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When All Hope Is Gone Quotes & Sayings

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Top When All Hope Is Gone Quotes

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Laurel A. Rockefeller

Love for the beauty of the soul.
I shall love you always.
When the flower of life has gone,
ever I shall find you.
When all is lost and winter comes,
I shall be your spring time.
And memory fades and wilts then,
I shall always find you ...
I shall always find you ... — Laurel A. Rockefeller

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Diana Gabaldon

But Mama
at first I tried to pretend she was only gone, like on a trip. And then when I couldn't do that anymore, I tried to believe she was dead.' Her nose was running, from emotion, whisky, or the heat of the tea. Roger reached for the tea towel hanging by the stove and shoved it across the tabe to her. 'She isn't, though.' She picked up the towel and wiped angrily at her nose. 'That's the trouble! I have to miss her all the time, and know that I'll never see her again, but she isn't even dead! How can I mourn for her, when I think-when I hope-she's happy where she is, when I made her go? — Diana Gabaldon

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Emily Rodda

Seven hearts the journey make.
Seven ways the hearts will break.
Bravest heart will carry on
When sleep is death, and hope is gone.
Look in the fiery jaws of fear
And see the answer white and clear,
Then throw away all thoughts of home,
For only then your quest is done. — Emily Rodda

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

When every hope is gone, 'when helpers fail and comforts flee,' I find that help arrives somehow, from I know not where. Supplication, worship, prayer are no superstition; they are acts more real than the acts of eating, drinking, sitting or walking. It is no exaggeration to say that they alone are real, all else is unreal. — Mahatma Gandhi

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Ray Lamontagne

And when all your faith is gone let it be me, if it's a friend you need let it be me — Ray Lamontagne

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

She felt a sudden, unexpected surge of hope. Despite the tragedy they'd all gone through, this was what a happy family looked like; this, she thought, is what a loving family did when they were together. For them, it was nothing but an ordinary day on an ordinary weekend, but for her, there was something revelatory about the notion that wonderful moments like these existed. And that maybe, just maybe, it would be possible for her to experience similar days in the future. — Nicholas Sparks

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Nickelback

When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on — Nickelback

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Lynn Austin

While I don't have to leave home to find God's oasis, I do have to search for it, pursuing God in prayer and trusting Him to take care of me when all other hope is gone. He promised that "If ... you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 4:29). — Lynn Austin

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By King Hussein I

All what we hope for is that a day will come, when we have all gone, when people will say that this man has tried, and his family tried. This is all there is to seek in this world. — King Hussein I

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Lydia Davis

The Dog Hair The dog is gone. We miss him. When the doorbell rings, no one barks. When we come home late, there is no one waiting for us. We still find his white hairs here and there around the house and on our clothes. We pick them up. We should throw them away. But they are all we have left of him. We don't throw them away. We have a wild hope - if only we collect enough of them, we will be able to put the dog back together again. — Lydia Davis

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Megan Whalen Turner

The gold was a gift; you said so yourself."
"You are a woman," Nahuseresh said very gently. "You do not understand the world of kings and emperors, you do not understand the nature of their gifts."
"Nahuseresh, if there is one thing a woman understands, it is the nature of gifts. They are bribes when threats will not avail. Your emperor cannot attack this coast unprovoked; the treaties with the greater nations of this Continent prevent him. All he can do is stir up an ugly three-way war and hope to be invited in as an ally, and I did not invite him." The queen shook her head. "The problem with bribes, Nahuseresh, is that after your money is gone, threats still do not avail."
Nahuseresh stared, seeing a queen he hadn't guessed existed. — Megan Whalen Turner

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Barry Lyga

See, forgiveness doesn't happen all at once. It's not an event
it's a process. Forgiveness happens while you're asleep, while you're dreaming, while you're inline at the coffee shop, while you're showering, eating, farting, jerking off. It happens in the back of your mind, and then one day you realize that you don't hate the person anymore, that your anger has gone away somewhere. And you understand. You've forgiven them. You don't know how or why. It sneaked up on you. It happened in the small spaces between thoughts and in the seconds between ideas and blinks. That's where forgiveness happens. Because anger and hatred, when left unfed, bleed away like air from a punctured tire, over time and days and years. Forgiveness is stealth. At least, that's what I hope. — Barry Lyga

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Don DeLillo

And what do you remember, finally, when everyone has gone home and the streets are empty of devotion and hope, swept by river wind? Is the memory thin and bitter and does it shame you with its fundamental untruth--all nuance and wishful silhouette? Or does the power of transcendence linger, the sense of an event that violates natural forces, something holy that throbs on the hot horizon, the vision you crave because you need a sign to stand against your doubt? — Don DeLillo

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Tony Parsons

Love is what's left when being in love has gone, okay? It's when you care about someone and you hope they're happy, but you're not under any illusions about them. Maybe that kind of love is not exciting and passionate and all those things that fade with time. All those things that you're so keen on. But in the end it's the only kind of love that really matters. — Tony Parsons

