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You're Worth Waiting For Quotes & Sayings

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Top You're Worth Waiting For Quotes

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Kelly Oram

If ever a girl was [worth waiting], Val, it'd be you, but I can't promise that. You have no idea what my life is like. There are always too many beautiful and willing women. There's too much temptation. Too much expectation. If I wasn't getting it from you I'd probably stray. I know how that sounds, but I'm just being honest. I'm only human, Val. A weak one who's been indulged way too long. I can't give you what you're asking for because I'm afraid of breaking your heart. — Kelly Oram

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Sage Cohen

If you love someone and they don't love you back, wait for them. If they still don't love you after waiting, they aren't really worth your time. Darn, why did I waste all that time waiting then? — Sage Cohen

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Marsha Norman

Mama: But something might happen. Something that might change everything. Who knows what it might be, but it might be worth waiting for! (Jessie doesn't respond.) Try if for two more weeks.
Jessie: No, Mama
Mama: i'll pay more attention to you. Tell the truth when you ask me. Let you have your say.
Jessie: No, Mama. This is how I have my say. This is how I say what I thought about it ALL and I say No. To Dawson and Loretta and the Red Chinese and epilepsy and Ricky and Cicel and you. And me. And hope. I say No., — Marsha Norman

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Suzanne Brockmann

You love me," he said. "That's all I need to know."
"You always say the right thing," Savannah told him, her eyes so filled with love that he almost wept. "Sometimes it takes you awhile to get to it, but you always get there, and what you say is always worth waiting for. — Suzanne Brockmann

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Don't laugh, it's people like her who make this lousy
world a place worth visiting.'
'No. We're all whores, sooner or later. I mean
good-hearted people. And don't look at me like that. Weddings turn me to jelly.'
We remained there embracing that special silence, gazing at the reflections on the water. After a while dawn tinged the sky with amber, and Barcelona woke up. We heard the distant bells from the basilica of Santa Maria del Mar, just emerging from the mist on the other side of the harbour.
'Do you think Carax is still there, somewhere in the
city?' I asked.
'Ask me another question.'
'Do you have the rings?'
Fermin smiled. 'Come on, let's go. They're waiting for us, Daniel. Life is waiting for us. — Carlos Ruiz Zafon

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By John Phillips

When you finally realize that peace is your natural state of being then you will know that any form of non-peace is a belief in illusion. Illusion that anything should be something other than what it is which can never be so. What if instead of waiting for what isn't to become your version of what is, why don't you be peaceful right now while you alter what isn't for you if you so choose? Is it ever worth it to wear a cloak of non-peacefulness over God Brilliance? — John Phillips

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By K.A. Tucker

If you need to fight over a guy, he's not worth it. Go for someone who's waiting for you. — K.A. Tucker

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By K.A. Tucker

If you have to fight over a guy, he's not worth it. Go for the one who's waiting for you. — K.A. Tucker

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Jhonen Vasquez

The numbing mind-ream of knowing you're alone not because people won't accept you but because you find so little worth accepting. An imposed solitude is better than simply tolerating your company in waiting for something better. So loneliness is not such a terrible thing when you consider that the alternative to thought provoking solace is to be surrounded only by remindings of why that solitude is preferable. — Jhonen Vasquez

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Backseat Goodbye

Do me a favor ... Stand up, walk to wherever the nearest window is, and just look outside. You may not know this, but there's an entire planets-worth of summers, friends, sunsets, street lamps, songs, late nights, great films, and night skies waiting for you. Your life is as amazing as you want it to be, but first, you have to let it be that way. — Backseat Goodbye

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Gina Greenlee

If you've nurtured your Spirit and trained your Mind as well as your Body you'll be prepared with everything you need to draft across the finish. Remember: all the training runs when you didn't feel like running but ran anyway and felt so good physically but also about yourself. Envision the flash of friendly faces waiting to greet you. Celebrate that you have more energy now than you ever dreamed. Revel in the uptick in personal productivity and self-worth. Yes, you will run a marathon. And you will finish. — Gina Greenlee

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Karen Kingsbury

Ever after's worth waiting for. Don't you think? — Karen Kingsbury

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Victoria James

A year ago, you fell into my arms and I felt some crazy connection to you. I'm sure as hell not good enough for you, and I'm sure as hell not making any promises, but I'm damn sure you were worth waiting for. — Victoria James

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Jennifer Megan Varnadore

Patience is hardest when it comes to love, especially love that creates an almost obsessive passion inside yourself to love the other person beyond what it costs you. How do you wait for someone you loved to come back to you? There is always a chance that you will be waiting forever, and that they will never come, but if they do ... every ounce of waiting is worth the weight of all the diamonds in the world. — Jennifer Megan Varnadore

