Famous Quotes & Sayings

Wobegon Lake Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wobegon Lake Quotes

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

I write for a radio show that, no matter what, will go on the air Saturday at five o'clock central time. You learn to write toward that deadline, to let the adrenaline pick you up on Friday morning and carry you through, to cook up a monologue about Lake Wobegon and get to the theater on time. — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

We have nearly complete misunderstanding between people of different faiths in Lake Wobegon, and that's probably one reason why we get along so very well. It's when you are trying to convince another person to think the same way that you do that there is friction and trouble between people. But when you feel that the other person is dumber than dirt, too dumb for words - why waste your breath - you get along pretty well. There's no bond between people that's quite so strong as when people each feel slightly superior towards the other one. — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Jurgen Moltmann

With every righteous action, we prepare the way for the New Earth on which righteousness will dwell. And bringing justice to those who suffer violence means to bring the light of God's future to them. — Jurgen Moltmann

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

In Lake Wobegon, we don't forget mistakes. — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Luc De Clapiers

Necessity relieves us from the embarrassment of choice. — Luc De Clapiers

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Henry Rollins

You have to realize there are other people, other economies, governments, cultures, religions, and destinies going on at the same time as yours. You have to widen the scope of your lens and start seeing more. — Henry Rollins

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

I ran a constant low fever waiting for my ride to come and take me away to something finer. I lay in bed at night, watching the red beacon on top of the water tower, a clear signal to me of the beauty and mystery of a life that waited for me far away, and thought of Housman's poem,
"Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom upon the bough.
It stands among the woodland ride,
Wearing white for Eastertide.
Now, of my three-score years and ten,
Twenty will not come again ... "
and would have run away to where people would appreciate me, had I known of such a place, had I thought my parents would understand. But if I had said, "Along the woodland I must go to see the cherry hung with snow," they would have said, "Oh,no, you don't. You're going to stay right here and finish up what I told you to do three hours ago. Besides, those aren't cherry trees, those are crab apples. — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

If you can't trust your can opener, then what? Is your wastebasket going to get you? — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

A boy wrote me once to say that he loved it when the news from Lake Wobegon came on the radio because it meant that his parents stopped arguing. That was an eye-opener for me. You work hard to polish your act and then you find out that it does people good in ways you couldn't predict. — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Howard Schubiner

To summarize, when we experience difficult or stressful situations, especially if we have had significant stresses earlier in life and if we are unable to express or show how we feel, we will be at risk for our bodies to experience pain. — Howard Schubiner

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Seanan McGuire

When you're late in a fairy tale, people wind up dead. And not true-love's-kiss, glass-coffin-nap-time dead. Really dead, the kind of dead you don't recover from. — Seanan McGuire

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

Lake Wobegon, the little town that time forgot and the decades cannot improve. — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

Before the world was made, when it was only darkness and mist and waters, God was well aware of Lake Wobegon, my family, our house, and He had me all sketched out down to what size my feet would be (big), which bike I would ride (Schwinn), and the five ears of corn I'd eat for supper that night. — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Garrison Keillor

If you can't trust your can open, then what? — Garrison Keillor

Wobegon Lake Quotes By Erin Hunter

No kit is too young to learn good hunting skills." Gray — Erin Hunter