Famous Quotes & Sayings

Wise Mothers Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wise Mothers Quotes

Wise Mothers Quotes By Fanny Kelly

Mother! what a world of affection is comprised in that single word; how little do we in the giddy round of youthful pleasure and folly heed her wise counsels. How lightly do we look upon that zealous care with which she guides our otherwise erring feet, watches with feelings which none but a mother can know the gradual expansion of our youth to the riper yours of discretion. We may not think of it then, but it will be recalled to our minds in after years, when the gloomy grave or a fearful living separation has placed her far beyond our reach, and her sweet voice of sympathy and consolation for the various ills attendant upon us sounds in our ears no more. How deeply then we regret a thousand deeds that we have done contrary to her gentle admonitions! How we sign for those days once more, that we may retrieve what we have done amiss and make her kind heart glad with happiness! Alas! once gone they can never be recalled, and we grow mournfully sad with the bitter reflection. — Fanny Kelly

Wise Mothers Quotes By Charles Dickens

There's not a Hand in this town, sir, man, woman, or child, but has one ultimate object in life. That object is, to be fed on turtle soup and venison with a gold spoon. Now, they're not a-going - none of 'em - ever to be fed on turtle soup and venison with a gold spoon. — Charles Dickens

Wise Mothers Quotes By Erich Fromm

[E]thical principles stand above the existence of the nation and that by adhering to these principles an individual belongs to the community of all those who share, who have shared, and who will share this belief. — Erich Fromm

Wise Mothers Quotes By Karin Rahbek

Real women have children, wise women choose for themselves. — Karin Rahbek

Wise Mothers Quotes By Louisa May Alcott

This household happiness did not come all at once, but John and Meg had found the key to it, and each year of married life taught them how to use it, unlocking the treasuries of real home love and mutual helpfulness, which the poorest may possess, and the richest cannot buy. This is the sort of shelf on which young wives and mothers may consent to be laid, safe from the restless fret and fever of the world, finding loyal lovers in the little sons and daughters who cling to them, undaunted by sorrow, poverty, or age, walking side by side, through fair and stormy weather, with a faithful friend, who is, in the true sense of the good old Saxon word, the 'house-band,' and learning, as Meg learned, that a woman's happiest kingdom is home, her highest honor the art of ruling it not as a queen, but as a wise wife and mother. — Louisa May Alcott

Wise Mothers Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

What is the argument which he uses to encourage me? Why, it is his own victory. He says, "I have overcome the world." His battle was much more severe than mine. I have not yet resisted unto blood. Why do I despair of overcoming? See, my soul, the enemy has been once overcome. I fight with a beaten foe. O world, Jesus has already vanquished thee; and in me, by his grace, he will overcome thee again. Therefore am I of good cheer, and sing unto my conquering Lord. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Wise Mothers Quotes By Robyn Benincasa

If there's anyone out there who has taken extreme to a new level, its Joe De Sena - in adventure racing, in business, and ultimately in the business of adventure! Spartan Up! is must-read. — Robyn Benincasa

Wise Mothers Quotes By Terri Allison

In ancient times, coming-of-age girls sought guidance from the wise women in their communities, but girls today are most often guided by their peers, the media, and a culture that does not honor or support them. It is a time in which girls often disconnect from themselves and start to separate from their mothers. As we begin to create more meaningful and authentic lives for ourselves, we have an opportunity for parallel journeys of growth with our daughters, journeys that would allow us to share our wisdom with them. — Terri Allison

Wise Mothers Quotes By Azar Nafisi

These women, genteel and beautiful, are the rebels who say no to the choices made by silly mothers, incompetent fathers (there are seldom any wise fathers in Austen's novels) and the rigidly orthodox society. They risk ostracism and poverty to gain love and companionship, and to embrace that elusive goal at the heart of democracy: the right to choose. — Azar Nafisi

Wise Mothers Quotes By Bassem Youssef

Islam's not just about covering your hair. It's about how you treat other people. — Bassem Youssef

Wise Mothers Quotes By James St. James

And so it came to pass that i was strapped to a gurney and covered in raw liver and slabs of beef that very quickly turned rancid under the bright spotlights. there exists a videotape somewhere that documents me being wheeled about the dance floor by two burly "orderlies," while i desperately search for a bathroom big enough to accommodate the stretcher so i can do a bump of cocaine. watching me retch from the decomposing meat, and simultaneously fiend for drugs, makes for an entertaining time, indeed.
when i told my mother the extremes i went to in order to make a living, she just shook her head and said, "now don't you wish you'd finished college, dear?"
mothers are so wise, sometimes. — James St. James

Wise Mothers Quotes By Allan Bloom

Fathers and mothers have lost the idea that the highest aspiration they might have for their children is for them to be wise
as priests, prophets or philosophers are wise. Specialized competence and success are all that they can imagine. — Allan Bloom

Wise Mothers Quotes By Thomas Sowell

If a word means everything, then in means nothing. — Thomas Sowell

Wise Mothers Quotes By Teri Terry

Turn around? No. Keep going, it's the only way to make sure I don't end up going back and forth. — Teri Terry

Wise Mothers Quotes By James A. Murphy

Some will and some won't, some do and some don't. If you won't and you don't, then you have no one else to blame. If you will and you do, the world will beat a path to your doorstep ... — James A. Murphy

Wise Mothers Quotes By Robert Goolrick

But there was no use. There was no point. It was just a story. It was just a story of people, of Ralph and Emilia and Antonio and Catherine and the mothers and the fathers who had died, too soon or late, of people who had hurt one another as much as people can do, who had been selfish and not wise, and had become trapped inside the bitter walls of memories they wished they had never had. It — Robert Goolrick

Wise Mothers Quotes By Robin Bridges

Xenia was still laughing at us when her brother walked over. "Georgi, do you remember when Katerina Alexandrovna and Dariya Yevgenienva brought the kitten to the ball?"
I hadn't noticed the grand duke approaching. Dariya curtsied prettily. "Katiya's mother wouldn't let us play together anymore after that."
"I thought your mother disallowed it," I said, surprised.
"Both mothers were very wise," George Alexandrovich said, his lips pressed tightly together, almost as if he was trying not to smile. "You two are an extremely dangerous duo."
"Nonsense." Dariya smiled. "Nothing bad has happened tonight."
The grand duke was looking straight at me when he said, "But the night is young. — Robin Bridges

Wise Mothers Quotes By William F. Buckley Jr.

For people who like that sort of thing, that's the sort of thing they like. — William F. Buckley Jr.

Wise Mothers Quotes By Anne Tyler

He thought of dying as a kind of adventure, something new that he hadn't yet experienced. Like an unusual vacation trip. — Anne Tyler

Wise Mothers Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

With the gentle force of their words, the dogged warmth of their embrace, and the assuring touch of souls softly bared, mothers are silently shaping whole societies and authoring entire cultures that sit poised on the horizon of the future. And although we ignorantly relegate such roles to some lower caste status, we would be wise to understand that the role of a mother sets the cadence of the future. — Craig D. Lounsbrough