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Jason Schwartzman

I often wonder, Is it worth waiting only for things you think are going to be truly great, or is that a pretentious attitude to take? — Jason Schwartzman

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Noel Coward

To hell with God damned "L'Amour." It always causes far more trouble than it is worth. Don't run after it. Don't court it. Keep it waiting off stage until you're good and ready for it and even then treat it with the suspicious disdain that it deserves ... — Noel Coward

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By T.F. Hodge

The best is always worth waiting for. And once you taste it, no other taste will do. — T.F. Hodge

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Haruki Murakami

You'll be going back to Tokyo before much longer," Midorikawa quietly stated. "And you'll return to real life. You need to live life to the fullest. No matter how shallow and dull things might get, this life is worth living. I guarantee it. And I'm not being either ironic or paradoxical. It's just that, for me, what's worthwhile in life has become a burden, something I can't shoulder anymore. Maybe I'm just not cut out for it. So, like a dying cat, I've crawled into a quiet, dark place, silently waiting for my time to come. It's not so bad. But you're different. You should be able to handle what life sends your way. You need to use the thread of logic, as best as you can, to skillfully sew onto yourself everything that's worth living for. — Haruki Murakami

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Euginia Herlihy

Stop confusing yourself and wasting your time doing everything you see or hear from other people. The core is to make time to find your niche, embrace it and run with it before your confusion create envy that will lead to resentment. Wake up! The whole situation undermines your your worth on this planet. Your divine calling and your divine purpose are both patiently waiting for you to come to senses. — Euginia Herlihy

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Haruki Murakami

I'm thirty-eight, going on forty. I'm not like Naoko. There's nobody waiting for me to get out, no family to take me back. I don't have any work to speak of, and almost no friends. And after seven years, I don't know what's going on out there. Oh, I'll read a paper in the library every once in a while, but I haven't set foot outside this property for seven years. I wouldn't know what to do if I left." "But maybe a new world would open up for you," I said. "It's worth a try, don't you think?" "Hmm, you may be right," she said, turning her cigarette lighter over and over in her hand. "But I've got my own set of problems. I — Haruki Murakami

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Matt Haig

Life is waiting for you. You might be stuck here for a while, but the world isn't going anywhere. Hang on in there if you can. Life is always worth it. — Matt Haig

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

When you find love you will know. It will be the one thing worth waiting for. — Shannon L. Alder

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Kaitlin Scott

Well, I would tell Danny. I'd probably edit for Josh. That is if there was
anything worth editing.
"Joshua Roberts, you had better get your butt on the move!" Danny
hollered as he walked down the stairs.
I was nervously waiting for them to leave as I pretended to watch TV in
the front room.
"We're going to be late."
"So the hair crisis is under control I see."
"A stray hair will never win between a bottle of gel and a gay man," he
declared with a smile. "Joshua!"
"I'm coming. I'm coming."
I heard his sandals click on the stairs and I waited to see if the mental
image matched the real one. To my non surprise it did. — Kaitlin Scott

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Samantha Chase

I can be patient, Vivienne, and I believe you're worth waiting for. — Samantha Chase

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Nina Lane

Why are you waiting for me?" I asked.
"Because you're worth it."
"You don't know that."
"Yes, I do."
"I've been around. I know when something's good."
My throat tightened a little. "What if you're wrong?"
"I'm not wrong. — Nina Lane

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Janet Evanovich

Able to walk away. I was firmly pulled back by my ponytail. Ranger had come in behind me and had me by the hair. "Glad to see you're hard at work looking for Mooner." "Shhh. I want to hear Joyce bark like a dog." Ranger had me flat against him, and I could feel the heat from his body seeping into mine. "Not sure that's worth waiting for, babe. — Janet Evanovich

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Rachel Gibson

I've found something more exciting than blowing things up, something sweeter than an adrenaline rush. Something that is truly worth fighting for."
"A beautiful woman who makes me laugh and feel more alive than I've ever felt in my life." He swallowed past the lump in his throat and the burning in his chest. "I've waited my whole life for you, even though I didn't know I was even waiting. You and I are different sides of the same coin, and you make me feel complete. — Rachel Gibson

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Jamie Tworkowski

I don't know your story or your dreams or the things that steal your sleep, but I know they matter. I hope you story is rich with characters, rich with friends and conversation. I hope you know some people who carry you, and I hope you have the honor of carrying them. I hope that there's beauty in your memories, and I hope it doesn't haunt you. And if it does, then I hope there is someone who will walk you through the night and remind you of the promise of the sunrise, that beauty keeps coming, that there are futures worth waiting and fighting for, and that you were made to dream. — Jamie Tworkowski

