Words Speak Louder Quotes & Sayings
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Top Words Speak Louder Quotes

They say actions speak louder than words, but actions don't speak. People speak, and people are loud. — Jennette McCurdy

It's been said that actions speak louder than words. Sometimes, it's what you don't say or do, that sends the loudest message. — Carlos Wallace

Music can speak louder than words, and I will use my music to speak out on behalf of children everywhere. — Judy Collins

A woman of mystery is one who also has a certain maturity and whose actions speak louder than words. Any woman can be one, if she keeps those two points in mind. She should grow up-and shut up. — Alfred Hitchcock

Mouth agape, breathing labored, his own eyes bulging, he's unable to form a coherent sentence, remaining annoyingly mute. Men don't realize, they're busted either way they choose to go in times like these. No words scream, "I'm gonna dig my hole deeper if I talk because you'll outsmart me" louder than actual silence. And if they speak? They're right - we will, in fact, one up them until that deceptive foot is shoved directly in their mouth. — Angela Graham

It has been noted that actions speak louder than words. Truth is, I have found that during many situations in life, words are just noise ... and actions are the ONLY things that speak. — Steve Maraboli

Thou we know that hearts cant lie
saying those words but i cannot try
even my mouth dont speak
we all know that action is louder than 'click — Iloveyouliketheocean

Always remember, actions speak louder than words. No one's perfect, but we can all strive to be better people. — Demi Lovato

Actions can speak louder than words but words can sometimes cut deeper than a sword if they come from the right people in our lives. — Christina Estabrook

I've learned from being in the woods that titles don't mean much and that actions speak a lot louder than words - even in Congress. I always look for the people who want to act - people who want to run the river or climb the mountain - even if they're not members of my political party. — Mark Udall

Can we only speak when we are fully living what we are saying? If all our words had to cover all our actions, we would be doomed to permanent silence! Sometimes we are called to proclaim God's love even when we are not yet fully able to live it. Does that mean we are hypocrites? Only when our own words no longer call us to conversion. Nobody completely lives up to his or her own ideals and visions. But by proclaiming our ideals and visions with great conviction and great humility, we may gradually grow into the truth we speak. As long as we know that our lives always will speak louder than our words, we can trust that our words will remain humble. — Henri J.M. Nouwen

Actions speak louder than words. Words cost nothing. Actions can cost everything. — Aleksandra Layland

The care leadership strategy is simple: be a model. Commit yourself to your own personal mastery. Talking about personal mastery may open people's minds somewhat, but actions always speak louder than words. There is nothing more powerful you can do to encourage others in their quest for personal mastery than to be serious in your own quest. — Peter Senge

He worships my skin, and makes soft noises that speak louder than most of the words he's ever said. Like this, he's mine. Completely. It's so clear in the way he watches me. As if he's looking for every new milestone of pleasure while he convinces all of my nerve endings to dance for him. — Leisa Rayven

I never listen to what a person says. I look at what a person does because what they do tells me who they really are. — Patty Houser

In fact, words do speak louder than pictures. Captions do tend to override the evidence of our eyes; but no caption can permanently restrict or secure a picture's meaning. — Susan Sontag

Although actions speak louder than words, I believe it is our intentions that reveal our soul. Refrain from judging others based solely on their words and actions, and seek to know their deepest intentions so that you can know who they truly aspire to be, and support them in becoming the best version of themselves. — Hal Elrod

If actions speak louder than words
I'm the most deafening noise you've heard
I'll be that ringing in your ears
That will stick around for years — Touche Amore

Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, 'I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you. — Dale Carnegie

People say actions speak louder than words, but sometimes it's the words that hurt the most. Actions are easy to ignore, but words hit you right where it hurts. — Sudeep Nagarkar

Actions speak louder than words. Businesses must act. Once the door to social consciousness is opened, bring the spirit of your company through it to affect change. — Brian Solis

Love is one of those topics that plenty of people try to write about but not enough try to do. — Criss Jami

Actions speak louder than words."
Hardly original but judge people by what they do rather than what they say they will do. — Thomas Ullman

Thoughts do more. Words to much. Actions do much more. — Israelmore Ayivor

Talk is cheap. Learn to listen with your eyes. Actions do speak louder than words. Watch what a person does more than what he says. — Robert Kiyosaki

In Zen, actions speak louder than words. Doing is more important than knowing, and knowledge which cannot be translated into action is of little worth. — Thich Thien-An

This world, I have often thought, would be so much a better place if only we took the trouble to misunderstand our enemies a little, give them the benefit of our doubt. In my short life I have found it never does to look too closely into the minds of people: let their actions speak louder than their words. And their inactions loudest of all. — Ashok Ferrey

