Famous Quotes & Sayings

Wen Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wen Quotes

Wen Quotes By Leana Wen

It used to be that people went to their doctor to find out what was wrong. That was the expectation when someone made an appointment with their local family doctor: they wanted to know what they had and how they could feel better. Ear infection: what should I take? Pulled muscle: what should I do? Broken ankle: how can you fix it? Over the years, something happened to this common sense approach. "Algorithms" and "pathways" have proliferated in ways that have reduced each person's unique story to simplistic recipes. More often than not, this cookbook approach ends up telling patients what they don't have - which, while potentially reassuring, does not result in a real diagnosis.1 — Leana Wen

Wen Quotes By Liu Wen

No one else in my family works in the fashion industry. — Liu Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

Socialism, as I understand it, is a system of democracy. Without democracy, there is no socialism. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Khaled Hosseini

These random unkind moment that catch you wen you least expect them. — Khaled Hosseini

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

I believe I and all the Chinese people have such a conviction that China will make continuous progress and the people's wishes for and needs for democracy and freedom are irresistible. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Wen Ho Lee

I feel that racial profiling may be a very complicated and long-standing problem. It will take a long time even to make tiny progress. — Wen Ho Lee

Wen Quotes By Liu Wen

I never wore high heels in my hometown. — Liu Wen

Wen Quotes By Benebell Wen

Tarot helps us look within ourselves to understand our emotions, the reasoning behind our words and conduct, and the source of our conflicts. — Benebell Wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I've loved all forms of animation. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Guy Gavriel Kay

We will pick our way through the shards of broken objects folly leaves behind. And some of what breaks will be very beautiful. — Guy Gavriel Kay

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I'm not one of those actresses that's going to feel like I never achieved my dreams and goals and just get disgruntled and hate everything about the business. I've had so much fun. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

Just because we haven't seen a dragon, doesn't mean dragons don't exist." Louise stated the logic of why the scientists were reluctant to commit to a theory. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Liu Wen

Every makeup artist or stylist with whom I work has many special ideas, tips, and creations. I can always learn so much from them. — Liu Wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

Being a sci-fi geek, it was just lovely to be on a show where I pretend I'm in outer space. That's always been my dream: to pretend to be out in space or actually be out in space. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

When I grew up in Pittsburgh in my parents' restaurant, I was almost like a country bumpkin. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Chi Wen

Live to write. Write to inspire. Inspire to write. — Chi Wen

Wen Quotes By T.A. Barron

Hy gododin catann hue Hud a lledrith mal wyddan Gaunce ae bellawn wen cabri Varigal don Fincayra Dravia, dravia Fincayra (Talking trees and walking stones, Giants aare the island's bones. While this land our dance still knows, Varigal crowns Fincayra. Live long, live long Fincayra. — T.A. Barron

Wen Quotes By Lee Wen

Lines that are drawn makes merely drawings which is Art separated from Life. — Lee Wen

Wen Quotes By Claire Vaye Watkins

Nature had refused to offer herself to them. The water, the green, the mammalian, the tropical, the semitropical, the leafy, the verdant, the motherloving citrus, all of it was denied them and had been denied them so long that with each day, each project, it became more and more impossible to conceive of a time wen it had not been denied them. The prospect of Mother Nature opening her legs and inviting Los Angeles back into her ripeness was, like the disks of water shimmering in the last foothill reservoirs patrolled by the National Guard, evaporating daily. — Claire Vaye Watkins

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

We treat China as a normal trading and economic partner. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

Both my parents are chefs ... I grew up in a restaurant and was always surrounded by cooks. I love food. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Jessica Page Morrell

...I've been ripped off, lied to, slandered, gossiped about slapped, falsely accused, and had my truths not believed. I've had my heart broken, had my pride stomped on, witnessed unforgivable acts, and heard words that hurt so much I withed that they would not replay in my head, but they did. In all these moments--some tear-soaked, some life-defining, but all character-building moments--I have felt vulnerable.
And I believe these feelings of vulnerability--when a person feels scared and alone and overwhelmed and pissed off, wen the sting of unfairness bites deep--while miserable to live through, are the basis for writing compelling fiction. — Jessica Page Morrell

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

Slavery, no matter who was the master, held unknown terrors of helplessness. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Toni Aleo

Wen he pulled away e smiled as he said, "I'm on a mission to make you like hockey more than baseball."
"Unless you are wearing tight baseball pants, you aren't keeping my attention. — Toni Aleo

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

Our democratic system, national identity, and international space must be respected. Any forms of suppression will harm the stability of cross-strait relations. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

They will put that on my gravestone. 'Here lies Tinker, her heart was in the right place, but her foot was in her mouth and god knows where her brain went. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

