Georgia Bell Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Georgia Bell.
Famous Quotes By Georgia Bell

I was not gentle on my books. I read while I ate, I read in the bathtub. At night, I rolled over on top of my books that had fallen between the covers as I dozed. — Georgia Bell

There was something about the possession of a book that was important to me. Owning it gave me proprietary rights on the story. It meant that I could read as quickly or as slowly as I liked. No expectations, no deadlines, no proscriptions on bent spines or crumpled pages. I was not gentle on my books. I read while I ate, I read in the bathtub. At night, I rolled over on top of my books that had fallen between the covers as I dozed. For me, the worn pages and tattered covers were a sign of devotion. Like the Velveteen Rabbit, the books I read were only real when they were loved. And I understood that love was not always gentle. — Georgia Bell

Behind me, Eaden cleared his throat. "Rachel?" He was holding open the door of a sleek, tiny black sports car, the kind I didn't know the name of, but recognized as expensive. He looked amused at the way my mouth fell open a little.
"You drive?" I was dumbfounded. I walked back towards him and the glossy black automobile.
He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I drive. I'm immortal, not Amish. — Georgia Bell