I pray thee, cease thy counsel,
Which falls into mine ears as profitless
As water in a sieve: give not me counsel;
Nor let no comforter delight mine ear
But such a one whose wrongs do suit with mine:
... for, brother, men
Can counsel and speak comfort to that grief Which they themselves not feel; but, tasting it,
Their counsel turns to passion, which before
Would give preceptial medicine to rage,
Fetter strong madness in a silken thread,
Charm ache with air and agony with words.
No, no; 'tis all men's office to speak patience
To those that wring under the load of sorrow,
But no man's virtue nor sufficiency
To be so moral when he shall endure
The like himself. Therefore give me no counsel:
My griefs cry louder than advertisement. — William Shakespeare

Actions speak louder than words is still the great truth about life. — Marty Rubin

Find congruency between what you say and what you do. As they say, as powerful as words are, actions can sometimes speak louder still. — Malti Bhojwani

A hard working man, is a good husband who make sure his family is well taken care of it with everything, from shelter to luxury, he make your life joyful happy.
A lazy husband make your life miserable, don't mater how any time they say I love you, Action speak louder than words — Zybejta "Beta" Metani' Marashi

I think 'Actions speak louder than words' is one thing, I think, I always took from my mom. And to this day, I think about that in everything I do. — Ginni Rometty

Oh blessed assurance,
Come down, make home with us.
Our hope is high for whats in store,
Come move these feet towards Love. — Kari L. Greenaway

It is certainly true that 'actions speak louder than words,' but words become as monuments to thoughts. — Anton Szandor LaVey

Words not only reflect a person's thoughts and beliefs, but, through their use, can shape a person's values, beliefs, and actions, making them prejudiced without them even realizing it. That means it's not just the case that actions speak louder than words. It's also true, in this society rife with institutionalized discrimination, that results speak louder than intent. — DaShanne Stokes

The words people do not speak are louder than the ones they do. — Mitch Albom

If you are of the opinion that the contemplation of suicide is sufficient evidence of a poetic nature, do not forget that actions speak louder than words. — Fran Lebowitz

Actions speak louder than words. All companies say they care, right? But few actually exercise that care. — Simon Sinek

That's insanity. No other girl is going to come along and distract him. He is absolutely focused on you. We are not interchangeable objects, LEGO pieces that click together just because the parts fit. If he is telling you he wants you, then no one else is going to do. If you can't believe what he's telling you because of whatever your ordeal in the past is, pay attention to what he's showing you. Actions always speak louder than words. — Jay Crownover

We've been taught to believe that actions speak louder than words. But I think words speak pretty loud all of our lives; we carry these words in our head. — Marlo Thomas

The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is the cutting edge of man. — Jacob Bronowski

Jesus Christ said 'by their fruits ye shall know them,' not by their disclaimers. — William S. Burroughs

Let your love, care, and kindness speak louder than your words. — Debasish Mridha

...people can say all kinds of things without ever opening their mouths... — Noah Hawley

So who's more adult- somebody who works like mad to avoid a problem or somebody who works like mad to solve it? — Janet Kagan

I think she's afraid to even hug me now. It's my fault, but I miss it, Andrew. I miss it so much it aches sometimes, you know?'
I do know. I do know, I want to tell him, but I let him talk. And he does, with a gut-wrenching honesty that tears at my heart.
'I want to be held. Is that so wrong? I want to be held, and stroked. I want to know that someone loves me. I want to feel it on my skin.' He looks at the ceiling and exhales, then meets my eyes again. 'But nobody touches me anymore. Not even when I have a fever. Mom just hands me a thermometer now.' He drops his eyes and his ears redden. 'Even when you kiss me, you don't touch me. It's like I'm a leper or something. I can hardly keep my hands off of you, but it's not the same for you, is it? — J.H. Trumble

Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak. — Anthony Of Padua

Speak louder than the words before you, and give them meaning no one else has found. The role we play is so important. — Ian Axel

They say marry the person with whom you are the closest to, the guy with whom you can share your 3 am thoughts with, sitting on a rooftop and discussing random things like why cavemen were hirsute or why the earth isn't a square. The genie who knows what you want before you open your mouth. The angel who reads your mind before you can articulate your thoughts. The friend you can laugh and cry with. The brother whose arms are safer than any amount of security and protection the outside world can provide you. The parent that will support you through thick and thin, no matter what. The soul whose love for them in the river of your heart will never dilute, even when the currents get rough, and the waters, dark. The fellow who would tell you that he loves you every night and spend the day proving it through little gestures that speak much louder than any words of love. The person with whom you can hold hands when you turn eighty and announce to the world- 'we made it! — Faraaz Kazi

