L.A. Fiore Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 40 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by L.A. Fiore.
Famous Quotes By L.A. Fiore

I heard a rumor that you make a killer chicken potpie." "Is getting your ass kicked making you hungry?" He lifted his middle finger, but smiled to lessen the insult. "I love chicken potpie." "You're goofy." His smile turned into a stern line, but his eyes were still laughing. "I'm scary as fuck." "Okay. You're scary. — L.A. Fiore

I couldn't imagine loving someone with that kind of intensity, and knowing that the one you're with is the only one you'll ever want."
I realized that I was rambling so I stopped talking as Trace just looked at me. His expression was completely unreadable. He wrapped his hands around my face as he looked deeply into my eyes before he whispered, "I can... — L.A. Fiore

Even from her distance, Darcy heard Trace yelling at Ember loud enough to shake the building.
Kyle leaned up against the wall with a slight grin on his face. "Understand now?"
"Yeah, she's going to go deaf."
"Probably, but she totally had it coming."
"It must be nice to have someone love you so much to shout at you until you're disabled," Darcy said almost dreamily. — L.A. Fiore

Yeah, babe. For now, we're talking about cookies." "Cookies instead of sex, I suppose there are worse substitutes. — L.A. Fiore

I didn't even care about being cautious. It would serve him right that I be killed while he pretended to flirt with coeds. I started to mutter. Something I did often when irritated. "I should frame him for my death. I could scroll his name on the sidewalk in my blood just to give the local authorities a direction to focus their investigation." Spending — L.A. Fiore

Life works in mysterious ways, Ember, and the secret is to not think too hard on the why or how of it, and to not mourn what is no longer, but live: live hard and love hard. — L.A. Fiore

You, Ember. It's you I don't want put in danger. I can't live without you. You burrowed yourself so deeply into my soul that I can't exist without you. Don't you get that? It's fucking you I need. — L.A. Fiore

We have no idea who the fuck we are dealing with, but based on what they've done to us so far, I'm betting there is very little this person wouldn't do to get whatever the hell it is they are after. If you think for a second that I am going to sit back and watch as you step into potential danger, you are out of your fucking mind."
Her anger rose to match his. "And if you think that I'm going to take a step back just because you and I are sleeping together and your inner caveman is coming to the fore, you are out of your fucking mind."
His voice turned icy. "If I were being a caveman, I would have already knocked you over the head with my club and put you over my shoulder. Not that the idea doesn't have some merit. — L.A. Fiore

At that moment, I feel like Ralphie from A Christmas Story after he dropped the f-bomb. — L.A. Fiore

I didn't even think, just went with instinct. Opening my arms, I felt the tiny life placed there. Wrapping him close and tight to my chest, I felt my heart swelling with love. So small, so delicate. Using the tip of my finger, I traced his face, his little lips, his chin and cheeks, his eyes. "You're right, Tea, he is beautiful."
"He has your eyes," she whispered. "We still need to name him."
"Christian Simon Doyle. After your dad and your idiot friend."
Her voice sounded raw when she spoke again. "That's perfect."
"You're perfect. Thank you, Tea, thank you for my son, for our life, thank you for not giving up on me. — L.A. Fiore

No one is breaking through the door, I'm not going to throw myself at you. You can talk to me and not fear you will morph into a lust monster." "Lust monster?" "You remind me of the Hulk with your belief that there is a trigger that turns you from all disciplined to reckless in a heartbeat." "There is a trigger. You." My — L.A. Fiore

I deserve this shrimp. Born to people who clearly shouldn't have reproduced, I date my best friend and turn him gay, date another man who doesn't know he's gay, almost have dinner with a third man who's more interested in his reflection than me, and land on a yeti who turns out to be a millionaire playboy.
"I lost the man I thought of as a father, had my thirtieth birthday party minus any family, and now I'm being dissed in the gossip rags. I am only human and I can take no more, so, yes, I have consumed my body weight in wine and I plan on eating this whole goddamn plate of shrimp. — L.A. Fiore

I've waited a long time for you and now that I finally have you I will move Heaven and Earth to keep you right where I've always wanted you, at my side. I will walk in the rain so you stay dry, I will forgo food so you can eat, I will take the pain so you won't feel any and I will absolutely step in front of danger to keep you safe." Tears — L.A. Fiore

It burned all the way down her throat. She was pretty sure it was even now disintegrating her stomach lining and yet it didn't stop her from ordering another one. After two, she felt a lightness she hadn't felt in a long time. After three, she was smiling for no particular reason, and after four, she was downright happy. — L.A. Fiore

What are you looking at?"
"I was thinking about becoming a lady of the night."
"There's actually an ad looking for one. Can you believe it? It pays a grand a week."
"Shit, for a grand a week, "I'll become a lady of the night. — L.A. Fiore

Practically every woman in town makes a showing at Tucker's after a Jake sighting. I feel like I am watching the National Geographic Channel on mating rituals in the wild. — L.A. Fiore

