next house. You can go now. — Lisa McMann

No rash decisions. No big commitments. Each day as it comes. — Lisa McMann

Cabel: Um, Janie?
Janie: Yesss, Cabel?
Cabel: I have another lie to confess.
Janie: Oh, dear. What is it?
Cabel: I do, actually, know what my GPA is.
Janie: And?
Cabel: And. I have a full-ride scholarship.
Cabel is pushed violently from the beanbag chair. And pounced upon. And told, repeatedly, what a bastard he is.
Janie is told that she will most certainly get a scholarship too, with her grades. Unless she plays hooky with drug dealers. — Lisa McMann

Shred my beard and call me Ishmael!" the captain shouted. He — Lisa McMann

Cabel flicks his fingers at her, spraying her with water. Grinning. "Sure. I think I'm pretty lucky. I bet blind people have great sex. I'll even wear a blindfold so it's fair." He bumps his hips lightly against hers. — Lisa McMann

One of my favorite ways to write paranormal, as in the 'Wake' trilogy, is to write very normal characters with just a hint of something other-worldly. Like somewhere, maybe, someone really can get sucked into other people's dreams. — Lisa McMann

I would like to be able to disappear whenever I do something dorky. — Lisa McMann

Nearly every notable event in 'Wake' has a date or a time stamp. — Lisa McMann

Dreams happen in the strangest places. Watch for them. — Lisa McMann

Janie: So you're a double agent? Cabel: Sure.That sounds sexy. — Lisa McMann

And so it was that in the midst of chaos and color and light, in the glorious rebirth of a magical world, there remained two small vessels dark and drained. And those vessels were the heart and the soul of a brokenhearted young mage, sobbing alone in the sand. — Lisa McMann

That was the goth stage, where I decided I'd never get the girl of my dreams because of my scars. Not to mention my hairstyle. (pause) But then she slammed a door handle into my gut. And when a girl does that to a boy, it means she likes him. — Lisa McMann

There's something about a guy who admits he's a jerk that makes him forgiveable. — Lisa McMann

You're asking for trouble, Hannagan," he growls.
"And you would be ... ?" Janie asks. She giggles.
"Trouble. — Lisa McMann

She snorts. "Yeah, I'll tape my boobs down and wear my Burger King Crown. That'll fool'em. They see five-foot-seven-inch-tall, hippy eleven-year-olds all the time." She sneers at me. "You on the other hand ... "
"Did you just call me short?"
"And, apparently, boobless."
"Sawyer doesn't think so. — Lisa McMann

Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you.'
'I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. — Lisa McMann

She gets to school late. Bashful gives her a tardy, and won't reconsider.
Janie always hated Bashful.
Stupidest. Dwarf. Ever. — Lisa McMann

The squirrelicorns contained their horror like professionals and confirmed that they understood completely. — Lisa McMann

Passion is what must take the place of fury. Passion makes us want to live another day, to try to do the right thing. Passion contains love and fear and anger and motivation. Passion keeps you fighting when you want to give up. — Lisa McMann

They linger near the back door, forehead to forehead and curved like statues as their lips whisper and brush together. — Lisa McMann

Hell I wish all guys could just cry and not have it be such a big stupid deal. Shed a tear. Be a man. Whatever. — Lisa McMann

Because there's no way on earth she's going to make it through college unless she grows some serious ovaries and turns this train wreck around — Lisa McMann

Please", I scoff. "Dot-com jokes are so two visions ago. Stay on your toes, Angotti, or you're off the team. — Lisa McMann

And then they kiss.
Slowly, gently.
Because with the right person, sometimes kissing feels like healing. — Lisa McMann

The thought of being with Shay Wilder makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a butter knife — Lisa McMann

What did your mom say?"
"She said I better not be pregnant."
Janie snorts. "What the hell is wrong with our parents, anyway? Wait
you're not, are you?"
"Of course not! Sheesh, Janers! I may not have gotten the best grades in school, but I'm not stupid. You know I'm on the Pill. And his Jimmy doesn't get near me without a raincoat, yadamean? Ain't nothin' getting through my little fortress! — Lisa McMann

