Andersen Prunty Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 25 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Andersen Prunty.
Famous Quotes By Andersen Prunty

And you walk or wheel to this place here when you feel sad? On your walks? Or wheels? This is a sad place. More sadder it could turn you. — Andersen Prunty

People say they want to read about life but that's not what they want at all. They want a version of life. Don't you realize, someone else's version of someone else's life is still fiction? It's still a story. But it has no imagination. That's what you people have done. You've murdered imagination. — Andersen Prunty

Unchecked imagination is lunacy. Take someone with an imagination and they can think of almost anything. But do we really want our world polluted with everything? Think about it. Someone imagined the gun and then they coughed it into existence. If you guys had something like Brilliance, it would have taken that idea, absorbed it, and glowed brighter. Desire, that's what Brilliance represents. The desire to do better. The desire to dream bigger. Nuclear weapons. There was another real winner you guys thought up. — Andersen Prunty

If I had to sum up my philosophy of fuckness in a few words so I could cram it on a bumper sticker or t-shirt, those were the words I would have chosen: "Fuck it. — Andersen Prunty

I called my philosophy the philosophy of fuckness. I first developed this philosophy when I realized I was the type of person who would go to just about any lengths necessary in order to avoid trouble and misery. That is, I just wanted to live life the way I wanted to live it without any interruptions or having to answer to anyone. — Andersen Prunty

You have to admire the human spirit - we'll continue building things just so someone else can watch them fall. — Andersen Prunty

You know someone is mad when they cease caring about the retention of their bodily fluids. — Andersen Prunty

Even the silences seemed infused with a secret knowledge. We held hands as we walked around the moon and it felt right and it felt good. I had never felt anything like that before. — Andersen Prunty

The only thing I could figure was most people were so fucking self-righteous they liked to destroy others' wills so they felt like their own petty lives had some sense of purpose. — Andersen Prunty

Regardless, whether I was born to play the game or not, I refused. — Andersen Prunty

How much of our life is an act, anyway? You become a parent, you play a role. You act happy when you're depressed. You act like you are enthused by some things that hold no interest for you whatsoever. But sometimes, through this acting, this repeatedly telling yourself you really do like something, some form of appreciation sprouts. — Andersen Prunty

And he sat in the corner and laughed as the flames consumed everything, crawling over the sadness and crackling it with life. — Andersen Prunty

You can make contact with people all day but it only seems fulfilling when it's with someone you truly enjoy. — Andersen Prunty

As you get older, the ability to change becomes a very rare thing. You'll see. — Andersen Prunty

They reached the Tabernacle. It looked like it had been converted from a one room schoolhouse. "It used to be a one room schoolhouse," Mindy said. The — Andersen Prunty

Eventually I found my way out of the alley. The laughter had died down and I knew there was a foreboding wave of darkness waiting for me. I wondered why, when I had feelings of intense joy or happiness, I could always sense that black wave, cresting above and threatening to crash down on me at any time but, when I was actually having one of my sad spells, it felt like it was never going to end - like I would never get the happiness back. — Andersen Prunty

I've often thought family can be the source for more sorrow than one can find anywhere else. — Andersen Prunty

"Some people develop a love of something and that love is a lifelong love. Like, say, a scientist. He is on a quest for knowledge. He loves theories. He loves testing his theories. He loves this quest for knowledge. And maybe he is only a teacher or a professor but he still loves this knowledge, he loves what he does and he wants to share it with people. Sure, there are some days when he doesn't want to get out of bed in the morning and go to the job but when he stands back and, and... puts it all into perspective... he realizes it's not that bad at all. He likes what he does. On the other hand, you take a man who works in a factory. It's unrealistic to think this man likes putting the same bolt in the same part or whatever for eight to twelve hours a day. He does it for a paycheck so he can support his family or his booze habit or whatever. But every day, when he goes to work, he has to put himself into something like a coma because he hates what he does so much. Do you follow me? — Andersen Prunty

I spent most of my time there wondering this: is a man who he is, should he be judged by his actions of the past and maybe even the present, or should he be judged by who he wants to become, what he is trying to be? Should a man be judged at all? And who is he judged by? Look out there." Skad motioned out the window, at the high school kids practicing football. I turned my head to watch them. — Andersen Prunty

Everybody else seemed to know how to play this game. It was like they had their games all chosen for them. Those fucks seemed to have some cheat sheet built right into their brains that had all the rules and tips and clues to these games spelled out on them. — Andersen Prunty

I don't know what the point of that would be. We can't just declare war on people because we don't understand what they do." "That, my friend, is pinko commie bullshit. Exactly the type of thing I would expect to come out of your mouth. — Andersen Prunty

Some people just seemed born to fail. — Andersen Prunty

He'd finished watching Blossom and gone to bed. — Andersen Prunty

Everyone has problems. Everyone has a shitty life. But people who embrace that and do something with the misery are seen as the abnormal ones. And the people who apply normalcy like a camouflage suit are seen as the normal ones. — Andersen Prunty

"If we're meant to have the flame then we'll have the flame. If we're meant to find your father then we'll find your father. It's really as simple as that. We could have tried to hold onto the flame. We could have jumped in the river after it. But what would happen then? We would have had to chase it and our only purpose is to find your father. The more you chase something, the farther away it gets. — Andersen Prunty