Famous Quotes & Sayings

Wong Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wong Quotes

Wong Quotes By David Wong

He whipped the chair around and actually split one of the things in half with the impact, spilling the spray of blood that was reflective, like mercury.
John bellowed, "Anyone else want to donate blood to chair-ity?"
He ducked into the the door and bashed one monster right in the wig, screaming, "There's some dessert! With a chair-y on top! — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

John. I would ask you what you are doing, but I fear you would actually tell me. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Kar-Wai

In my first film, we always tried to have a script and work in a normal way, but I was constantly changing things during shooting. Because I worked as a scriptwriter for 10 years, I understood that directors always wanted to change what was originally written, to improve on it. — Wong Kar-Wai

Wong Quotes By David Wong

The future is what it is," said Largeman. "Your people have been poisoned with the myths of lone men turning the tide, improbable tales of heroes outrunning explosions with their feet. Such tales are forbidden here. Events are laid forth and they cannot be turned. There are no heroes, Mr. Wong. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Harry Wong

Half of what you will accomplish in a day will be determined before you leave home. Three quarters of what you achieve will be determined before you enter the classroom door — Harry Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Sound filled the room, a crystal melody that could lift any human heart and turn away any devil.
It was "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I tried to say something cool, wound up stammering something like, "WANNA YOU WANNA WEENIE ME?" The end kind of trailed off in a shrill, choking warble. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Light-headed, my body trembling from shoes to shoulders in random spells, like I swallowed a vibrator. It's always like this when I'm on the sauce. I dosed six hours ago. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

You want to walk into that funeral and have every dude in that room whip their head around and say, 'God-damn them is some fine-ass titties. I got to find me a divorce lawyer in the next five minutes. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Kiew Kit

While combat efficiency is a primary function of Shaolin Kung Fu, a more immediate and useful benefit in our law-abiding society is attaining radiant health and vitality. — Wong Kiew Kit

Wong Quotes By Benedict Wong

In America, you're just an American. You're accepted. It doesn't matter that you're of whatever race. If anything, I'm British, and that's it. So let's just get on with it, really. — Benedict Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Some would have doubted their sanity at this point, but by now the part of my mind that issued doubts about my sanity had melted from overuse. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I reached for the knob. At the same moment it began to melt and transform, turning pink and finally taking the shape of a flaccid penis. It flopped softly against the door, like a man was cramming it through the knob hole from the other side.
I turned back to John and said, 'That door cannot be opened. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Kar-Wai

I'm not very aware of styles. We never talk about styles before we start shooting, or even during shooting, because I think the film will bring you there. — Wong Kar-Wai

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Velvet Jesus faced a shadow man to my left. Laser beams fired from his eyes. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By BD Wong

Maybe there are logical reasons for a gay person not to have a great relationship with their parents - not because there's a parent who made him gay, but just because it may be difficult to understand everything. — BD Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Kar-Wai

There are certain types of genres that are impossible in China. Ghost stories, something too graphic, too violent, and of course if it's too political. Other than that, it will be fine. — Wong Kar-Wai

Wong Quotes By David Wong

A realization washed over her in that cold, dark space: this was how virtually all living things born on earth have died - with teeth tearing through their muscle and bones. We humans have computers and soap and houses but it doesn't change the fact that everything that walks is nothing but food for something else. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Shun Leung

Self-defense is only an illusion, a dark cloak beneath which lurks a razor-sharp dagger waiting to be plunged into the first unwary victim. Whoever declares that any weapon manufactured today, whether it be a nuclear missile or a .38 special, is created for self-defense should look a little more closely at his own image in the mirror. Either he is a liar or is deceiving himself. — Wong Shun Leung

Wong Quotes By Harry Wong

The single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, it is not poverty - it is the effectiveness of the teacher. — Harry Wong

