Famous Quotes & Sayings

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes & Sayings

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Top You Are Amazing Woman Quotes

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Derek Wellington

If you are an amazing woman with a lot to offer, he will be the one chasing you. — Derek Wellington

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Kid Cudi

I love Sweden. In Sweden, the women are just so hot. Their vibe is so amazing. You feel like every girl out there was genetically altered to just be hot. I did not see one ugly woman out there, it was just a line of continuously hot girls. — Kid Cudi

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Melissa Marr

You are the single most amazing person, faery, woman in this world or the other. Because of you, I am a part of this strange new world, have a second mother, and ... eternity. I have almost everything I could want. — Melissa Marr

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Maya Rodale

You must be the only woman in the whole entire world who is immune to the Ashbrooke Effect," Olivia said. "Amazing. You are a medical marvel."
"First of all, the Ashbrooke Effect is not an actual medical condition," Emma lectured, after another sip of her drink. "Secondly, I refuse to believe it even exists at all."
"I suffer from it even thinking out him," Olivia said. "My heart is fluttering and my skin feels hot. I must be blushing all over."
"That's probably all the sherry you've been drinking," Emma remarked. — Maya Rodale

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Barbara Corcoran

My mother is an amazing woman. Not only did she manage the entire household, she noticed a gift in each of her kids and instilled confidence in all of us that that gift would take us wherever we wanted to go. — Barbara Corcoran

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Thomas Otway

Oh woman! lovely woman! nature made thee To temper man; we had been brutes without you; Angels are painted fair to look like you; There's in you all that we believe of heaven, Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting love. — Thomas Otway

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Sara Eckel

I have no problem with being fabulous. My problem comes when you won't allow yourself to be an ordinary woman with a decent apartment and an okay job. When only the mom is allowed to be boring - because her life is so rich with meaning.

When I carefully choreographed the story of how amazing I was, I was acting like one of those helicopter parents - you know, the ones who refuse to admit that their Jackson might suck at math or Stella might not be the world's greatest violinist. 'You are special! You are special!' they cry to their children, hoping this will boost their confidence. But the real message is one of panic: You must be special. Ordinary is not okay. When I walked into a party projecting the Shiny Girl - she of the lighthearted flings and glitzy job - I was essentially doing the same thing. — Sara Eckel

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Jessica Spotswood

Cate, I cant say what you want to hear. Not yet. I want you to know that
when I do, I'll mean it. Completely. Irrevocably."
"When?" I ask, voice small but hopeful. "Not if?"
"When." He takes my cold hand in his. "I'm falling in love with you more every day. I don't know if they were the same things I loved about you before, but now
the bit of red in your hair. The way you tilt your chin when you get angry, like you're charging into battle. How fiercely protective you are of the people you care about. How big your capacity for forgiveness is. You are an amazing woman, Cate Cahill. — Jessica Spotswood

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Alan W. Watts

Most of us assume as a matter of common sense that space is nothing, that it's not important and has no energy. But as a matter of fact, space is the basis of existence. How could you have stars without space? Stars shine out of space and something comes out of nothing just in the same way as when you listen, in an unprejudiced way, you hear all sounds coming out of silence. It is amazing. Silence is the origin of sound just as space is the origin of stars, and woman is the origin of man. If you listen and pay close attention to what is, you will discover that there is no past, no future, and no one listening. You cannot hear yourself listening. You live in the eternal now and you are that. It is rally extremely simple, and that is the way it is. — Alan W. Watts

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Fay Weldon

Because clearly the most amazing thing had happened: by some chance - no, the lover does not believe in chance, but destiny - destiny had arranged it so that the man and woman who had made the original whole, then somehow divided and separated by an angry God, had met up again, and now must reform the rightful, righteous whole. At once! — Fay Weldon

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Toni Aleo

Dude, I told you she was a man-eater."
"That's the thing, she isn't. She is actually an amazing woman. Tough as nails, and man she keeps me on my toes, but she has a heart of gold that she hides from everyone. I really do believe that she was made for me, and I don't care how girly that sounds."
Erick scoffed. "No worries, when a dude is really in love, he turns into a freaking girl. It's scary. So stay away from girls, they are icky and will make you do stupid things. Okay, buddy? — Toni Aleo

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By C.C. Wood

You are an amazing woman. I could not have chosen a better place to let my heart rest than in your hands. — C.C. Wood

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Jojo Moyes

Before I met your father I thought that love and peace would change the whole world, but looking into your eyes, I knew all I had to do was let you be whoever it was that you wanted to be, and to love you, and that would be the best and closest thing I could ever do to change the world for the better.
"You are going to be brilliant," I told you. "You are going to be clever, and funny. Brave and strong. You're going to be a feminist, and a peace campaigner and a dancer. And one day you are going to be a mother yourself. You are going to fall in love and have adventures and do things I can't even imagine. You, little Claire Armstrong, you are going to be the most wonderful woman, and you are going to have the most amazing life: a life that no one will ever forget. — Jojo Moyes