We attach great importance to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. But if our diplomatic relations is subject to China's goodwill, we will lose the autonomy of our diplomacy. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Debolina Bhawal

Don't let one shade tears for u, wen they go from your life,u will be left with those tears in your eyes. — Debolina Bhawal

Wen Quotes By Sarah Fine

We cannot own each other, Bo. We can only offer what is ours to give. — Sarah Fine

Wen Quotes By Liu Wen

The first time at Louis Vuitton was Spring 2009 season, and I remember that the colors of the clothes were very dreamy. — Liu Wen

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

A more consistent and sustainable relationship with China will be a core goal of my administration. That requires open channels of communication, both with China's leadership and the Taiwanese people. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Pearl S. Buck

And from that time on the boys were no longer called Elder and Younger, but they were given school names by the old teacher, and this old man, after inquiring into the occupation of their father, erected two names for the sons; for the elder, Nung En, and for the second Nung Wen, and the first word of each name signified one whose wealth is from the earth. — Pearl S. Buck

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

I will rebuild the people's trust in government and create a stable foundation for Taiwan's future development. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

Mrs. Thatcher was a powerful figure at the time I was a student in London. And I admire her versatility and strength. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I was hesitant to do 'Mulan II.' For me, I felt like the story that needed to be told, this legendary character of Mulan, was already encompassed in the first movie, and I was worried they would try to create this crazy cartoon character out of this legendary character of China. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I've always dreamed that George Lucas would call me one day and ask me to be in one of the 'Star Wars' films. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Arthur R. Kroeber

Wen Jiabao: "When you multiply any problem by China's population, it is a very big problem. But when you divide it by China's population, it becomes very small." The — Arthur R. Kroeber

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I love that synergy between being entertainers and having people respond. There's no greater reward. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Bukoye Micheal

Our height of live while alive is determined by d level of our experience wen we are outlife. — Bukoye Micheal

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

Mulan is so important in Chinese folklore - a fearless girl who cared about her family and country so much that she was willing to join the fight and sacrifice herself. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

By lifting Widget up, Law had given her the power to help others. They were daisy-chained together; acts of goodwill looped back around. Law had saved Windwolf. He had protected her without even knowing how much he owed her. Tinker saved the tengu, and they in turn protected Usagi and her children. Around and around, kindness being paid forward until it returned. It was what Pittsburgh needed. What Elfhome needed; people helping one another without concern of clan or race or species. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Shaun David Hutchinson

I was surrounded by heaven. The sun, the moon, the earth, and all those living stars. They wen't static like in pictures taken from impossibly far away- they breathed, they glowed. They were future and past, possibility and memory. They were beautiful.
"I never knew there were so many," I whispered. We are merely pieces of a grander design, even more insignificant than I imagined. When the earth ceases to be, all those stars will shine on. Out deaths will mean nothing to them.
"I feel so small." No one replied. I wondered as I watched the stars, really seeing them for the fist time, whether they could see me, too. — Shaun David Hutchinson

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

China has established friendship with many African countries, and is opening itself up to Africa and providing assistance. It is cooperating with African countries on an equal basis and has no desire to colonize Africa. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

The 'ER' role was not Asian-specific, and my agent knew that I loved the show. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

'Mulan' holds a very special place in my heart. It's been 16 years since the film, but hordes of fans still come up and tell me how much she means to them. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen-Szu Lin

Chinese people are very superstitious and do not have floors for any "unlucky" numbers - that is, no numbers that include the number four (e.g., fourteen, twenty four, etc.) since "four" sounds like the word "death" in Chinese. No number thirteen either, as the country has adopted Western superstitions about unlucky thirteen. So, a building that shows fifteen floors on the floor plans physically only has twelve floors. — Wen-Szu Lin

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

Only science and the spirit of seeking truth from facts can save China. I firmly believe in this. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Liu Wen

My favourite city is Miami. It's very fresh and the beach is sunny. — Liu Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

As far as the U.S. economy is concerned, I always believe that the U.S. economy is solidly based, not only in a material sense, but more importantly, the United States has the strength of scientific and technological talent, and managerial expertise. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Gene Luen Yang

What is China but a people and their stories? — Gene Luen Yang

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

I don't think a system or a government should fear critical opinions or views. Only by heeding those critical views would it be possible for us to further improve our work and make further progress. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

Only when the masses are reassured, can the country be at peace. Only when the country is at peace, can the leaders be relieved. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

I have this idea of a Taiwan Consensus, which means people in Taiwan have to get together and form a consensus of their own and that they turn around to talk to the Chinese to form a cross-strait consensus so we can build a relationship on that consensus. And in my view, that is the right order to do things. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Josephine Angelini

