Famous Quotes & Sayings

Zamir Cohen Quotes & Sayings

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Top Zamir Cohen Quotes

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Jose Ortega Y Gasset

Civilization is nothing else but the attempt to reduce force to being the last resort. — Jose Ortega Y Gasset

Zamir Cohen Quotes By James Rozoff

Safety and constancy were illusions granted only to those afraid enough not to peer beyond the walls. — James Rozoff

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov

I will contend until I am shot that art as soon as it is brought into contact with politics inevitably sinks to the level of any ideological trash. — Vladimir Nabokov

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Herb McCormick

It didn't play out the way we expected it to, yet it did work out in a completely different way," said Lin. "And it sort of taught us that if we were flexible we could always earn something and figure it out. We didn't get hurt. We didn't starve. — Herb McCormick

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Joel Chandler Harris

Write about what you know and care deeply about. When one puts one's self on paper - that is what is called good writing. — Joel Chandler Harris

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Tom Hodgkinson

In a world where you are constantly asked to be 'committed,' it is liberating to give yourself the license to be a dilettante. Commit to nothing. Try everything. — Tom Hodgkinson

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Bill Watterson

Calvin the zombie searches for food. Horribly, the undead feed upon the living! ... Although, in a pinch, a PBJ will do, if you eat it messily enough. — Bill Watterson

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Hilary Mantel

Again, take someone who's crippled or deformed; they can't be tied to the plank without a lot of sweat and heaving, and then the crowds (who can't see much anyway) get bored and start hissing and catcalling. Meanwhile a queue builds up, and the people at the end of the queue get awkward and start screaming or passing out. If all the clients were young, male, stoical and fit, he'd have fewer problems, but it's surprising how few of them fall into all those categories. — Hilary Mantel

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

You don't have to believe in my miracles. You can call them accidents or coincidences, if you must. But don't pity me for my faith. And don't presume that you're better, just because you believe something different. — Brandon Sanderson

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Anna Quindlen

One of the things that got me on this topic for this book was that when I was researching the column I wrote in 2009 saying that I was stepping down from my column at "Newsweek" because I wanted to make room for newer, fresh voices out there, I discovered that in the year I was born, 1952, the average life expectancy of an American was 68. I was shocked by that figure and every time I mention it I hear a gasp from somebody in the crowd. Now, of course, we're more or less at 80, so that means that we've gotten 12 additional years. — Anna Quindlen

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Kerrelyn Sparks

Did those ladies claim that I slept with them?"
"No." She shook her head, and her blush deepened. "But they want to. Along with hundreds of others."
"Hundreds?" He tried not to laugh. "I'm not much of a playboy, am I, if I've neglected to sleep with hundreds of willing victims?"
She tilted her head, considering. "That would depend on how large a pool of volunteers you started off with."
He lifted his eyebrows. Did she think he was operating in the thousands? — Kerrelyn Sparks

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Tamara Hoffa

What the hell do you think you're doing going and getting yourself kidnapped? You almost gave me apoplexy!" "Well, excuse me Queen of the World. I'm so sorry I inconvenienced you! — Tamara Hoffa

Zamir Cohen Quotes By Pixie Lott

I've actually been compared to every female singer going from Britney, Christina, Mariah, Duffy, Amy Winehouse, everyone. And they are so different, so I think it's cool that people see me as so many different artistes but I think I'm a little different, yeah. — Pixie Lott