Famous Quotes & Sayings

Webster Quotes & Sayings

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Top Webster Quotes

Webster Quotes By John Webster

Black-birds fatten best in hard weather — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

Parents like options when it comes to their children's education. And they respond to quality. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

If an angel should be winged from Heaven, on an errand of mercy to our country, the first accents that would glow on his lips would be, Beware! Be cautious! You have everything to lose; nothing to gain. We live under the only government that ever existed which was framed by the unrestrained and deliberate consultations of the people. Miracles do not cluster. That which has happened but once in six thousand years cannot be expected to happen often. Such a government, once gone, might leave a void, to be filled, for ages, with revolution and tumult, riot and despotism. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By John Webster

Poor maids have more lovers than husbands. — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

We had a bishop this morning and what do you think he said?
"The most beneficent promise made us in the Bible is this,'The poor ye have always with you.' They were put here in order to keep us charitable."
The poor, please observe, being a sort of useful domestic animal. If I hadn't grown into such a perfect lady, I should have gone up after service and told him what I thought. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Barry Webster

Bodies like this give sexual desire its meaning! It's for this that penises rise like drawbridges and vaginas become engorged with blood! It's for this that people throw snot-nosed kids into ravines, cross raging rivers, or ice-pick up the wrong side of frozen waterfalls! It's for this that politicians undo their flies in election season, porn magazines with their pages stuck together are found stacked in church basements, people chop off body parts and mail them to ex-lovers, risk hair on palms, stolen wallets, planes flying into buildings, and lice that hop like chess figurines on a board whose players are ever changing. — Barry Webster

Webster Quotes By Barry Webster

The wonderful illogicalness of life stares him in the face like God. — Barry Webster

Webster Quotes By Noah Webster

The reasonableness of the command to obey parents is clear to children, even when quite young. — Noah Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer or if he fall in defense of the liberties and Constitution of his country. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By K. Webster

Her words knife through me and I want to scream at her. To tell her that I'm a fucking monster - that I'm going to make her life a living hell. I want to spit in her face and explain to her that I'm about to hurt her unbroken spirit - that I'll thrive on tearing it apart piece by motherfucking piece. "Don't — K. Webster

Webster Quotes By John C. Maxwell

Few things build a person up like affirmation. According to Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition (Simon and Schuster, 1991),
the word affirm comes from ad firmare, which means "to make firm." So when you affirm people, you make firm within them the things you see about them. Do that often enough, and the belief that solidifies within them will become stronger than the doubts they have about themselves. — John C. Maxwell

Webster Quotes By John B. Webster

Revelation is purposive. Its end is not simply divine self-display, but the overcoming of human opposition, alienation and pride, and their replacement by knowledge, love and fear of God. In short: revelation is reconciliation. — John B. Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

She never lets ideas interrupt the easy flow of her conversation. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Mark Ronson

You know, like, there's songs like "Valerie" and "Bang Bang Bang" that I was so proud of. And, you know, the level of success that they had - if they were little cult hits meant that, you know, I could sellout Webster Hall or Williamsburg Musical Hall or the El Rey theater in LA. Like, that was having made it to me. So the thought of having a number one song in my own career, like, never even registered. — Mark Ronson

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

Julia and Sallie and I all had new dresses. Do you want to hear about them? Julia's was cream satin and gold embroidery and she wore purple orchids. It was a DREAM and came from Paris, and cost a million dollars. Sallie's — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

I always think I have a chance, and I always give it all I've got. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Ben Webster

If you try all different styles that are in vogue, I think you con yourself. Me, I just stick by my guns; I don't want to play out of another man's bag. — Ben Webster

Webster Quotes By K. Webster

Our tongues aren't interested in what's right or wrong or fucking irresponsible. Our tongues just want to fuck each other. — K. Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

You have got to clean your own house first before you tell other people that they aren't doing it right. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

I don't know why I am in such a reminiscent mood except that spring and the reappearance of toads always awakens the old acquisitive instinct. The only thing that keeps me from starting a collection is the fact that no rule exists against it. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Barry Webster

