Galadrielle Allman Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Galadrielle Allman.
Famous Quotes By Galadrielle Allman

When a family is broken by death, there is no clear way forward out of despair. It is easy to mistake grief for proof of love, and so refuse to relinquish it. For the first year or longer, there is a constant, grinding question that hands over you: Stay or go? You fixate on the fantasy of willing time to roll backward. You find the precise moment before they were taken, and plant your flag there. Death becomes the territory where our love lives, a dangerous place for the living to stay for very long. — Galadrielle Allman

Do what you love and own who you are.
Time is precious ad death is real.
So is Art: It defies them both — Galadrielle Allman

It seemed impossible that someone who lived so fiercely, and with such hunger for all that life could offer, could be taken so suddenly. — Galadrielle Allman