Famous Quotes & Sayings

Yellow Brick Quotes & Sayings

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Top Yellow Brick Quotes

Yellow Brick Quotes By Ashfaq Ishaq

Creativity is the lifeblood of American ingenuity and the yellow brick road to the American Dream. — Ashfaq Ishaq

Yellow Brick Quotes By E.Y. Harburg

Follow the yellow brick road. — E.Y. Harburg

Yellow Brick Quotes By Kami Garcia

Stairway to Hell or Yellow Brick Road? Why don't you give your Magic 8 Ball a shake and see if it's ready to play again. — Kami Garcia

Yellow Brick Quotes By Danielle Paige

That girl has more cracks in her than the road of yellow brickDanielle Paige

Yellow Brick Quotes By Sadiqua Hamdan

Walk on your own yellow brick road. If you can't find one, spray paint your way into happiness. If that doesn't work, buy yellow shoes. — Sadiqua Hamdan

Yellow Brick Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

feel like we're taking a bad trip down a yellow brick road, but what waits for us behind that curtain is no charlatan, rather an enormously powerful, staggeringly dangerous wizard of chaos. — Karen Marie Moning

Yellow Brick Quotes By L. Frank Baum

The road to the City of Emeralds is paved with yellow brick. — L. Frank Baum

Yellow Brick Quotes By Kelly Cutrone

Your dreams are ballbusters; they're not the yellow brick road. — Kelly Cutrone

Yellow Brick Quotes By L. Frank Baum

There were no fences at all by the roadside now, and the land was rough and untilled. Toward evening they came to a great forest, where the trees grew so big and close together that their branches met over the road of yellow brick. It was almost dark under the trees, for the branches shut out the daylight; but the travelers did not stop, and went on into the forest. — L. Frank Baum

Yellow Brick Quotes By John C. McGinley

Kanan is a big road through the Santa Monica Mountains. Between mid-March and mid-April, when you get over to the western side of the mountains, it's populated by Spanish broom - this beautiful, yellow, flowering weed that smells the way I imagine it smells along the Yellow Brick Road. — John C. McGinley

Yellow Brick Quotes By L. Frank Baum

woods. The road was still paved with yellow brick, but these were much covered by dried branches and dead leaves from the trees, and the walking was not at all good. There were few — L. Frank Baum

Yellow Brick Quotes By William Gibson

The yellow Lego was brick-shaped again. Pretending innocence. — William Gibson

Yellow Brick Quotes By Kate Rockland

I thought about the cast of The Wizard of Oz on the yellow brick road and wondered which character I was. Perhaps the Tin Man, in search of a red, pulsating heart. Or at least someone to give it to. — Kate Rockland

Yellow Brick Quotes By Norman Spinrad

Therefore, since I could count on no continuity of sapient will to carry me through, indeed since all that was certain was that I must suffer repeated loss of same in order to maintain my body's vitality, my only course was to accomplish with what I hoped was the greater puissance of conscious craft what I had already once barely managed to achieve by accident of fate.

Which was to use these periods of conscious lucidity to engrave a mantric tropism upon the presentient levels of my mind with perpetual chanting repetition and diligent meditation, so that even when reason and conscious will had once more fled, my Bloomenkind self would, during periods of enforced floral nirvana, be programmed to follow the yellow, to follow the sun that sooner or later must rise during a cycle of such meditations into its percept sphere.

"Follow the sun, follow the yellow, follow the Yellow Brick Road ... — Norman Spinrad

Yellow Brick Quotes By Monika Chiang

If London is the Emerald City, then Los Angeles is what exists at the other end of the yellow brick road. — Monika Chiang

Yellow Brick Quotes By Ray Bolger

How lonely it is going to be now on the Yellow Brick Road. — Ray Bolger

Yellow Brick Quotes By Lewis H. Lapham

Talk about the flag or drugs or crime (never about race or class or justice) and follow the yellow brick road to the wonderful land of consensus. In place of honest argument among consenting adults the politicians substitute a lullaby for frightened children: the pretense that conflict doesn't really exist, that we have achieved the blessed state in which we no longer need politics. — Lewis H. Lapham

Yellow Brick Quotes By William Carlos Williams

It's the anarchy of poverty
delights me, the old
yellow wooden house indented
among the new brick tenements — William Carlos Williams

Yellow Brick Quotes By Brin-Jonathan Butler

If you want to chase a runaway ambulance toward what's left of the American Dream, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao show you that, still, somehow, boxing remains the yellow brick road in our country. — Brin-Jonathan Butler

Yellow Brick Quotes By Jon Degnan

I've walked the yellow brick road with Dorothy. Sneaked through the mines of Moria with the fellowship, conquered the known world with Alexander the great, climbed atop the tower with the last gunslinger and revelled as Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord, all through this chest... — Jon Degnan