This man of his, yes, this man. Now Sam accepts his own desire. "I'm a gayrod," he shouts marching through crowded plazas. "I'm in love with a man, and I want men. That's what I want. I want man, man, man! — Barry Webster

Webster Quotes By John Quincy Adams

The gigantic intellect, the envious temper, the ravenous ambition and the rotten heart of Daniel Webster. — John Quincy Adams

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

Let's take up the most important issues first. Let's take up the reauthorizations first; let's take up the appropriations bill first, not wait until four days beforehand - no one has mentioned anything, and, all of a sudden, somebody looks at their watch and says, 'Hey, in four days, the government is going to run out of money.' — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

In the nature of things, those who have no property and see their neighbors possess much more than they think them to need, cannot be favorable to laws made for the protection of property. When this class becomes numerous, it becomes clamorous. It looks on property as its prey and plunder, and is naturally ready, at times, for violence and revolution. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

America has furnished to the world the character of Washington. And if our American institutions had done nothing else, that alone would have entitled them to the respect of mankind. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Calista Flockhart

Webster and I are very aloof. The two of us go and sit there by ourselves. I sit by myself in the corner with my book and the newspaper. He kind of runs around a little bit, and then he goes and sits on top of the picnic table. He never plays with other little dogs. — Calista Flockhart

Webster Quotes By David Levithan

Me: why is it upset? shouldn't it be downset? gideon: i will file a lawsuit against the dictionaries first thing tomorrow morning. we're going to tear merriam a new asshole and throw webster inside of it. — David Levithan

Webster Quotes By Daniel W. Webster

An estimated 3.5 million people with serious mental illnesses are going without treatment (Kessler et al. 2001). That is scandalous. But mentally ill people are not the cause of the violence problem. If schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression were cured, our society's problem of violence would diminish by only about 4% (Swanson 1994). — Daniel W. Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

I don't believe it pays to be a great author. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Robertson Davies

Geordie wrote a letter to Mr. Webster in which the shrieking figure of Apology was hounded through a labyrinth of agonized syntax. — Robertson Davies

Webster Quotes By Len Webster

you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Dr Seuss — Len Webster

Webster Quotes By Charles Webster Leadbeater

Try to comprehend the unity of all; there is one God, and all are one in Him. If we can but bring home to ourselves the unity of that Eternal Love, there will be no more sorrow for us; for we shall realize, not for ourselves alone but for those whom we love, that whether we live or die, we are the Lord's, and that in Him we live and move and have our being, whether it be in this world or in the world to come. — Charles Webster Leadbeater

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

Human beings will generally exercise power when they can get it, and they will exercise it most undoubtedly in popular governments under pretense of public safety. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Arthur Gordon Webster

Was it possible that a bustling display of energy might only be a camouflage for a spiritual vacuum? The thought so impressed me that I mentioned it next day to the French purser, at whose table I was sitting. He nodded his agreement. "Stevenson is right," he said. "Indeed, if you will pardon my saying so, the idea applies particularly to you Americans. A lot of your countrymen keep so busy getting things done that they reach the end of their lives without ever having lived at all." — Arthur Gordon Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

I have a problem with the way the House is run. I believe that a few people at the top of a pyramid of power have controlled this place for a long time. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Charles Webster Leadbeater

We must beware of falling into the fatally common error of supposing that what we see is all there is to see. — Charles Webster Leadbeater

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

You can think of all the things a Congress or a legislature does, and then you kind of overshadow that with the fact that a few people are going to make those decisions. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Nesta Helen Webster

England is no longer controlled by Britons, we are under the invisible Jewish dictatorship, a dictatorship that can be felt in every sphere of life — Nesta Helen Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By K. Webster

In that case, which would be the lesser of two evils - terror cabin with a psycho or beach estate with a weirdo? — K. Webster