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Rhys Darby

One time we stayed at a B&B, and there were a couple of hippies who had this nice little area and they let us sleep in their beds that they had in the back.Then the woman suggested we go out and lie on some cushions and look up at the stars and look for UFOs and she said, "You know, I do this all the time," and I was like, "Okay ... " So there we are, lying there next to this amazing loch, and we're looking up in the stars and I don't really know what I was expecting, but to see some sort of metallic object. — Rhys Darby

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Jim Gaffigan

But truly, women are amazing. Think about it this way: a woman can grow a baby inside her body. Then a woman can deliver the baby through her body. Then, by some miracle, a woman can feed a baby with her body. When you compare that to the male's contribution to life, it's kind of embarrassing, really. — Jim Gaffigan

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By S.H. Timmins

I would do anything to make you as happy as you make me. You are an amazing woman, and deserve to be treated like a princess. Let me be your Prince Charming, and I will make all of your fairytales come true. — S.H. Timmins

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Andria Large

Enough!", Henry bellowed. His mother's mouth snapped shut. " You're talking about the woman I love! I don't give a shit about what you think. Claire is an amazing mother and she loves her son. I love her son. They are everything to me and nothing you say is going to change that! You can take your high and mighty talk and shove it up your ass!", Henry snapped. — Andria Large

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Derek Landy

Ah ... Dectective, this is a very private and personal moment for them both. I'm sure you can understand their need for-"
A man stumbled out clutching a sheet round his waist and Valkyrie's eyes widened. "Whoa," she said as he hummed into a table. He was tall and sandy-haired and his physique was jaw-dropping lay amazing. "No way," she said. "Scapegrace?"
The man looked at her, and shook his head. The a woman came charging out of the back room, slammed into the man and they both went rolling across the floor.
"Give it to me!" The woman screamed. "Give it to me!"
Nye scuttled over. "Mr Scapegrace, you know the procedure cannot be repeated, your brains are in far too deteriorated a condition."
"You! Gave! Me! The! Wrong! Body! — Derek Landy

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Jennifer Probst

You are an amazing woman, Maggie Ryan." He gazed deep into her eyes and told the truth. "Stay with me. — Jennifer Probst

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Sara Jane Stone

Not that all football players are stupid. I mean, you're not stupid." And now the chances that you'll profess your undying love and steal a kiss before leaving are solidly lodged in never-going-to-happen land. "I can be," he said, offering a half smile that quickly faded. "But I'd never hit a girl - or woman." "And which one am I?" she challenged. The corners of his lips turned up. It was amazing how easily his expression slipped into warm and welcoming mode. He'd been all doom and gloom when he'd rushed into the alley, but that wasn't Noah's default. He upped the smile-wattage and gave her a full-blown grin. Was he aware of how inviting he appeared? His smile said come closer and I'll show you . . . "How — Sara Jane Stone

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Angelina Jolie

It makes me feel like a woman. It makes me feel that all the things about my body are suddenly there for a reason. It makes you feel round and supple, and to have a little life inside you is amazing. — Angelina Jolie

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Bethany-Kris

Money might give people all the control and power in the world they can buy, but it doesn't give them what's most important. Designer dresses doesn't give a woman beauty if she's not amazing in her heart. Diamonds won't give her dignity if she has no good in her soul. Education doesn't make a man worthy. A last name won't garner someone respect unless they can work for it. Those are things we earn by being who we are. You are wonderful. — Bethany-Kris

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Mark Andrus

I might be the only person on the face of the earth that knows you're the greatest woman on earth. I might be the only one who appreciates how amazing you are in every single thing that you do, and how you are with Spencer, "Spence," and in every single thought that you have, and how you say what you mean, and how you almost always mean something that's all about being straight and good. I think most people miss that about you, and I watch them, wondering how they can watch you bring their food, and clear their tables and never get that they just met the greatest woman alive. And the fact that I get it makes me feel good, about me. — Mark Andrus

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Denise Hildreth Jones

I have only known you about five months. But you know every piece of my life, all the ugly details. Now I'm asking you to trust me with yours - not because I want to know your stuff, but because I want to know you. What made you this amazing woman that you are, this woman that I've grown to admire and love. I want to know her story. — Denise Hildreth Jones

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Saskia Walker

They are my men and this ship my responsibility. I vowed no woman would ever alter my path. Yet I kept them from ending you, and it makes me sick to the gut, for I would still rather die myself than see one hair on your head damaged by another man. — Saskia Walker

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Kristen Proby

You. Are. Amazing. Meg, I love a woman who looks like a woman. I don't want to be worried that I'll snap you in half, and when I lay on your stomach, I don't want your ribs poking me in the face. — Kristen Proby

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Shonda Rhimes

Standing around like Wonder Woman in the morning can make people think you are more amazing at lunchtime. Crazy. But true. How awesome is that? — Shonda Rhimes

You Are Amazing Woman Quotes By Lauren Bacall

My mother was the greatest example to me of anyone I've ever known. She didn't have an easy life. I adored her. She worked hard all her life, and she was the one who set my values. She was quite an amazing woman, although she wasn't tough at all. — Lauren Bacall