Wong Quotes By Matt Novak

The United States is primarily a guilt-based culture. The dominant method of social control in this country involves teaching people to feel guilt about not living up to personal expectations. Contrast this with shame-based cultures like Japan. As researchers Ying Wong and Jeanne Tsai explain in their paper, Cultural Models of Shame and Guilt, shame is "associated with the fear of exposing one's defective self to others. Guilt, on the other hand, is associated with the fear of not living up to one's own standards." In this formulation, guilt is based on failing to achieve personal ideals; shame is based on social exposure ["The Anti-Vaccine Movement Should Be Ridiculed, Because Shame Works," Gizmodo, February 6, 2015]. — Matt Novak

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Dave? This is John. Your pimp says bring the heroin shipment tonight, or he'll be forced to stick you. meet him where we buried the Korean whore. The one without the goatee."
That was code. It meant "Come to my place as soon as you can, it's important. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Yishan Wong

I'm not looking to step in and make 'big, bold changes' - I think reddit is great, and the team has a lot of good features already in the pipeline to improve functionality for users and mods, help with subreddit discovery, improve the API, and help bring reddit to more people. — Yishan Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Somewhere, Charles Darwin nodded and smiled a knowing smile. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Benedict Wong

Kublai noticed this uncommon perception that Marco Polo has, with the idea to explain and talk about his country so vividly that he can see it. — Benedict Wong

Wong Quotes By BD Wong

As an actor, I have casting issues. I'm a minority. I don't have trouble making a living, but as far as being on the food chain of the pecking order of actors, I'm not at the top of it. With the jobs that I do, there are always control issues with directors and producers. — BD Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

John cursed himself. Or rather, he
cursed the past version of himself for so
thoughtlessly screwing over the current
version of himself. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Gullibility is a knife at the throat of civilization. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I said, "And then, when those all-American Joes get out and some of them fucking turn into monsters? What happens then?"
Amy said, "Then we will once again err on the side of not letting people be murdered. You take the choice in front of you, and then you keep picking the non-murder choices as long as you can. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

That whole bit was something John had come up with, the man having a terrible habit of carrying out his drunken 3:00 A.M. ideas even after daylight and sobriety came. It was always 3:00 A.M. for John. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Anna May Wong

Every time your picture is taken, you lose a part of your soul. — Anna May Wong

Wong Quotes By Jan Wong

As the past disappears, I keep getting lost. — Jan Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

The horizon was shitting a sun, casting a glow on a layer of fog that was settling in the low areas like puddles of ghost piss. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

The heavy monkey of sleep rested its warm, furry ass on my eyelids. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I said I heard them, it's like a, like a chittering I guess. You hear it, you don't hear it really but you just get the sound in the middle of your head, like an itch. It's not so much like a swarm of bees but more like a crowd, a crowd at a concert because you can pick out words and, I say it out loud and it sounds insane, but you can hear them talking to each other, coordinating. And more than that, you can hear their hate. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Benedict Wong

Bruce Lee has always been a hero of mine, and the choreography in 'Enter The Dragon' is amazing. — Benedict Wong

Wong Quotes By Harry K. Wong

You can accomplish anything with students if you set high expectations for behavior and performance by which you yourself abide. — Harry K. Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

It was a sunrise, a kid's sight of snowfall on a school morning. Hope. That all this can turn out okay, that somehow a tide this big and black can be turned back. Hope like a wildfire, thoughts of presents under a Christmas tree and a smell of cookies coming from a kitchen and a certain look in a girl's eyes that lights you up inside. That beautiful border between nightmare and morning when you realize that all of the monsters menacing you have evaporated like smoke, leaving behind only the warm blanket and the pale sunlight of a Saturday dawn. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Shun Leung

When defeated ask yourself what mistakes invited the attack. This kind of positive thinking any fighter must possess. — Wong Shun Leung