Yellow Brick Quotes By Jon Krakauer

The way to Everest is not a Yellow Brick Road. — Jon Krakauer

Yellow Brick Quotes By Andrea Barrett

Not long after he and Margaret were married, he'd complimented her on a pot of yellow blossoms near the front door. She'd laughed, and blushed, and then confessed that weeks earlier, watching him walk around the vegetable garden, she'd slipped out, dug up a brick-sized clump of earth which held the clear impression of his right foot, and tucked it into the flower pot. In that earth she'd planted a chrysanthemum, hoping that as it bloomed year after year so would his love for her. How should he marry again, after that? — Andrea Barrett

Yellow Brick Quotes By Chris Cleave

If one kept the great yellow mounds of smashed brick in the corner of one's eye, then the mind understood them as the contours of nature and forgot its trick of making one unhappy. — Chris Cleave

Yellow Brick Quotes By Sarah Henderson Hay

I told them a thousand times if I told them once:
Stop fooling around, I said, with straw and sticks;
They won't hold up; you're taking an awful chance.
Brick is the stuff to build with, solid bricks.
You want to be impractical, go ahead.
But just remember, I told them; wait and see.
You're making a big mistake. Awright, I said,
But when the wolf comes, don't come running to me.
The funny thing is, they didn't. There they sat,
One in his crummy yellow shack, and one
Under his roof of twigs, and the wolf ate
Them, hair and hide. Well, what is done is done.
But I'd been willing to help them, all along,
If only they'd once admitted they were wrong. — Sarah Henderson Hay

Yellow Brick Quotes By Cathleen Schine

Betty ran to the door in time to see a handsome young man dashing through the rain toward the house beside her daughter, both of them in pants embroidered with sea creatures - blue whales on his yellow pants, pink lobsters on her ill-fitting brick red pants - and matching pastel green cotton sweaters. When did Miranda buy such odd clothes? She imagined the two of them spotting eachother somewhere, kindred spirits, and starting up a conversation about their shared hobby of Extreme Wasp Attire. — Cathleen Schine

Yellow Brick Quotes By Rebecca Clare Smith

I stumble across the sea of tarmac, finding pavement, concealment and a brick wall. Palms brace against the scrubby surface. My stomach churns and then bubbles over, burning my throat as acrid yellow acid spills from my lips in frothy discomposure. It splatters the pavement like a spray of blood. — Rebecca Clare Smith

Yellow Brick Quotes By Samuel Shem

Sometimes, drunk, I ruminate on the state of my liver, and think of all the cirrhotics I have watched turn yellow and die. They either bleed out, raving, coughing up and drowning in blood from ruptured esophageal veins, or, in coma, they slip away, slip blissfully away down the yellow-brick ammonia-scented road to oblivion. — Samuel Shem

Yellow Brick Quotes By Rachel Cohn

I know we're all following the same yellow brick road, looking for that ultimate band, that ultimate night to be remember. — Rachel Cohn

Yellow Brick Quotes By Bijou Hunter

I expected Candy to pick a different rental house. The little yellow one always gets positive comments from broads. Instead, she chose the blocky, brick house. It's the kind of house I'd have picked. Like the fuckwit I've become, I take her choice as a sign that she and I are made for each other. "Why — Bijou Hunter

Yellow Brick Quotes By Grace Jones

I just go with the flow, I follow the yellow brick road. I don't know where it's going to lead me, but I follow it. — Grace Jones

Yellow Brick Quotes By L.M. Fields

It's time to stop following the yellow brick road, use your God given brain, and quit chasing rainbows, because the truth is life's hard, but can be oh so sweet when you choose to own it. — L.M. Fields

Yellow Brick Quotes By Jean-Paul Sartre

Useless, it was useless to get in since I don't want to go anywhere.

Bluish objects pass the windows. In jerks all stiff, and brittle; people, walls; a house offers me its black heart through open windows; and the windows pale, all that is black becomes blue, blue this great yellow brick house advancing uncertainly, trembling, suddenly stopping and taking a nose dive. — Jean-Paul Sartre

Yellow Brick Quotes By Nikki Rowe

I felt you before I knew of your existence, maybe it was a hint from the universe to continue on the yellow brick road, so when I would find you along my travels I would simply just know. — Nikki Rowe

Yellow Brick Quotes By Jill Shalvis

He held up his hand, and in it was ...
Oh, God.
The neon-pink vibrator, glowing in the dark now. It was following her, stalking her, all the way down the yellow brick road to hell. — Jill Shalvis

Yellow Brick Quotes By Joseph O'Neill

The yellow commuter train ran through canal-crossed fields as dull as graph paper. Always one saw evidence of the tiny brick houses that the incontinent municipalities, Voorschoten and Leidschendam and Rijswijk and Zoetermeer, pooped over the rural spaces surrounding The Hague. — Joseph O'Neill

Yellow Brick Quotes By Ryan Stiles

I'd rather drive the yellow brick road, you wouldn't happen to know of a rental car place around. — Ryan Stiles