People who care about each other don't hurt each other or make each other feel small. — Lisa McMann

This phone," he says finally. "I want this phone."
She laughs. "No. S'mine."
Janie, I don't think you understand. I want it."
It's got photo caller ID; Internet; video, camera, and digital recorder?! Holy Hannah ... It's making me warm all over."
Oh yeah?" Janie says in a sexy voice. "Wanna play with my phone, baby?"
Hell yes, I do. — Lisa McMann

If you want to touch me, Kendall, touch me. Don't hide behind those little girl slaps. — Lisa McMann

-Clive — Lisa McMann

Sawyer turned our friendship off like a faucet, but I can't help it - my faucet of love has a really bad leak. — Lisa McMann

Captain looks at Janie closely. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," she says. "You're gonna have a heck of a shiner by the time the day's over. Did you black our?"
"I ... uh ... " Janie shrugs. "I really have no idea."
"Yes, I think she did." Cabel cuts in. "I'm going to need to watch her all day. And probably all night, too," he adds. Very, very seriously.
The captain throws a rubber eraser at him and sends him out for coffee. — Lisa McMann

You - best secret boyfriend ever. — Lisa McMann

I want to tell you a story, Alex."
Alex nibbled on his bottom lip, waiting. Wondering now if Mr. Today really understood that Alex was turning him down.
"Simber." The old mage said.
Alex automatically turned to the door, expecting to see the beast.
Mr. Today shook his head. "No, he's not hear. Simber was my first creation. Before there was Artime, there was Simber. — Lisa McMann

Cabel smiles and hangs up. "Guess what."
What," Janie says.
We can go out on our first date."
Woo hoo!"
And guess what else- You're buying."
Me? Why?"
Because you lost the bet."
Janie thinks for a moment. Punches Cabel in the arm. "You did not fail five quizzes or tests!"
I did. I have proof. — Lisa McMann

Captain gives her a hard look. "You know what shit is? Killing three innocent people. Think your life is bad now, try living with that." Her voice is harsh. — Lisa McMann

He moves like a dancer. — Lisa McMann

I highly regret this day in advance. — Lisa McMann

We feel the heat, and for a moment, We believe! Life is back. But this heat is intense, not gentle. Not submissive but searing. Painful.
We moan, scream, Our face cracking like gunfire ... like a whip. Thirty-five, one hundred. One hundred! ONE HUNDRED!
The fire consumes our wooden host. It burns, breaks, explodes. Releases Our remaining souls to travel to Our final resting places.
To find new places to hide.
And wait.
Touch me. — Lisa McMann

So, what are you doing tonight?"
Me?" Janie laughs. "Homework, of course."
You want company?" Carrie's looking wistful.
Do you have homework to do?"
Of course. WEther I do it or not is the real question. — Lisa McMann

There's just no happily ever after in Janie's book.
But they both know there is something. Something good between them.
There is respect.
And there is depth.
An understanding between them that surpasses a hell of a lot else.
And there's that love thing. — Lisa McMann

They have an unusual relationship. And when things are good, it's magic. — Lisa McMann

Janie drives home slowly, windows rolled down, hand ready on the parking brake. She takes Waverly. Past Cabel's house.
She falls into bed when she gets home.
There are no notes, no phone calls, no visits. Not that she was hoping for anything of course. That bastard. — Lisa McMann

Hippie said he couldn't stay. Be back tomorrow
-Love,Mom — Lisa McMann

Does not like.
To be called.
Buffy. — Lisa McMann

Feels like I'm in a play and I don't know all my lines. — Lisa McMann

No choice is best — Lisa McMann

With practice, you will master your own dreams. — Lisa McMann

He kisses her. She kisses him. They kiss. — Lisa McMann

Do you think Cabel knows?"
Have you thought about asking him?"
Janie glances up to read her face. Bites her quivering lip to still it. "We're not exactly on speaking terms right now."
Captain sighs. "I gathered that." Carefully she says, "Cabel has his own demons and if he doesn't get on with killing them soon, I'm going to kick his ass ... — Lisa McMann