Wong Quotes By David Wong

The zombie looks like a man, walks like a man, eats and otherwise functions fully, yet is devoid of the spark. It represents the nagging doubt that lays deep in the heart of even the most zealous believer: behind all of your pretty songs and stained glass, this is what you really are. Shambling meat. Our true fear of the zombie was never that its bite would turn us into one of them. Our fear is that we are already zombies. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I keep the gun in a hollowed out copy of the Koran. And there the big book was, tossed on the bed, open and gunless. Nothing else disturbed. I mean, they actually checked my Koran to see if there was a gun inside. I knew I was dealing with a sick son of a bitch. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

The reason why Hollywood cranks out so many sequels and adaptations is because the audience is so overwhelmed with choices, the only way to get them in the theater is to give them something familiar. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Kar-Wai

I think the martial arts tradition has a big influence on our generation - we all read these novels when we were very young. — Wong Kar-Wai

Wong Quotes By Nury Vittachi

I'm not asking much,' he said. 'Only a miracle. Can you do this?'
Wong looked down at the briefing papers in front of him for a moment. Then he looked at Tambi in the eye. 'Miracles we have fifteen per cent extra surcharge. Is it okay? — Nury Vittachi

Wong Quotes By David Wong

John's old Caddie had a huge engine that would qualify as a human rights violation if built today. It roared down the road, chugging gas and farting a blue cloud of dinosaur souls. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By B. D. Wong

Because of the accumulation of objects, things are never quite the way I want them to be. There has always been a lack of, well, clarity. — B. D. Wong

Wong Quotes By Yishan Wong

I wish I was CEO of 4chan instead — Yishan Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Kar-Wai

Sometimes, when you're on the streets, certain music inspires you, and then you have a vision. But, at the end of the day, it's a synthesis of visions, so you have to think, as a director, of a scene, or how to deliver a line, or how do this visually. — Wong Kar-Wai

Wong Quotes By David Wong

They came looking for dark and terrible revelations and instead found out something even more dark and terrible: that their lives were trite and boring. I — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Cyril Wong

Soon I find myself squatting on the floor. I am still striking my face; not with my fists this time, but with wide-open hands. I am slapping myself. The sounds I make when my palms meet my cheeks are like an unrelenting round of applause. I am clapping myself. Or clapping for myself. I start to giggle.

All the voices are receding now. I am no longer filled with rage or disappointment. I clap and clap and simply cannot stop. — Cyril Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

The phrase 'sodomized by a bratwurst poltergeist' suddenly flew through my mind. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

There was a sound like a garbage bag of pudding dropped off a tall building onto a sidewalk. Robert had erupted, chunks slapping off the walls in every direction. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

A lot of unemployment, though. We've got two closed factories and a rotting shopping mall that went bankrupt before it ever opened. We're not far from Kentucky, which marks the unofficial border to the South, so one sees more than enough pickup trucks decorated with stickers of Confederate flags and slogans proclaiming their brand of truck is superior to all others. Lots of country music stations, lots of jokes that contain the word "nigger." A sewer system that occasionally backs up into the streets for some unknown reason. Lots and lots of stray dogs around, many with grotesque deformities. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Darynda Jones

What you should be asking yourself," he said, indicating Mr. Wong with a nod as the departed man hovered in my corner, "is why a being that ungodly powerful is hanging out in your apartment. — Darynda Jones

Wong Quotes By Yishan Wong

All of us at reddit work here because we think that reddit is a community like none other. We think it can be a powerful force to change the world for the better. — Yishan Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

My melon soul
Crushed by your Gallagher of apathy — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Show me your knife.' Man don't got a knife, I got no use for him - it's the universal tool. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked "That if Franz Kafka were here his head would explode?"
"Actually, yeah. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

No. He says when you're dealing with any kids of supernatural beings, Gods and Devils and angels, you tend to think about them like hurricanes or earthquakes, some kind of mindless force of nature. But if they're real, then they have minds. They know your name. So even reading about the Devil tips him off, he knows instantly he's being read about and that you're somebody he may have to deal with. And I'm thinking what you did in Vegas went way, way beyond that."
"What 'I' did? What about us? We were both there."
"Yeah but I cut my hair since then. They probably think that was a different guy. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Cyril Wong

