Henry Fairlie Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 9 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Henry Fairlie.
Famous Quotes By Henry Fairlie

The most important fact about our shopping malls, as distinct from the ordinary shopping centers where we go for our groceries, is that we do not need most of what they sell, not even for our pleasure or entertainment, not really even for a sensation of luxury. Little in them is essential to our survival, our work, or our play, and the same is true of the boutiques that multiply on our streets. — Henry Fairlie

The foundation of humility is truth. The humble man sees himself as he is. If his depreciation of himself were untrue, ... it wouldnot be praiseworthy, and would be a form of hypocrisy, which is one of the evils of Pride. The man who is falsely humble, we know from our own experience, is one who is falsely proud. — Henry Fairlie

We are at full stop. We think we have arrived. — Henry Fairlie

Gluttony and Lust are the only sins that abuse something that is essential to our survival. — Henry Fairlie

Love wants to enjoy in other ways the human being whom it has enjoyed in bed; it looks forward to having breakfast. — Henry Fairlie

But in the morning Lust is always furtive. It dresses as mechanically as it undressed and heads straight for the door, to return to its own solitude. Like all the sins, it also makes us solitary. It is self-abdication at the very core of one's own being, a surrender of our need and ability to give and receive. Lust does not come with open hands, certainly not with an open heart. It comes only with open legs. — Henry Fairlie

The legend of our times, it has been suggested, might be "The Revenge of Failure". This is what Envy has done for us. If we cannot paint well, we will destroy the canons of painting and pass ourselves off as painters. If we will not take the trouble to write poetry, we will destroy the rules of prosody and pass ourselves off as poets. If we are not inclined to the rigors of an academic discipline, we will destroy the standards of that discipline and pass ourselves off as graduates. If we cannot or will not read, we will say that "linear thought" is now irrelevant and so dispense with reading. If we cannot make music, we will simply make a noise and persuade others that it is music. If we can do nothing at all, why! we will strum a guitar all day, and call it self-expression. As long as no talent is required, no apprenticeship to a skill, everyone can do it, and we are all magically made equal. Envy has at least momentarily been appeased,and failure has had its revenge. — Henry Fairlie

There is a middlebrow snobbery in America that praises everything on public television and disdains everything on the commercial networks as a blight. — Henry Fairlie

The desire to build a risk-free society has always been a sign of decadence. It has meant that the nation has given up, that it no longer believes in its destiny, that it has ceased to aspire to greatness, and has retired from history to pet itself. — Henry Fairlie