Elizabeth Young Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Elizabeth Young.
Famous Quotes By Elizabeth Young

I remember reading a fascinating article in the New York Times Magazine once where this guy said... Every woman has the exact love life she wants — Elizabeth Young

Shoving the ends at him, I headed for the common. It wasn't far away: a green, tree-lined oasis, brightened with many seasonal varieties of Coca-Can discardus, Crisp-packetus-cheese-and-onionus, and the occasional, fragrant dog turd underfoot. — Elizabeth Young

If you ask me, it's all these skinny models that make girls anorexic," she went on, to Auntie Barbara. "I
can't think why they don't use real girls with a few curves."
"Stands to reason, Jenny." Auntie B. was as pinkly flushed as Mum. "All the designers are gay - they
don't want bosoms in their clothes, or bottoms, either. Not proper, girls' bottoms. — Elizabeth Young