Adriana Law Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Adriana Law.
Famous Quotes By Adriana Law

I hate that I got dealt shitty parents! I hate how you make me feel like scum! I hate that you're always running away from me! And I hate that I ever fucking gave you the power to destroy me! — Adriana Law

Life sucks. It's all random bullshit that adds up to nothing but chaos. Serendipity: accidentally finding something wonderful while not looking for it. A few get lucky. The rest of us fight for what's left over. — Adriana Law

We are all broken in some way. But it's all the shattered pieces that give us depth. Like stained glass, it's how the pieces and colors fit together that truly makes us beautiful. — Adriana Law

I'm not saying it will be perfect, it seldom ever is, BUT what's wrong with giving love another chance? I want to make new memories with you, Chase. I want you to show up at my house for a date. A real date. I want to stress over what to wear. I want to miss you when you're not with me. I want to get all giggly whenever you call saying you need to hear my voice one last time before you can go to sleep. I want get jealous because some girl realizes what I've got and tries to convince you ... you can do better. I want to smile when you tell her that she doesn't have a chance ... . -Chasing Memories — Adriana Law

Dimples should come with a warning: Dangerous! Could knock your world off its axis, categorized as a weapon, proceed with caution. — Adriana Law

I've lost control of the simple act of being able to breathe. I'm hyperventilating.
"I don't need you to show me how to breathe," I say.
"You don't?" He looks skeptical.
"I think I can handle the simple act of breathing without you. — Adriana Law