Come on, Cabel," Carrie says. "Let me give you a ride, at least. Unless you want Shay to- hey, here she comes now." Carrie titters, her eyes dancing.
Cabel's eyes grow wide. He slips into the backseat of Carrie's car without a word. "Get me outta here. Fuckin' creepy cheerleaders. — Lisa McMann

And he's pressing into her and she into him, bodies shivering, like they are two scared, lost children, starving, starving to be touched, to be held, by someone, anyone, the first one they can find who seems familiar enough, safe enough, strong enough to rescue them. They breathe, heavy. Hard. Their fingers strain at cotton. And then they slow down. Stop. Hold. Rest. Before one of them, or both, begins to sob. Before they break another piece that needs to be fixed. — Lisa McMann

I've always found teenagers really interesting. I think they've got so much going on in their lives, so that lends itself really well to fiction because there's so much drama, so much activity, so much growth. — Lisa McMann

So what, then? Pete? Clyde?"
Cabel rolls over, pretending to sleep.
"It's Fred, isn't it?"
"Janie. Stop."
"You named your thing Janie?" She giggles.
Cabel groans deeply. "Go to sleep. — Lisa McMann

Just stand. Bend. Balance. — Lisa McMann

I love Chris Crutcher, Sara Zarr, Lois Lowry, Elizabeth Scott, Madeleine L'Engle, Gordon Korman, Michelle Magorian, Heather Bouwman. — Lisa McMann

It's just the end of some things. And the beginning of others. — Lisa McMann

I know i'll screw up. But i'll keep trying, as long as you let me. — Lisa McMann

It's the touching they both long for. The holding. Spent their whole lives, each without any. — Lisa McMann

Maybe broken hearts can mend more easily than broken hands and eyes — Lisa McMann

When it is over, we breathe and ache like old oak, like peeling birch. One of Our lost souls set free. We move, a chess piece in a dark room, cast-iron legs moving a centimeter at a time, crying out in silent carved graffiti. Calling to Our next victim, Our next savior. We carve on Our face:
Touch me.
Save my soul. — Lisa McMann

Who hasn't had the 'I went to school/work in my underwear' dream? — Lisa McMann

It's the intent, not the word, that makes something harsh. — Lisa McMann

She sits in the driveway, freezing, for thirty-six minutes. Arguing with herself. Because she thinks she's in love with him too. And there are two ways she can be a fool in love right now. She chooses the harder one. And knocks on the door. — Lisa McMann

I went to Holland Christian High School in Holland, Michigan, and to Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. — Lisa McMann

It's like a cat bell, so pretty yet alarming, because i know I'm letting myself fall when maybe I should fly away. But the loneliness inside, it's so fucking painful. It's that longing feeling that scratches to escape and makes you want to blurt out all kinds of gushy crap just to get the girl to look at you ... I hate it. Love its melty-ness and hate its leash around my neck. — Lisa McMann

Janie: Did you ever sell drugs?
Cabel: Yes. Pot. Ninth and tenth grade. I was, uh ... rather troubled back then.
Janie: Why did you stop?
Cabel: Got busted, and Captain made me a better deal. Janie: So you've been a narc since then? Cabel: I cringe at your terminology. — Lisa McMann

She finds Snickers bars in the strangest places.
(She knows it's from him.)
(She wonders if they're laced with pot.) — Lisa McMann

He waits a moment. And then murmurs, 'I love you, Janie Hannagan. I can't get enough of you. I wake up in the morning and all I want to do is be with you.' He props himself up on his elbow. 'Do you have any idea how unusual, how important that is to me? — Lisa McMann

If you don't want me to see, I guess, don't sleep in the same room as me."
He looks at her with a sly smile. "But I'm known for sleeping in school. It's my shtick. — Lisa McMann