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Craig Bruce

You usually have to wait for that which is worth waiting for. — Craig Bruce

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By R.K. Lilley

You think I'm a fool," I noted. "That I shouldn't wait for him." She shook her head, eyes widening like I'd misunderstood her. "I didn't say that. Only you can say if it's worth it to wait. I'll tell you one thing I learned the hard way, though. You can't unlove someone just because you want to. Trust me on this. So if you love him, really love him, then of course it's worth waiting." "Even years?" "Even your whole life. What's the other option? — R.K. Lilley

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Franz Kafka

If you utter it, who will think of opposing you? The great choir of dogdom will join in as if it had been waiting for you. Then you will have clarity, truth, avowal, as much of them as you desire. The roof of this wretched life, of which you say so many hard things, will burst open, and all of us, shoulder to shoulder, will ascend into the lofty realm of freedom. And if we should not achieve the final consummation, if things should become worse than before, if the whole truth should be more insupportable than the half-truth, if it should be proved that the silent are the guardians of existence, if the faint hope that we still possess should give way to complete hopelessness, the attempt is still worth the trial, since you do not desire to live as you are compelled to live. — Franz Kafka

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Kinley MacGregor

Henry's face went red in anger as he blustered at her audacity. It wasn't often anyone got the better of him, and Sin knew no woman had ever flummoxed him before. Not even Eleanor.
"You are willing to declare war for him ?" Henry asked indignantly.
She didn't hesitate with her response. "I am. Are you?"
Sin closed his eyes as he heard the most precious words of his life. She who believed in nothing but peace was willing to fight for him. He could die happily knowing that.
Still, he couldn't let her do this. Henry would not rest until he buried her and her clan. A king's reputation was all he had, and if Henry lost face ...
"Callie," Sin said, waiting until her gaze met his. "Thank you, but you can't do this. You can't start a war over me. I'm not worth the cost."
"You are worth everything to me. — Kinley MacGregor

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Deke Slayton

Man, I tell you, this is worth waiting 16 years for! — Deke Slayton

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Sarah Bessey

Stop waiting for someone else to say that you count, that you matter, that you have worth, that you have a voice, a place, that you are called. Don't you know, darling? The One who knit you together in your mother's womb is the one singing these words over you, you are chosen. — Sarah Bessey

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Aleksandra Ninkovic

You remain so silent,as carried away,
through mist of your thoughts,so dark and so deep,
and even awake same as when asleep,
waiting for enlightenment of a newborn day.

I'm bound to your silence,to the core i'm bound,
to delicate stillness,so cruel and so tender,
that despite of danger,soul yearns to surrender,
to that mesmerizing absence of the sound.

I resign everything i once knew so clear,
throwing in the wind fragments of my past,
they are worth so little,they're nothing but dust,
nothing to remember,and nothing to fear... — Aleksandra Ninkovic

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Alison G. Bailey

Nothing has ever been a waste when it comes to you. Not my time, my thoughts, or my heart. I don't regret anything about my life with you, even the times we were apart. Those times showed me how much I belonged to you. I knew we would be together one day. I just had to be patient and wait. And you were so worth waiting for. — Alison G. Bailey

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Jennifer Johnston

Because I am an officer and a gentleman they have given me my notebooks, pen, ink and paper. So I write and wait. I am committed to no cause, I love no living person. The fact that I have no future except what you can count in hours doesn't seem to disturb me unduly. After all, the future whether here or there is equally unknown. So for the waiting days I have only the past to play about with. I can juggle with a series of possibly inaccurate memories, my own interpretation, for what is worth, of events. There is no place for speculation or hope, or even dreams. Strangely enough I think I like it like that. — Jennifer Johnston

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Melissa Marr

You know its more than that. I know now that it was right that I didn't find my queen all these years. Waiting for you was worth everything that I thought I couldn't endure. — Melissa Marr

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Charlaine Harris

I'll deal with your hang-ups if you'll deal with mine, but if you're still too scared to even try, then you're not worth waiting for. I have some goddamn pride left and I won't wait forever. — Charlaine Harris

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Lexi Whitlow

Life is better when you have someone worth waiting for. — Lexi Whitlow

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Charles Martin

Inside you is a thing worth putting on a pedestal
worth putting out there for all the world to see. That piece of rock might been knocked around, roughed up a bit, considered scrap, and thrown on the trash pile ... but that's only because they don't know what's on the inside. They can't see like Michaelangelo. 'Cause if they could, they'd know that there's something in there that's just waiting to jump out. Like there is inside you. I'm sorry for the hammer and chisel. I wish life didn't work that way. Just remember ... the velvet cloth ain't far behind. — Charles Martin

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Tao Lin

Tact was taking its clothes off and belching, reaching for the remote. This is what happened, Greg knew, what always happened. You did things -- you tried, maybe -- but after you did one things you had to wait a while before you could do another thing. You had to sit in a waiting room where the magazines were non-profit and frank, without gloss or pictures, but only rectangular article after article on why it -- other people, communication, life generally -- just was not worth it. You were bored, so you read them all. — Tao Lin