It is the teacher's and the lawmaker's responsibility to allow the child to express his feelings about growing up. What happens to a child at that particular age? It is a terribly vulnerable time, and if we provide youths with an environment to
be free, to be expressive, without embarrassing them, without shaming them, they would grow up to be healthy, compassionate adults. Instead, if we force them to "belong, belong, belong," they all become repressed. There is a complete absence of options. — Cyril Wong

Wong Quotes By Beth Grant

The fans of 'Speed' are very different from the fans of 'To Wong Foo,' which are different from 'Donnie Darko.' Look at the classics I've been in: 'No Country for Old Men' ... 'Little Miss Sunshine' ... 'Rain Man' was my first big studio movie! How lucky is that? — Beth Grant

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Of all the dogs I've known in my life, I've never seen a better driver. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

John, let me make one thing clear," Jim said, cutting me off in his most stern, evangelical voice. "Every man is blessed with his gifts from the Lord. One of mine happens to be a penis large enough that, if it had a penis of its own, my penis' penis would be larger than your penis." ...
... "Fuck all of you," John retorted. "You don't even exist. We're all just a figment of my cock's imagination. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I wanted to curl up into a fetal position and start sucking my thumb, let my tears and dripping saliva pool under me.
Sorry. I tried living, tried being sentient. Can't do it. Can't live in the same universe with that. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I didn't cry. And if you think I did, good luck proving it, asshole. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

John trotted up, carrying his satchel. "Yes. Wexler's gone. We need your car."
"What? Why?"
John circled around to the passenger-side door and said, "Car chase. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I feel stretched out, like too little butter scraped over too much waffle. And then it all falls down into one of the waffle holes and there's none left for the rest of the waffle and you sort of have to tilt it to make it run out. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Yishan Wong

Reddit strives to be a community-oriented link-sharing and news site, which means that all our content is submitted and voted on by members of our community. We don't interfere with that process at all, either in an editorial or curation capacity. — Yishan Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Tried to escape, to block out the fact that I was being eaten alive by arachnids. For some reason the only thing I could replace it with was the image of being eaten by tiny clowns. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Somebody said my name, asked if I was okay. I didn't answer, the sound of the commotion dying around me as the heavy monkey of sleep rested its warm, hairy ass on my eyelids. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Brian Wong

Real entrepreneurs do what they say they're going to do, wannabes ask about it and have tons and tons of coffee meetings. — Brian Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

A cockroach has no soul. Yet it runs and eats and shits and fucks and breeds. It has no soul, yet it lives a full life. Just like you. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Something coming back from the dead was almost always bad news. Movies taught me that. For every one Jesus you get a million zombies. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

English should have a word for that feeling you get when you first wake up in a strange room and have no freaking idea where you are.
Hotezzlement? — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I just realized he was phrasing all of his questions as statements. Wasn't there a character in Alice in Wonderland who did that? Did Alice punch him in the face? — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

A clean conscience is expensive, it's the reason most men have to live paycheck to paycheck. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Even if someone decided that the infection rate down there was something less than one hundred percent, and if they could go to a mountaintop and shout it to the world, it wouldn't matter. Because the people want this. They want their neighbors to be monsters. It's why we lust over news stories of mothers murdering their children, and run after conspiracy theories about a government full of greedy sociopaths. If the monsters didn't come, we would have willed them into existence. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Alison Wong

Love is simple, if you allow it to be simple. Julian to Hannah, Take A Chance — Alison Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Kar-Wai

I'm not coming from film school. I learned cinema in the cinema watching films, so you always have a curiosity. I say, 'Well, what if I make a film in this genre? What if I make this film like this?' — Wong Kar-Wai