She looked so cute wen she was apologizing that Helen couldn't even pick up a grudge, let alone carry one. — Josephine Angelini

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

Cooperation is just like two pagodas - one hardware and one software. Combined, we can take the leadership position in the world. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

'Star Wars' is on my bucket list. Even if it's just a small walk on, I don't care. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Bukoye Micheal

Every step in life tends risky, face it to write a story wen it bcums an History — Bukoye Micheal

Wen Quotes By John Berger

A drawing is a translation. That is to say each mark on the paper is consciously realted, not only to the real or imagined "model", but also to every mark and space already set out on the paper. Thus a drawn or painted image is woven together by the energy (or the lassitude, wen the drawing is weak) of countless judgements [sic]. Every time a figuration is evoked in a drawing, everything about it has been mediated by consciousness, either intuitively or systematically. — John Berger

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

We will do everything in our power to make sure cross-strait stability becomes the driving force for peace in the Asia-Pacific region. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Paulo Coelho

All love stories have much in common. I wen through the same thing at one point in my life. But that's not what I remember. What I remember is that love returned in the form of another man, new hopes, and new dreams. — Paulo Coelho

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

If only her problems were as simple as dealing with a handful of townspeople with pitchforks... — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I'm always excited to do the fight scenes. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

If in a country, most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, then this country can hardly witness harmony and stability. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

We are not facing China alone; we are facing China together with a lot of other people in the region. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

I can build a hyperphase jump gate, I'm sure I could have figured sex out. Insert Tab M into Slot F. Repeat until done. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

They think that the past is dead. They don't see that the past is just the beginning of the future. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Eric Weiner

good life, the happy life, is connecting to something larger than ourselves, recognizing that we are not mere blips on the cosmic radar screen but part of something much bigger. For some, a Victorian building, with its creaking staircases and tarnished molding, provides this connection. For others, it's giving a new cellphone, gift wrapped, to Uncle Wen who died twenty years ago but is still part of the family. — Eric Weiner

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

Inappropriate macro economic policies in some economies, characterised by [a] low savings rate and high consumption [and] failure of financial supervision and regulation to keep up with innovation which allowed financial derivatives to spread. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

The greatness of this country lies in how every single person can exercise their right to be himself or herself. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Mark Schatzker

...the question of portion size. When I ate Doritos or a Big Mac, I dept on eating and eating, and later experienced McRegret. So why when I ate a fourteen-week-old barred rock [heirloom breed chicken] or a grapefruit did I find it tremendously delicious and yet tremendously satisfying? If these foods tasted better, shouldn't I have just kept on gorging?

Fred Provenza believes the difference comes down to what he calls "deep satiety." "Fundamentally," he told me, "eating too much is an inability to satiate." Wen food meets needs at "multiple levels," it provides a feeling of "completeness" and offers a satisfaction that's altogether different from being stuffed. — Mark Schatzker

Wen Quotes By Amy Tan

When Jesus was born, he was already the son of God. I was the daughter of someone who ran away, a big disgrace. And when Jesus suffered, everyone worshipped him. Nobody worshipped me for living with Wen Fu. I was like that wife of Kitchen God. Nobody worshipped me either. He got all the excuses. He got all the credit. She was forgotten. — Amy Tan

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

There are some voters who are rather traditional and have some reservations about electing a woman leader. But the younger generation are excited to have a woman leader for the country. They think it is somewhat trendy. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I love doing TV. It's so great for my world as a mom, as someone who likes to have a steady job and go to work feeling secure because I'm with a family. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Hillary Wen, Hildy Wen

I may not have wings, but my hands do a better job in wiping away the tears anyway. — Hillary Wen, Hildy Wen

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

Gender used to be a barrier for women to overcome if they wanted to be in politics, but today in Taiwan the situation is somewhat different. I think there is even a preference for a woman candidate, and in local elections, we have seen that younger, better-educated female candidates are overwhelmingly preferred by the voters. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

All political parties, organizations, and all people should abide by the constitution and laws without any exception. They must all act in accordance with the constitution and laws. I see that as a defining feature of modern political system development. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

It was comforting for only a moment. Then Joshua realized that the dude still had a seriously huge knife in his hand.
The part of him that was crying like a kicked puppy took off running. Unfortunately it took the rest of him with it.
"No! Nononono!" He cried even as he bolted. This was what scared him about being a werewolf. He wasn't in control of his body anymore. Because of his last name and small size, he'd always been a target of bullies. He'd learned early that they could hurt him but they couldn't control him if he didn't let them. And then he learned martial arts and they couldn't even hurt him anymore. In the last twenty-four hours, it had been as if he was strapped into a rollercoaster: all he could do was go for the ride and scream a lot. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Liu Wen

