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You Are My Shooting Star Quotes & Sayings

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Top You Are My Shooting Star Quotes

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Robin Williams

Please, don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night. And when a shooting star steaks through the darkness, turning night into day ... make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular. — Robin Williams

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Neha Yazmin


I left my heart at your door,
Don't tread on it on your way out.
It's convulsing on the floor,
Can't you hear it scream and shout?

I dropped my life by your feet,
Don't kick it as you walk down the street.
I put my dreams in your hand,
Don't let them slip through your fingers like grains of sand.

And my eyes will watch you from afar,
Guide you like a shooting star.

And you'll see that I'll always be where you are.
Where you are.
Yes, you know that I'll always be where you are.

Yes my eyes will watch you from afar,
Guide you like a shooting star.
And you'll see that I'll always be where you are.
Where you are. — Neha Yazmin

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Kate Milford

Everyone know - or at least, was probably told as a child - that you can make a wish on a shooting star. Not everyone knows that the only way to be sure it will come ture is to speak it aloud before the star disappears, and this is a nearly imposssible fet to manage. — Kate Milford

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By J.L. Carr

In their primal gladiatorial tourney N. Baddesley jousting on their own bailiwick encountered the full and furious blast of Steeple Sinderby's New Look Lads spearheaded by Sid Swift, long-lost Shooting Star idol of Brum fans a handful of time ago. The Ringers clocked up eleven strikes and only the inexorable march of time muffled a full peal of twelve. — J.L. Carr

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Kevin Kling

I learned that when people see a dachshund, they have to yell, "A wiener dog!" Like "A rainbow!" "A Shriner!" "A shooting star!" "A clown!" "A nudist colony! — Kevin Kling

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Vincent Canby

When Uncle Bob (or Ted or Ray) promised to send a shooting star over the house to mark a young listener's birthday, the young listener, who had hung out the window for an hour without seeing the star, questioned not Uncle Bob (or Ted or Ray), but his own eyesight. — Vincent Canby

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

O shooting star
that fell into my eyes and through my body-:
not to forget you. To endure. — Rainer Maria Rilke

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Susan Cooper

Still in the black hemisphere the stars blazed and slowly wheeled; beneath them, Will felt so infinitesimally small that it seemed impossible he should even exist. Immensity pressed in on him, terrifying, threatening
and then, in a swift flash of movement like a dance, like the glint of a leaping fish, came a flick of brightness in the sky from a shooting star ... He heard Bran give a small chirrup of delight, a spark struck from the same bright sudden joy that filled his own being. — Susan Cooper

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Karina Halle

Love, our love, had been a shooting star, burning in the darkness, unseen until it got too close, too bright and too quick to capture. It burned out, lost to the deep cold and darkness, to the brutality of space, the infinity above us and in the new emptiness inside of me. — Karina Halle

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Joel Dicker

Wish that I will succeed in life, I replied. And I thought that a shooting star, though it could be beautiful, was a star that was afraid of shining and was fleeing as far away as possible. A bit like me. — Joel Dicker

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Rivera Sun

Precarious, life is. A flying leap. A sweep of hand. A star flung across the night. A lucky catch in this whirling juggling circus act.
From Steam Drills, Treadmills, and Shooting Stars — Rivera Sun

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Akshay Vasu

You are my shooting star, and I always make a wish every time I see you. — Akshay Vasu

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Mel Ballew

I wished for you on every shooting star when I was little. Now, if I gathered all of the stars I wished for you on, none could ever shine brighter than you. You are my shooting star, Ren. You are here with me walking this beach. I may have fucked up, but I swear to you, to God, and every single star in this sky, I will never give you up!
Stefan — Mel Ballew

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Michael Grant

But I know you're the brightest shooting star in the sky - Astrid — Michael Grant

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Sherrie Petersen

That's the thing with a shooting star. By the time someone asks if you saw it, it's already gone. — Sherrie Petersen

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

All of sudden, this shooting star went by, and all I could think was that they were listening to us somehow. — Nicholas Sparks

