Donna Russo Morin Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Donna Russo Morin.
Famous Quotes By Donna Russo Morin

In their unity against disaster, they formed a more perfect coupling, for that was indeed where true love lived - not in the moments of great passion and bursting joy, but in the strength with which in weathered any storm, no matter how harsh or violent. — Donna Russo Morin

Please stop. Do not take me into your confidence, do not take me into your heart, for my own
cannot bear it. — Donna Russo Morin

Her own fearless audacity had surprised her, though she knew she had been born for more than her life had asked of her thus far. — Donna Russo Morin

I cannot live, if I am already dead. — Donna Russo Morin