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Anonymous

Simon did everything inexpertly. He was really good at it. He was one of those tall lads apparently made out of knees, thumbs and elbows. Watching him walk was a strain, you kept waiting for the strings to snap, and when he talked the spasm of agony on his face if he spotted an S or W looming ahead in the sentence made people instinctively say them for him. It was worth it for the grateful look which spread across his acned face like sunrise on the moon. — Anonymous

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Sadiqua Hamdan

Waiting to live life is not worth it. Waiting for someone to figure out how to live with you is not worth waiting for. When you start living your own life, life brings you someone worth being with ... — Sadiqua Hamdan

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

Waiting for anyone is a cause for a tremendously bad life ahead. When the electricity is gone and you wait for it, that is considered as artadhyan (mournful meditation). Twenty years worth of effort gets washed away in waiting for half an hour. In such situations, you simply have to take an adjustment. — Dada Bhagwan

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Anonymous

There's a rainbow always after the rain. Don't you think it's worth waiting for? — Anonymous

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By E.L. James

I was waiting for you," he says softly, his eyes dark gray and luminous.
"That's ... that's such a lovely thing to say."
"It's true. I didn't know it at the time." He smiles his shy smile.
"I'm glad you waited."
"You are worth waiting for, Mrs. Grey. — E.L. James

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By S. Jackson Rivera

A great diving scene. Worth the read just for that:

"Randy! You have the best eyes for bubbles. Find my missing diver."
Paul leaned over the boat and yelled at the people waiting in the water. "Hey! Where's . . ." He examined the faces. It didn't take long to figure out who was missing. His heart spiraled to his feet.
"Oh, no, no, no!" He didn't hesitate to jump to action. He yelled out orders as he put his gear on in record time. "Get back on the boat. Now!"
"I see bubbles! Over there, 'bout fifteen meters," Randy called before anyone had a chance to do anything.
Paul stood on the back of the boat, all geared up and holding an extra tank with a regulator already attached. He looked to see where Randy pointed and took a giant stride into the water. He didn't bother to surface before starting the fastest descent he'd ever made. — S. Jackson Rivera

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Diana Quincy

However it happened, you are my wife and I am grateful. I look at you and I know you were worth waiting for.
- Sebastian Stanhope — Diana Quincy

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

God has a plan and guess what? The plan is to stop waiting for him to do everything for you. The person you want in your life is not a sign. Not a clue. Not a wish. Not a prayer. Not a tarot card or a matter of timing. It is work. It is devotion, and like any dream if you want it then God will open doors for you to obtain it. You just have to stop setting the bar so low that everything below is a sign from God and everything above is asking too much. — Shannon L. Alder

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Preeti Bhonsle

Sometimes, there is nothing more you can do. Sometimes there is nothing more left to understand. Sometimes, there is a world beyond, waiting for you. Sometimes, it is just not worth it. Sometimes, you have to let go. — Preeti Bhonsle

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Shauna Niequist

Today is your big moment. Moments, really. The life you've been waiting for is happening all around you. The scene unfolding right outside your window is worth more than the most beautiful painting, and the crackers and peanut butter that you're having for lunch on the coffee table are as profound, in their own way, as the Last Supper. This is it. This is life in all its glory, swirling and unfolding around us, disguised as pedantic, pedestrian non-events. But pull off the mask and you will find your life, waiting to be made, chosen, woven, crafted. -Cold Tangerines — Shauna Niequist

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Mira Lyn Kelly

Life is'nt about getting everything you want the instant you want it.Some thing are worth waiting for. — Mira Lyn Kelly

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Wendy Beckett

Again and again I've taken quick glances and then for some reason I've got to sit before a picture waiting and it's opened up like one of those Japanese flowers that you put into water and something I thought wasn't worth more than a casual, respectful glance begins to open up depth after depth of meaning. — Wendy Beckett

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Cori Dusmann

Communicate with your kids, and find out why they are so determined to be online at a certain time or what is worth arguing so strongly for. There may be people waiting for them to finish a project or go on a raid. They may have made a commitment to viewers wanting to watch them stream. They may have set a personal goal they want to meet. If you can get a sense of what their goals are, perhaps you can meet at a middle ground. I do not mean caving in to their demands, but if something is vitally important to your child, even if you can't see it yourself, it still tells you a lot about them. It isn't fair to use this information against them as punishment. Use the information to come up with a plan that will benefit everyone. — Cori Dusmann

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Sandy Williams

You told me you wanted time. I've given it to you, and I'll give you as long as you need, McKenzie. I love you." He tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear. "You're worth waiting a decade for. — Sandy Williams

You're Worth Waiting For Quotes By Dean Martin

Your love made it all worth waiting for some like you. — Dean Martin