Life was too short though to agonize over the little stuff; sometimes you had to do what was best for you and if your family loved you they would be happy regardless. — L.A. Fiore

Just delighted to make your acquaintance." Mom was batting her lashes, but it looked like she had something in her eye. Confirmed when Razor asked, "What's wrong with your eye?" Mom — L.A. Fiore

I wanted to pretend for just a little longer that I was whole again. Happy. Then I'd figure out how to pick up the pieces and move on. — L.A. Fiore

I'll try to leave my club in the cave. — L.A. Fiore

Maybe if we could define what I do that is considered a triggerable offense, we could spend time together without you shifting into a horny caveman. Though I would like to say I am all for you turning into a horny caveman. And by that look, I'm guessing me saying that is a trigger." "Fucking hell." "I'll — L.A. Fiore

Could people truly be happy if they were unwilling to put the ghosts of their past to rest? I suspected no. — L.A. Fiore

Seriously? You're okay with sharing? Most of my dates hate when I ask to taste their food."
"Saffron." His tone has grown rather severe.
"First, I don't want to hear about your other dates, it'll only piss me off. You are here with me."
Possessive much? And yet that declaration has my tummy flip-flopping in pleasure.
"Fair. What's two?"
"If I don't share then I won't be getting any of that and I really want to try that."
"Oh, Logan, yes you do. This is like crack."
His smile comes in a flash. "Then hand me your bread plate. — L.A. Fiore

Josh smiles as he takes my hand into his. "But that is a part of your personality. It's who you are. If he likes you then he'll not only understand what motivated your death threats, but will probably be charmed by them."
I am looking at Josh like he has just grown donkey ears and a tail. "Charmed by it?"
"Okay, maybe not charmed, but he'll understand. — L.A. Fiore

Did you like my tribute to the town?"
"I did, but why a swordfish?"
"The day you pelted me in the face with a swordfish funnel cake, and by the way--what the fuck--was when my admiration for you turned into something more. — L.A. Fiore

There are so many reasons I could list as to why I want you in my life and the three most important are I respect you, I admire you, and I love you. Marry me. — L.A. Fiore

I clearly was not cut out for undercover work; we hadn't even gone two blocks before Trace realized he had a tail. — L.A. Fiore

It isn't every day a wish comes true and you, Ember, are the answer to my wish. — L.A. Fiore

We'll be busy tonight." He isn't wrong. Practically every woman in town makes a showing at Tucker's after a Jake sighting. I feel like I am watching the National Geographic Channel on mating rituals in the wild. I can hear the narrator in my head. The female approaches, the sway of her hips a sign of her willingness to reproduce. Obviously in heat, her open blouse exposes her unnaturally large . . . "Hey, — L.A. Fiore

It's crap when people say you shouldn't try to change someone. The whole nature of a relationship is compromise, and compromise is change. It can be scary as hell changing what you know to fit with someone else, so I think you're entitled to drag your feet a bit. — L.A. Fiore

There was a note of humor in his tone when he replied, "Mad Dog Max. — L.A. Fiore

That was what I wanted: someone who knew me better than I knew myself, someone who knew all the worst parts of me, yet still loved me. — L.A. Fiore

It was painful looking at the man you wanted more than a cake pop and knowing you'd never have him, because to do so would mean becoming one of many other notches on his bedpost. — L.A. Fiore

Resting my head on his shoulder, my gaze turns back to the horizon. "How did you get so smart? Did you, like, eat smart people's brains?"
"Well, if I did, you'd certainly be safe from me. — L.A. Fiore

Maybe we should find — L.A. Fiore

If I hadn't liked Logan before, I would now at how he is handling all of this. he chuckles as we reach the door.
"Why are you chuckling?" I ask.
"You were jealous." He's definitely smug, though I can't blame him. — L.A. Fiore

I feel you. You're inside me, in my blood and bones. Never fucking felt anything like it. I need you, crave you, and now you're telling me you feel it too." He — L.A. Fiore

Zombies?" There was definite interest in that word. "Are you a brother in arms? Do you also kill those brain sucking monsters?" I realized I was talking to someone who probably killed people every day, well not every day because that's excessive. The deli man didn't put enough rare roast beef on his sandwich and so he slit his throat with the dagger he had hidden up his sleeve. I giggled at the thought. Again — L.A. Fiore

Logan's donating a sculpture to the town. He didn't want to make a big deal about it--wanted it on the down low, so they're doing a small unveiling."
"Down low, Gwen?"
"I know, aren't I cool?"
We all turn back to the scene across the street. I ask, "What do you think it is?"
"I hope it's a self-portrait, a nude one." Josh sighs.
Gwen and I eye him, but he has the faraway dreamy look about him. Clearly he's envisioning Logan naked. I lean over and whisper, "Whatever you're thinking, it's better."
His eyes narrow at me. "You are a hateful woman. — L.A. Fiore