Famous Quotes & Sayings

Wheelmen Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wheelmen Quotes

Wheelmen Quotes By Earl Swift

Cyclists thus found their hobby not as pleasant as it could be, to say the least, and the League of American Wheelmen committed to doing something about it. A year after Fisher opened his store, the league launched a magazine, Good Roads, that became an influential mouthpiece for road improvement. Its articles were widely reprinted, which attracted members who didn't even own bikes; at the group's peak, Fisher and more than 102,000 others were on the rolls, and the Good Roads Movement was too big for politicians to ignore. Yes, the demand for roads was pedal-powered, and a national cause even before the first practical American car rolled out of a Chicopee, Massachusetts, shop in 1893. A few months ahead of the Duryea Motor Wagon's debut, Congress authorized the secretary of agriculture to "make inquiry regarding public roads" and to investigate how they might be improved. — Earl Swift

Wheelmen Quotes By Film Crit Hulk!

When you start crafting a story and characters, there is something so crazy important that you must always keep it in the back of your mind: there is no single force on this planet more powerful than that of empathy ... Hulk knows your likely counter already: "Oh yeah, Hulk? Well what about Galactus! Galactus is totally the most powerful!!!!" Pssssh. How does Galactus get defeated? It's because Alicia Masters appeals to the Silver Surfer's sense of empathy, which causes him to join the Fantastic Four and defeat his former master! Empathy, bitches. Empathy. — Film Crit Hulk!

Wheelmen Quotes By Katie Kacvinsky

If you never leave where you come from, I don't think you'll ever figure out who you are, because how much is forced on you? How much of your personality is imposed instead of created? That's why I left. I think people need to leave in order to find their potential. — Katie Kacvinsky

Wheelmen Quotes By Napoleon Bonaparte

I haven't known 6 days of happiness in my life. — Napoleon Bonaparte

Wheelmen Quotes By Miguel Angel Ruiz

The only reason you are happy is because you choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice, and so is suffering. — Miguel Angel Ruiz

Wheelmen Quotes By Dolora Zajick

The best way to tell somebody how to figure out how to relax the tongue is to just say, well, notice where it is when you aren't doing anything. That's the relaxed tongue. It's not about putting it somewhere. It's about letting it be where it wants to go. — Dolora Zajick

Wheelmen Quotes By Tennessee Williams

Perhaps the most vivid recollection of my youth is that of the local wheelmen, led by my father, stopping at our home to eat pone, sip mint juleps, and flog the field hands. This more than anything cultivated my life-long aversion to bicycles. — Tennessee Williams