Famous Quotes & Sayings

Young Ma Best Quotes & Sayings

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Top Young Ma Best Quotes

Young Ma Best Quotes By Lewis Carroll

Ah, my dear! Let this be a lesson to you never to lose your temper!' 'Hold your tongue, Ma!' said the young Crab, a little snappishly. 'You're enough to try the patience of an oyster!' 'I wish I had our Dinah here, I know I do!' said Alice aloud, addressing nobody in particular. — Lewis Carroll

Young Ma Best Quotes By Suzanne Brockmann

They were big and black and rubber - the kind of boots you might be wearing as you came in the kitchen door, shaking off your rain slicker and saying, Grab the young'uns, Ma. Crick's a-rising. — Suzanne Brockmann

Young Ma Best Quotes By Ice Cube

I love makin' music, so whether I'ma make money at it or not, I'ma still do it. The thing is, I've gotten to a point where I don't have to use music to make a livin', so I can do it for fun like I used to when I was young. — Ice Cube

Young Ma Best Quotes By Stephen King

I had a moment to wonder just what he did at David Emerson's, which really was where Libertyville's elite bought. Was he a salesman? I could see him showing some smart young lady around, saying, Here's one fuck of a nice couch, ma'am, and look at this goddam settee, we sure didn't have nothing like that on Guadalcanal when those fucking stoned-out Japs came at us with their Maxwell House swords. — Stephen King

Young Ma Best Quotes By George MacDonald

Then the great old, young, beautiful princess turned to Curdie.
'Now, Curdie, are you ready?' she said.
'Yes ma'am,' answered Curdie.
'You do not know what for.'
'You do, ma'am. That is enough. — George MacDonald

Young Ma Best Quotes By Lani Wendt Young

You will be the one chosen to reach out to embrace man once again as the heart. So that all will be as it should. 'Fatu-ma-le-ele-ele' You will give your fire so that Man may live. And he will give his heart so that earth may live.
Thus it has been spoken. — Lani Wendt Young

Young Ma Best Quotes By K. Bartholomew

Young, zombie, and famous, with money hanging out ma anus. — K. Bartholomew

Young Ma Best Quotes By Rachel Devenish Ford

Things did get better after that, though never like they were before the small blue baby boy was put into the earth. Catherine's mother wasn't a girl anymore, singing at any chance like she used to. She was old with a young face, walking slowly and watching the trees when she could stop and lean on her broom. Catherine thought that her brother was always with her ma, never quite letting her go, and it made her ma tired to carry him, too. — Rachel Devenish Ford

Young Ma Best Quotes By Carys Jones

People here say that there is something strange, but only about Dawn. The other girls, they are normal, polite young women. They all look alike, like tiny replicas of their Ma. But Dawn, she looks nothing like them and she acts nothing like them. — Carys Jones

Young Ma Best Quotes By Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura knew then that she was not a little girl any more. Now she was alone; she must take care of herself. When you must do that, then you do it and you are grown up. Laura was not very big, but she was almost thirteen years old, and no one was there to depend on. Pa and Jack had gone, and Ma needed help to take care of Mary and the little girls, and somehow to get them all safely to the west on a train. — Laura Ingalls Wilder

Young Ma Best Quotes By Eve Babitz

Derek Taylor was where all the razz-ma-tazz and class sprang from; the Beatles were just charming, rich young men. — Eve Babitz

Young Ma Best Quotes By Marcel Proust

She's on the stairs, ma'am, getting her breath,' said the young servant, who had not been long up from the country, where my mother had the excellent habit of getting all her servants. Often she had seen them born. That's the only way to get really good ones. And they're the rarest of luxuries. — Marcel Proust

Young Ma Best Quotes By Anna Banks

It's easy to remember, because dating rhymes with mating, and they're almost the same [ ... ] So your mom thinks we're ma
Uh, dating? — Anna Banks

Young Ma Best Quotes By Alan Bennett

When they arrived at the palace she had a word with Grant, the young footman in charge, who said it was security and that while ma'am had been in the Lords the sniffer dogs had been round and security had confiscated the book. He though it had probably been exploded.
'Exploded?' said the Queen. 'But it was Anita Brookner. — Alan Bennett

Young Ma Best Quotes By Emma Donoghue

Ma knows everything except the things she doesn't remember right, or sometimes she says I'm too young for her to explain a thing. — Emma Donoghue