I have lots of vintage clothes. — Liu Wen

Wen Quotes By Rosemary Righter

China's building binge is the most striking example of what Prime Minister Wen Jiabao famously, but impotently, denounced in 2007 as the country's "unbalanced, unstable, uncoordinated and unsustainable" model of economic development. — Rosemary Righter

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I'm like Madonna: I'm Ming-Na. Just my first and middle name. That's it. Pure and simple. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

Jillian had chosen their cutest dresses that made grown woman start talking in abnormally high voices. ("Oh, just look at you! Aren't you just so cute!" This wouldn't be so worrisome if it wasn't the same voice that women used with puppies.) — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

To me, providing a new economic way forward is of utmost urgency and will be of foremost importance for the new DPP administration if I am elected. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

What I want is the same opportunities as anyone to get a part. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Eddie Huang

You can't convince yourself! You either believe or you don't believe." (28)

"She say you ask weird questions, but I say you're student, you supposed to ask! Her job to answer! I say you're lazy, if student ask, you answer!"
"Yeah! She told me my real great-grandparents are these white people named Adan and Eve!"
"Bullshit! But hey, Ciao Wen, be smart. Why you argue with her about that? You know they believe this stuff, just let them believe."
"But she told me I was going to Hell if I didn't believe and told me to ask God into my heart!"
""Ha, ha, yeah, she told me, too, think she do something soo good to help you. Whatever. You know it's lies, let those idiots believe. Just focus on real school. Don't be stupid and fight them, you'll lose." (30) — Eddie Huang

Wen Quotes By Mohlalefi J Motsima

Wen thectaste of my own medicine is given to me results into silent treatment,its not bitter therefore i enjoy the medicine i gave you too. — Mohlalefi J Motsima

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I think on 'ER,' my other long-running show, I had some ideas about what's going on. 'Stargate Universe,' they were kind of secretive too a little bit about what they wanted to do, but I kind of liked working this way. I like the surprises, and I like knowing just enough to work on the character. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Amy Tan

If you asked me how I felt when they told me I would marry Wen Fu, I can say only this: It was like being told I had won a big prize. And it was also like being told my head was going to be chopped off. Something between those two feelings. — Amy Tan

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

It's like God is trying to tell us something when the most beautiful people in the world are racially mixed. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

I do not let other people define me. I am who I am, and that is an intelligent and gracious human being. And as such, I do not drop to the level of bullies and trade insult for insult. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

There are two books that I often travel with; one is 'The Theory on Moral Sentiments' by Adam Smith. The other is 'The Meditations.' It's not that I agree with either views expressed in the books, but I believe ideas and thoughts of older generations can offer food for thought for the current generation. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

That's what was so amazing about 'Mulan.' Here is this story with all Chinese characters, and yet so many people related to her character and loved the story. So I really think as long as you have a good story that relates to a lot of people, it doesn't matter what ethnicity it is. — Ming-Na Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

Confidence is the most important thing, more important than gold or currency. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Liu Wen

I used to see Estee Lauder's ads everywhere in the subways of Beijing, and I thought how wonderful it would be if the model on them was myself! — Liu Wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Spencer

The most important lesson Louise learned a week before her ninth birthday was the hardest one to keep in mind. Sometimes what sounded like a good plan wasn't. — Wen Spencer

Wen Quotes By Confucius

Lord Chi Wen thought three times before taking any action. When the Master heard this, he said: Twice is plenty enough. — Confucius

Wen Quotes By Liu Wen

In my school days, everyone thought I'm too tall for a Chinese girl. — Liu Wen

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

Politically, of course, the U.S., despite the flaws in its systems, is still a democracy - we like to associate with democracies. And strategically, the U.S. is a counter-balance to China, a rising China that is not yet a democracy. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Wen Jiabao

The speed of the fleet is not determined by the fastest vessel; rather it is determined by the slowest one. — Wen Jiabao

Wen Quotes By Tsai Ing-wen

I would have a democratic process for people to get together and talk about the way they want the government to conduct business with China. — Tsai Ing-wen

Wen Quotes By Stephanie Mayer

B4 U,my life ws lyk a moonless night.Very dark, but der wer stars,points of light & reason.And den you shot
across my sky like a meteor.Suddenly everythng ws on fire;ter ws
brilliancy,der ws beauty.Wen u wer gone,wen d meteor had
fallen over d horizon,everythng went black.Nothing had changed,but
my eyes wer blinded by d light I cudn't c d stars anymore & ter was no more reason, for anything. — Stephanie Mayer