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Shannon Noelle Long

Put that thing down, girl. Don't you know it steals part of your soul, that little mechanical masterpiece you hold so frivolously? Don't you know it's not just mine it seals into its gears and trick mirrors, but yours, too. What you feel at this moment, what you hope for, what your dreams are, what you think your future will unfold like, it steals it all from you, too. You aren't safe just because of the side of the lens you're on. And later, when everything is said and done, and you want to forget everything that happened in these walls, when you're all alone, this picture, this piece of your soul you didn't even know was gone, will haunt you. It will come bearing knives and AKs and nine millimeters, and it will destroy you from the inside out. Put that damned thing down and stop acting like any of this is something worth remembering. — Shannon Noelle Long

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Lynn Austin

Bitterness is one of the deadliest emotions we ever feel. You can't look forward when you're bitter, only backward - thinking about what you've lost, stuck in the past, despairing because it's gone. In the end, it devours all hope. — Lynn Austin

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Barbara Elsborg

Know that when you have love and lose it, it takes time to survive the pain. Your heart doesn't want to accept it. You cling to every bit of hope, and while you're still together, you listen for a kind word, for a smile aimed at you, the slightest look that you're something worth fighting for. And even when all hope is gone, the flame is never completely extinguished. — Barbara Elsborg

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By John Steinbeck

When shoes and clothes and food, when hope is gone we'll all have the rifle. — John Steinbeck

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Naomi Judd

Hope is a gift we give ourselves, and it remains when all else is gone. — Naomi Judd

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Michael Robotham

There is a moment when all hope disappears, all pride is gone, all expectation, all faith, all desire. I own that moment. It belongs to me. That's when I hear the sound, the sound of a mind breaking. It's not a loud crack like when bones shatter or a spine fractures or a skull collapses. And it's not something soft and wet like a heart breaking. It's a sound that makes you wonder how much pain a person can endure; a sound that shatters memories and lets the past leak into the present; a sound so high that only the hounds of hell can hear it. Can you hear it? Someone is curled up in a tiny ball crying softly into an endless night. — Michael Robotham

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Kirsten Beyer

All is as it was," she said softly to the young Q. Turning to Janeway, she added, "Humanity is a stubborn thing, Kathryn Janeway. It hopes, even when all hope is gone. — Kirsten Beyer

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Joan M. Drury

When we mourn our parents, we mourn the parents we had as well as the ones we never had. With death, all bets are off: the last chance at reconciliation or change or hope is gone. Whatever relationship we had with our parents, that's it. No more chances for something else. — Joan M. Drury

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Jane Austen

We women love longest even when all hope is gone. — Jane Austen

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Alexander MacLaren

God looks on the upright, as has been said; and the upright shall gaze on Him ... That mutual gaze is blessedness. They who looking up behold Jehovah are brave to front all foes and to keep calm hearts in the midst of alarms. Hope burns like a pillar of fire in them when it is gone out in others; and to all the suggestions of their own timidity or of others they have the answer, In the Lord have I put my trust; how say ye to my soul, Flee? Here I stand; I can do no otherwise. God help me. Amen. — Alexander MacLaren

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Dallin H. Oaks

When all other hope is gone, our Father in Heaven provides the Lamb of God, and we are saved by his sacrifice. — Dallin H. Oaks

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Marilynne Robinson

I think hope is the worst thing in the world. I really do. It makes a fool of you while it lasts. And then when it's gone, it's like there's nothing left of you at all ... except what you can't be rid of. — Marilynne Robinson

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Bill Glass

Like many others who have gone into prisons and jails with us, Chuck and Carol Middlekauff demonstrate what our ministry is all about. We train Christian 'teammates' to share the good news and love of Christ with 'the least of these' so they can continue to do it with others they encounter as they go along. In this book, Carol has written the stories of some of those encounters so you can appreciate how easy it is to tell people about Jesus. It happens when you realize God does all the work, and all you have to do is show up. I hope you will be encouraged by reading the book and then join us soon for a Weekend of Champions to find out for yourself."
Bill Glass, retired NFL all-pro defensive end, evangelist, founder of Bill Glass Champions for Life prison ministries, and author of numerous books, including The Healing Power of a Father's Blessing and Blitzed by Blessings — Bill Glass

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Cherie Hill

When you feel as though your life is falling apart, it's really just falling into place in the hands of God. He's taking your "Ending" and transforming it into His "Beginning." When all hope is gone . . . there is faith. — Cherie Hill