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By James Belushi

I like to consider myself a star - a star, that when you look in the sky, it's always there. And on a clear night ... a shooting star comes by, and get a little thrill, and you make a little wish. You need both types of stars, the shooting and the constant stars. The heavens include them all. — James Belushi

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Matt Fraction

I don't understand the feeling of, the way people speak of writing as though it were, like, some kind of djinn to be summoned or like it's the Loch Ness monster or seeing a shooting star. It's a physical act. It is a thing you do with your muscles and your body and your willpower. Watch, I'll show you: get a piece of paper. Get a pencil. Put the pencil on the paper and write the word 'something.' — Matt Fraction

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Viola Shipman

The Shooting Star Charm

To Be Lucky in Love, You Must First Believe in Miracles — Viola Shipman

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Paris Hilton

I'm the kind of person who, if I see a shooting star, I wouldn't stay there and watch it. I'd run to my friends and tell them because I would want everyone to see it too. — Paris Hilton

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Melissa De La Cruz

He was like a shooting star you tried to catch with your hands. She would only get burned. — Melissa De La Cruz

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Zubin Mathai

When she saw a shooting star streak overhead, she asked her beloved what he wished for, and he said he only wished to sit there with her for as long as forever. — Zubin Mathai

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Melissa Landers

I've always wanted to be a journalist, but what am I going to do? Write articles about which movie star had the fat sucked from her ass and injected into her face? Which professional athlete just confessed to shooting steroids? The last celebrity baby names?" Cara lowered both brows in frustration. "Who cares? — Melissa Landers

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Ron's old Shooting Star was often outstripped by passing butterflies. — J.K. Rowling

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Craig Schaefer

The pink sun tumbled from the sky like a shooting star, turning day to night in the space of a trembling breath. What rose in its place was a moon made of rotting meat, its vast surface pitted with crawling black mold, glowing in a starless sky. — Craig Schaefer

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By April Mae Monterrosa

The starry sky is absolutely gorgeous tonight. Maybe I'll see a shooting star and can make a wish...especially since I'm getting told to get off my phone. — April Mae Monterrosa

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Nikki Rowe

My favourite conversations are those with the universe, I speak all that I am and the most beautiful response flies a shooting star across the sky, it's proof ~ vibrations of light have the capacity to change our world. — Nikki Rowe

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Jenny Han

I wished for Conrad on every birthday, every shooting star, every lost eyelash, every penny in a fountain was dedicated to the one I loved. — Jenny Han

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By George Howe Colt

The poetic sensibility was too good for this world, it was best to burn brightly and to die young like a shooting star. — George Howe Colt

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By S.M. White

Have you seen the careful manner in which deer drink from a lake at sunrise? That is the way she moves. Have you ever heard the sound a shooting star makes as it crosses a cloudy sky? That is the way she breathes. — S.M. White

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By John Varley

How heavy is that day in the mountains when you built a campfire and saw a shooting star? What is the mass of yesterday? How fast is love? — John Varley

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Lynn Kurland

He threw open the shutters and was silent. "There," he said, pointing to a shooting star. "Wish to stay together. Hurry." She watched the star's arc fade and wished, secure in her love's embrace. "I wish that we'll be together forever," she whispered. He pressed his lips against her ear. "I wish that we'll be together forever," he echoed. "Now it can't help but come to pass. — Lynn Kurland

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Anurag Kashyap

I shoot reality-based movies, and in actual locations, shooting them with a star is next to impossible. — Anurag Kashyap

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Greg Camp

Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on go, ... Only shooting stars break the mold. — Greg Camp

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Brooke Hayward

Out of perverseness, I jumped on the subway and went down to a sound stage on Fourth Street to watch the shooting of Kay Doubleday's big strip scene in Mad Dog Coll, a gangster film that can still, to my embarrassment, be seen occasionally on late-night TV... Kay Doubleday was in my class at Lee Strasberg's; it was in the interest of art, I told myself, to watch her prance down a ramp, singing and stripping her heart out. — Brooke Hayward

You Are My Shooting Star Quotes By Daniel Odier

The night doesn't say to itself, 'Here comes a shooting star to interrupt my peace!' — Daniel Odier