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You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes & Sayings

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Top You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Jim Butcher

She frowned. "God, that's sad. You want to be with her but the sex part - " I shuddered. "Ewg. You are far too young to say that word." The girl's eyes shone. "What word? Sex?" I put my hands over my ears. "Gah." Molly grinned and enunciated. "But the bleep part would make her lose control." I coughed uncomfortably, lowering my hands. "Basically. Yeah." "Why don't you tie her up? — Jim Butcher

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Zac Efron

I don't know if I believe in love at first sight, but of course I believe in two people having chemistry right away. A girl should be really easy to talk to. When I lose track of time because we've been talking, I think that's really fun. — Zac Efron

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Rae Carson

You must not lose faith, child. No matter what. Do not doubt God or his choosing of you. He knows infinitely more than we can imagine. — Rae Carson

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By H.M. Ward

Things changed. Maybe I didn't recognize what I felt then, but I do now. I'm a stupid girl who fell in love with her friend, and that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that I'll lose everything if I tell you. This little patch of happiness will wither and die, and it will be all my fault, because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I'd rather have you as a friend than not at all. — H.M. Ward

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Amy Tan

She cried, 'No choice! No choice!' She doesn't know. If she doesn't speak, she is making a choice. If she doesn't try, she can lose her chance forever.
I know this, because I was raised the Chinese way: I was taught to desire nothing, to swallow other people's misery, to eat my own bitterness.
and even though I taught my daughter the opposite, she still came out the same way! Maybe it is because she was born to me and she was born a girl. And I was born to my mother and I was born a girl. All of us are like stairs, one step after another, going up and down, but all going the same way.
I know how it is to be quiet, to listen and watch, as if your life were a dream. You can close your eyes when you no longer want to watch. But when you no longer want to listen, what can you do? I can still hear what happened more than sixty years ago. — Amy Tan

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Sydney Pollack

Making a film is a way for me to understand what it's like to be a murderer, to confess, to be a beaten wife, to be a minority, to be a victor, to get the girl, to lose the girl. I can do all of that through the practice of an art form. — Sydney Pollack

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Shindong

If someone had to lose weight, I would tell that person to lose weight. Lose some weight, why can't you take care of yourself. When I say this, the person might think, 'Look who's talking,' but I would reply, 'I'm a boy and you're a girl.' — Shindong

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Anne Eliot

If one fish nibbles my toes I'm going to lose all testosterone and scream like a little girl in front of you. They won't will they? — Anne Eliot

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Drake

The girl or the world, you see someone gotta lose. I thought I could have it all, do I really gotta choose? — Drake

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Jennifer Probst

You must be fierce and admit to love, my dear girl. It is the only way to win. And if you do lose, well, at least you lose fairly, with your head high and with no regrets. How could you possibly feel shame for leading with your heart? It is simply the bravest thing anyone can do in this world. — Jennifer Probst

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By J.R. Ward

What did she pass from?" the girl asked. "M.S. Multiple sclerosis." "What's that?" "It's a human disease where the body's immune system attacks the coating that protects your nerve fibers? Without that sheath, you can't tell your body what to do, so you lose the ability to walk, feed yourself, speak. Or at least, my mom did. Some people with it have long periods of remission when the disease isn't active. She wasn't one of them." Mary rubbed the center of her chest. "There are more options for treatment now than there were fifteen or twenty years ago when she was first diagnosed. Maybe she would have lasted longer in this era of medicine. Who knows. — J.R. Ward

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Nicki Minaj

Like, I mean I don't even know why you girls bother at this point. Like give it up, it's me. I win and you lose. — Nicki Minaj

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Hajin Yoo

I thought all I had to do to get you back was kill off your so-called mother and that little girl. No, I also pondered eating you alive. I imagined drinking all your blood and swallowing you whole many times. A thousand times ... no, a million times over the past few days! I couldn't even tell apart my dreams from reality. Why are you so obsessed with your piece of shit family? They abandoned you! Why must you only desire the things I can't give you, huh?! If you have any love left to go around, then don't give it to those worthless people. Give it to me! Give me everything. I want it all, even the last speck of dust lying at the bottom of your heart! Give me everything before I lose my mind! Before I really do drink your blood and eat your flesh! Before I swallow you whole! — Hajin Yoo

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Chris Sain Jr.

You don't have to cheat to lose your girl or your woman. You can lose her from lack of communication, attention and disrespect. It's not all about what you do, sometimes it's about what you don't do. — Chris Sain Jr.

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Joan Bauer

Almost Home
by Sugar Mae Cole
Home isn't always a place you picture in your mind
With furniture and cookies and music playing and people laughing.
Home is something you can carry around like a dream
And let it grow in your heart until you're ready for it.
Losing things helps you appreciate when you find them again
And finding things gives you hope that when you lose things
It might not be forever.
Once, long ago, a girl lost her home, but she didn't lose her dream.
She hung on to it as the wind kept trying to blow it away,
But that just made it stronger.
So now she has keys and walls of many colors
And people around her who think she's something. — Joan Bauer

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Bijou Hunter

I like when you call me your girl," I said, caressing his arm. "It makes me feel warm all over, but mainly in certain places."
"Fuck no," Cooper grumbled even while grinning big. "I'm not getting distracted."
"Big baby," I said, sitting down and crossing my arms over the prize. "Fine. I'll let you lose the old fashioned way. By sucking more than me. — Bijou Hunter

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Michelle Alexander

Now place yourself in the shoes of Clifford Runoalds, another African American victim of the Hearne drug bust.2 You returned home to Bryan, Texas, to attend the funeral of your eighteen-month-old daughter. Before the funeral services begin, the police show up and handcuff you. You beg the officers to let you take one last look at your daughter before she is buried. The police refuse. You are told by prosecutors that you are needed to testify against one of the defendants in a recent drug bust. You deny witnessing any drug transaction; you don't know what they are talking about. Because of your refusal to cooperate, you are indicted on felony charges. After a month of being held in jail, the charges against you are dropped. You are technically free, but as a result of your arrest and period of incarceration, you lose your job, your apartment, your furniture, and your car. Not to mention the chance to say good-bye to your baby girl. This is the War on Drugs. The — Michelle Alexander

You Can Lose Your Girl Quotes By Kim Alexis

I was muscular - I was never overweight. But tell a girl that she has to lose 15 pounds when she's not fat, and that has destroyed a lot of who I am over the years, even still. In my mind I'm thinking, 'I'm always too heavy. I should be a skinny thing.' — Kim Alexis