Eyes speak louder than words; life is precious; hate is poison; God is the best of all possible friends; silence and time are valuable treasures; happiness can be just as powerful in pretend; and soft licorice is a temptation in any color, especially exotic black. — Richelle E. Goodrich

The time is not there for us to act any more, the time we waited for is here right now for us to act brightly and create a bright future, for the future coming generations. — Auliq Ice

I do believe that actions often speak louder than words. — Annette Gordon-Reed

Actions speak louder than words. There is a big difference between what people say and what they do. People might tell you they are excited about your new product, but when they are in a buying situation their behaviour might be totally different. — Alexander Osterwalder

You never have to second guess a person or your feelings and instincts about that person if you pay attention to their actions, not solely their words - actions always speak louder. — Jody Watley

Obama doesn't run around wearing a Carrie Bradshaw-esque nameplate necklace that says 'Socialist.' But his policies, actions, words, background and associations speak louder than any ID necklace ever could. — Monica Crowley

Actions do not always speak louder than words. — Henry Pepper

Authentic love always assumes the mystery of modesty, even in its expression, because actions speak louder than words. Unlike a feigned love, it feels no need to set a conflagration. — Honore De Balzac

Actions speak louder than voice but words hurt harder than punches — Himmilicious

Rather than wait to be discovered, discover yourself. Whatever it is that you intend to do later, start doing it now, get good at it, and show people what you've done. Actions speak louder than words. — Steve-O

Bolt actions speak louder than words. — Craig Roberts

Actions speak louder than words — Danielle L. Jensen

External actions are evidence of internal beliefs. Our deeds are what show our creeds. — Tim Hiller

Your actions speak so much louder than words. — Mark Twain

Actions speak louder than words, in fact. When we don't take action, we foster the mistaken reality of our old identity. — Eric Samuel Timm

Anyone can complain, and they should have the right to, but if you want to see change you must act. Actions speak louder than words. Don't complain about things, change things. — Benjamin Franklin

Twitch doesn't say much. He doesn't need to. You know that saying actions speak louder than words? His actions are speaking for him. And I like what they're saying. I wonder if he'll let me keep him. — Belle Aurora

There are illusions of popular history which a successful religion must promote: Evil men never prosper; only the brave deserve the fair; honesty is the best policy; actions speak louder than words; virtue always triumphs; a good deed is its own reward; any bad human can be reformed; religious talismans protect one from demon possession; only females understand the ancient mysteries; the rich are doomed to unhappiness. — Frank Herbert

Although actions may speak louder than words, it is our intentions that reveal our soul. — Hal Elrod

Think about it this way
our actions speak truth our words cannot. — Na

Actions speak louder than words. In the days to come the Goddess of Victory will bestow her laurels only on those who prepared to act with daring. — Heinz Guderian

Pay less attention to what men say. Just watch what they do. — Dale Carnegie

Believing isnot enough, Sang Ly. If you want to resurrect hope, doing is the most important. Can you do these things? — Camron Wright

I am not a teacher in my heart," she said. "I am a doer, and all these little shitheads in front of me are do-nothings. There is racism in the world and they acknowledge it, but they sit in class listening to bullshit professors. Give me a bricklayer with a racist attitude. It is just more honest. — Allan Dare Pearce

Writers are people whose words speak louder than their actions. — Shon Mehta

It's said that actions speak louder than words," he went on, "but we still need words. We need to speak and we need to be heard. — Sylvia Day

Words can be said easily, but one can't fake actions. — Jewel

Life is too short to be around someone that says they love you but doesn't show it. — Elizabeth Bourgeret

Actions don't only speak louder than words; actions should be used to interpret words. — Andy Stanley

Actions speak louder than words, but sometimes words has more weight — Anonymous

They don't see what they're doing. The only thing they see are their intentions. — Amy Neftzger

Today you are more inclined to put your ideas and visions into action than usual were you have the ability to express yourself and solve problems alone. — Auliq Ice

Everybody has a personal decision to make but hopefully my actions speak louder than words. — Luke Zeller

Grace is given not to them who speak [their faith] but to those who live their faith. — Gregory Of Nazianzus

Lips and tongues lie. But actions never do. No matter what words are spoken, actions betray the truth of everyone's heart. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Walk the walk ... talk ain't necessary — George Akomas Jr

A wise man once said to me, "Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Actions speak louder than words. Don't just talk about what you plan to do. Make it happen. — Jes Fuhrmann

Be of good spirit, walk in silence, push forth more actions than words. — Henry Johnson Jr

What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. — Ralph Waldo Emerson