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Samuel Rutherford

Do not focus your thoughts among the confused wheels of secondary causes, as -'O if this had been, this had not followed!' Look up to the master motion of the first wheel. In building, we see hewn stones and timbers under hammers and axes, yet the house in this beauty we do not see at the present, but it is in the mind of this builder. We also see unbroken clods, furrows, and stones, but we do not see the summer lilies, roses, and the beauty of a garden. Even so we do not presently see the outcome of God's decrees with his blessed purpose. It is hard to believe when his purpose is hidden and under the ground. Providence has a thousand keys to deliver his own even when all hope is gone. Let us be faithful and care for our own part, which is to do and suffer for him, and lay Christ's part on himself and leave it there; duties are ours, events are the Lord's. — Samuel Rutherford

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Jandy Nelson

Jude is my favorite of all the saints," he says. "Patron saint of lost causes. The saint to call on when all hope is gone. The one in charge of miracles. — Jandy Nelson

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Kate Forsyth

And what do you think true love is? her father had asked her. 'Loving even when all hope is gone,' she had answered. — Kate Forsyth

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Mercedes Lackey

What is courage?" its chorus asked
and the song answered, "It is to give when hope is gone, when there is no chance that men may call you a hero, when you have tried and failed and rise to try again." It asked the same of friendship, answering that "the friend stands beside you when you are right and all others despise you for it. — Mercedes Lackey

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Jane Austen

The one claim I shall make for my own sex is that we love longest, when all hope is gone. — Jane Austen

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Kabir

The guest is inside you, and also inside me;
you know the sprout is hidden inside the seed.
We are all struggling; none of us has gone far.
Let your arrogance go, and look around inside.
The blue sky opens out farther and farther,
the daily sense of failure goes away,
the damage I have done to myself fades,
a million suns come forward with light,
when I sit firmly in that world.
I hear bells ringing that no one has shaken,
inside "love" there is more joy than we know of,
rain pours down, although the sky is clear of clouds,
there are whole rivers of light.
The universe is shot through in all parts by a single sort of love.
How hard it is to feel that joy in all our four bodies!
Those who hope to be reasonable about it fail.
The arrogance of reason has separated us from that love.
With the word "reason" you already feel miles away. — Kabir

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Matthew Polly

[ ... ] it doesn't take much courage to fight when you still believe you can win. What takes real courage is to keep fighting when all hope is gone. — Matthew Polly

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Jane Austen

If I may, so long as the woman you love lives, and lives for you, all the privilege I claim for my own sex, and it is not a very enviable one - you need not covet it, is that of loving longest when all hope is gone. — Jane Austen

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By F.K. Preston

The truth is there isn't anything to me at all. All I know is that I can't sleep well, I can't dream well and I'm quite in love with you. That's all there is to me. My greatest feature is my admiration for you. I know it's not healthy. Like my insomnia. Like my dreamless nights. You make living alright. My nightmares come when I think of a night without Valeria. That's when I realise you're dead. That's when I remember you've been gone for years. That's when I remember I'm awake. And I wait for this dream called Life to leave me to my peace once and for all and forever. — F.K. Preston

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Charlie Higson

Now he was gone.
She said a silent prayer. Sent it up to heaven.
Sam, if you can hear me, I hope you've got nice food where you are. Some vegetables like these. They're meant to be good for you. So eat them all up, like I'm doing. When I die I'll come and see you, and we'll be together again. But for now I'm going to think of you safe and happy and playing knights with a friend.
Love from Ella. Your sister.
P.S. I got a good long turn with Godzilla today after we got here. Godzilla is very happy.
P.P.S. I forgot, you never met Godzilla. He is a puppy and is very cute. He belonged to a boy called Joel who got killed by monkeys. I think the monkeys were sick. Monkeys are usually nice. At least in stories.
P.P.P.S. Maybe you'll meet Joel where you are. Say hello. He is nice.
P.P.P.P.S. Good night, Sam. The others call you Small Sam. To me you're just Sam - my brother.
I miss you. I wish I was with you. — Charlie Higson

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Jane Austen

Oh!" cried Anne eagerly, "I hope I do justice to all that is felt by you,
and by those who resemble you. God forbid that I should undervalue
the warm and faithful feelings of any of my fellow-creatures!
I should deserve utter contempt if I dared to suppose that true attachment
and constancy were known only by woman. No, I believe you capable
of everything great and good in your married lives. I believe you equal
to every important exertion, and to every domestic forbearance,
so long as
if I may be allowed the expression
so long as you have
an object. I mean while the woman you love lives, and lives for you.
All the privilege I claim for my own sex (it is not a very enviable one;
you need not covet it), is that of loving longest, when existence
or when hope is gone. — Jane Austen

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Ellen J. Barrier

When all hope is gone and your back is against the wall, 'Pray.'
Ask God to guide you and he will take good care of you. — Ellen J. Barrier

When All Hope Is Gone Quotes By Sylvia Boorstein

All losses are sad. The end of an important relationship is also a death. When people fall out of love with each other, or when what seemed like a solid friendship falls into ruin, the hope for a shared future
a hope that provided a context and a purpose to life
is gone. [p. 149] — Sylvia Boorstein