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Just go. When you're on your deathbed you're gonna wish you could get back all the time you spent waiting on other people. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I'm a productive citizen. Well, not productive, I mean if you add up what I bring to society and what I take out, society probably breaks even. And I'm not crazy. I mean, I know anybody can say that. But a crazy person can't fake sane, right? — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Do the bees know they make the honey for you? Or do they work tirelessly because they think it is their own choice? Have you never noticed that, after hearing a new word for the first time in your life, you'll hear it again within twenty-four hours? Do you ever wonder why sometimes you'll see a single shoe lying along the road? — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I have a friend, Dana, who was in the grocery store one day, and her arm, like, bursts into flame. Just like that. Just her arm. And she's screaming and waving her arm around and around, flames shooting everywhere. Finally the cops showed up and arrested her." "Arrested her? Why did - " "Possession of an unlicensed firearm." A — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

You know how sometimes when you're drifting off to sleep you feel that jolt, like you were falling and caught yourself at the last second? It's nothing to be concerned about, it's usually just the parasite adjusting its grip. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Okay, there is no possible combination of English words that would form a dumber plan than that. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

And you know what happens when a ship gets too many rats on board? It sinks. That's what.
I wondered if a ship had ever really sunk that way. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By BD Wong

I realize it's a cliche, almost, that coming out of the closet is a very healthy and empowering thing to do, but for me, it really has been a truly wonderful thing. — BD Wong

Wong Quotes By Linda Wong

Some people go through life adding years to their life ... others go through life adding life to their years. — Linda Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

I heard a screeching like steam from a teapot, and realized it was me. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Benedict Wong

In Kazahkstan, you would drive five hours outside the city to where roads sort of stop being roads, and it was just in the mountains and deathly quiet. And you could only really hear the clumping of the horses, and it was a sort of a beautiful silence. Like it enveloped you. — Benedict Wong

Wong Quotes By Wong Kar-Wai

My mother has a very big family in Shanghai, so I have, like, almost 40 cousins, so we stayed together all the time. So by the time I get to Hong Kong, I become the only child and the only one surrounded by adults, you know. — Wong Kar-Wai

Wong Quotes By Chi Hong Wong

When we assist Him in His mission of saving souls, we too will be rescued in the process. — Chi Hong Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

You take risks; you get hurt. And you put your head down and plow forward anyway and if you die, you die. That's the game. But don't tell me you're not a hero. You walk away, you're choosing to walk away. Whatever bad things happen as a result, you're choosing to let them happen. You can lie to yourself, say that you never had a choice, that you weren't cut out for this. But deep down you'll know. You'll know that humans aren't cut out for anything. We cut ourselves out. Slowly, like a rusty knife. Because otherwise, here's what's going to happen: you're going to die and you're going to stand at the gates of judgement and you're going to ask God what was the meaning of it all, and God will say, 'I created the universe, you little shit. It was up to you to give it meaning. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

A day and a half ago I was at work playing browser games on the PC and trying to think of what to get Amy for her birthday. Suddenly it's the freaking apocalypse. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Hmmm . . . what would Marcy's boobs do in this situation? — David Wong

Wong Quotes By Benedict Wong

I feel like we are reintroducing historical figures, with the explorer Marco Polo and the grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, the ruler of the Mongol empire, the trading place that everybody wanted to get involved in. — Benedict Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Antidepressants. The thought of this girl actually being depressed made me want to grab the whole planet and throw it into the sun. Well, more than usual anyway. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Scientists talk about dark matter, the invisible, mysterious substance that occupies the space between stars. Dark matter makes up 99.99 percent of the universe, and they don't know what it is. Well I do. It's apathy. That's the truth of it; pile together everything we know and care about in the universe and it will still be nothing more than a tiny speck in the middle of a vast black ocean of Who Gives a Fuck. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

Marconi said, "I see you have your instruments. Can any of you sing? The old spirituals work best."
John said, "I can sing."
I said, "No, you can't, John."
"Well, I play the guitar."
"So can I," said Big Jim. "We have two guitars."
I said, "This could not be any stupider."
John said, "Dave, you remember the words to 'Camel Holocaust'?"
"Ah, once again, you prove me wrong, John. — David Wong

Wong Quotes By David Wong

the jet stream undulating over us like an angry snake god. — David Wong