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You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes & Sayings

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Top You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Al Yankovic

When I swore that you're getting more and more beautiful everyday. Well, I was only kidding, honey. — Al Yankovic

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Amit Ray

Every day send some blessings to the world. Let there be flow of love — Amit Ray

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Michael Jones

I will forever walk alone in a world overflowing with those that will never understand my meaning of "Learning to See" I'm always teaching myself to see beauty in all aspects of reality, yearning to learn the beauty in others, from their vision of everyday life to their deepest secrets of their dreams. As the sun rises I must smile, smile for those with the beautiful mind and soul. I'm so passionate for the visions I see, and the dreams I wish the world could be. — Michael Jones

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Sam Maloof

I want to be able to work a piece of wood into an object that contributes something beautiful and useful to everyday life ... — Sam Maloof

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Muriel Barbery

Every time, it's the same thing, I feel like crying, my throat goes all tight and I do the best I can to control myself but sometimes it gets close: I can hardly keep myself from sobbing. So when they sing a canon I look down at the ground because it's just too much emotion at once: it's too beautiful, and everyone singing together, this marvelous sharing. I'm no longer myself. I am just one part of a sublime whole, to which the others also belong, and I always wonder at such moments why this cannot be the rule of everyday life, instead of being an exceptional moment, during a choir. — Muriel Barbery

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Daniel Coffeen

Who cares where you went to school or where you work? The question is: Is your everyday experience good, healthy, beautiful? Because I have to tell you, while it might be "cool" to work for certain companies, if your job is stupid, stressful and your boss is a jerk, there is nothing good or prestigious about that. While it might seem right to go to a prestigious school, if classes are overcrowded and students are nervous, anxious, religious zealots from certain counties, are you sure you want to go there? What's good about that? To believe in prestige is to privilege abstract, collective impression over palpable, daily experience. To which I say: fuck prestige. Do what serves your everyday vitality. — Daniel Coffeen

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Liv Ullmann

The Summer Book is beautiful and warm, with the kind of wisdom we can adapt to our everyday lives. — Liv Ullmann

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Philippe Starck

The best everyday example of relativity, the finest symptom of human intelligence, is humor. ( ... ) Design without humor is not human. The word 'beautiful' does not mean anything. Only coherence counts. An object, design or not, is primarily an object that meets the parameters of human intelligence, which reconciles opposites. The lack of humor is the definition of vulgarity. — Philippe Starck

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Johnette Napolitano

Things get better everyday you stay alive
then I'm amazed
every day
that the sun decides to rise
every minute, every hour, is another
chance to change
life is beautiful & terrible & strange. — Johnette Napolitano

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Chantelle Nay

Do you remember when I first told you that we were different--that we were meant to be together?" Emma nodded. "Nothing has changed since then, except for how much more I love you now. I didn't think it was possible for me to love you more than I did then. It was so strong, so intense. But I was wrong. I love you more everyday that I spend with you. Everyday when I look at you--you are more beautiful than the day before. — Chantelle Nay

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Ian McEwan

There's pathos in this familiar routine, in the sounds of homely objects touching surfaces. And in the little sigh she makes when she turns or slightly bends our unwieldy form. It's already clear to me how much of life is forgotten even as it happens. Most of it. The unregarded present spooling away from us, the soft tumble of unremarkable thoughts, the long-neglected miracle of existence. When she's no longer twenty-eight and pregnant and beautiful, or even free, she won't remember the way she set down the spoon and the sound it made on slate, the frock she wore today, the touch of her sandal's thong between her toes, the summer's warmth, the white noise of the city beyond the house walls, a short burst of birdsong by a closed window. All gone, already. — Ian McEwan

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Renzo Piano

Cities are beautiful because they are created slowly; they are made by time. A city is born from a tangle of monuments and infrastructures , culture and market, national history and everyday stories. It takes 500 years to create a city, 50 to create a neighborhood. — Renzo Piano

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Pradeepa Pandiyan

Our eyes captures thousands of beautiful pictures everyday. — Pradeepa Pandiyan

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Anna White

Maybe it's not about having a beautiful day, but about finding beautiful moments. Maybe a whole day is just too much to ask. I could choose to believe that in every day, in all things, no matter how dark and ugly, there are shards of beauty if I look for them. — Anna White

You Get More Beautiful Everyday Quotes By Mos Def

We can be beautiful and feel beautiful about who we are everyday. — Mos Def