Webster Quotes By Colm Toibin

Greta Wickham. He used to say if only Nora and Greta were here now, we wouldn't be in this mess, even when there was no mess at all." "Oh, he talked very warmly about you," Peggy interjected, "and William Junior and Thomas had nothing but good words to say about Maurice Webster when he was teaching them. I remember one day Thomas had a temperature and we all wanted him to stay in bed and he wouldn't, oh no he wouldn't, because he had a double commerce class with Mr. Webster that he could not miss. You know they wanted Thomas to stay in Dublin when he qualified. Oh, he got offers with very good prospects! We told him he should consider — Colm Toibin

Webster Quotes By John Webster

And great men do great good, or else great harm. — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Julie James

Davis spun back around, with a nod at Wilkins. "You know, I think Merriam-Webster here is right,
Jack - you do have a glowering way about you." Then he turned to Wilkins. "And yes, that was a
joke. It normally takes about a year to accurately detect Agent Pallas's small forays into humor, but
you'll get there. — Julie James

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

You know, Daddy, I think that the most necessary quality for any person to have is imagination. It makes people able to put themselves in other people's places. It makes them kind and sympathetic and understanding. It ought to be cultivated in children. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Noah Webster

When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God. The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty. — Noah Webster

Webster Quotes By Noah Webster

Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of the christian religion. — Noah Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

We've got to prove that we can lead, and I'm going to be all-in to help prove that. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

That is - you are not to thank him for the money; he doesn't care to have that mentioned, but you are to write a letter telling of the progress in your studies and the details of your daily life. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By John Webster

Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

If we do our job right, then we have everything to stand on. If we don't do our job, we have everything to lose on. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Richard Kadrey

If you're in the exorcism business, you must know a lot about demons." "Qliphoth," he says. "What?" "It's the proper word for what you call a demon. A demon is a bogeyman, an irrational entity representing fear in the collective unconscious. The Qliphoth are the castoffs of a greater entity. The old gods. They're dumb and their lack of intelligence makes them pure evil." "Okay, Daniel Webster. What happened at the exorcism?" Traven takes a breath and stares at his hands for a minute. "You should know that I don't follow the Church's standard exorcism rites. For instance, I seldom speak Latin. If Qliphoth really are lost fragments of the Angra Om Ya, the older dark gods, they're part of creatures millions of years old. Why would Latin have any effect on them? — Richard Kadrey

Webster Quotes By John Webster

The chiefest action for a man of great spirit is never to be out of action ... the soul was never put into the body to stand still. — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

Nothing will ruin the country if the people themselves will undertake its safety; and nothing can save it if they leave that safety in any hands but their own. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

All creeds are fallible and uncertain evidences of evangelical piety. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By John Webster

What's a whore? She's like the guilty counterfeited coin Which whosoe're first stamps it brings in trouble all that receive it. — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Charles Webster Leadbeater

We are called upon to obey and follow our Lord the Christ, but it is not because of any fear of Him or of the consequences if we did not follow; it is the love of Christ which constraineth us, as we are told in the Epistle for the first Sunday of Lend. It is because of our love and gratitude to Him that we must follow Him, that we must strain every nerve to make ourselves like Him. That is our reason
not fear but love. — Charles Webster Leadbeater

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

I believe absolutely in my own free will and my own power to accomplish - and that is the belief that moves mountains. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Charles Webster Leadbeater

The clairvoyant is simply a man who develops within himself the power to respond to another octave out of the stupendous gamut of possible vibrations, and so enables himself to see more of the world around him than those of more limited perception. — Charles Webster Leadbeater

Webster Quotes By Charles Webster Hawthorne

Swing a bigger brush - you don't know what you're missing. — Charles Webster Hawthorne

Webster Quotes By Thomas Szasz

In English-speaking countries, the connection between heresy and homosexuality is expressed through the use of a single word to denote both concepts: buggery ... Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (Third Edition) defines "buggery" as "heresy, sodomy. — Thomas Szasz

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

I don't do anything political on Sundays. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

Half of the time I don't know what they're talking about; their jokes seem to relate to a past that everyone but me has shared. I'm a foreigner in the world and I don't understand the language. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By John Webster

All the damnable degrees Of drinking have you staggered through. — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

If you divorce capital from labor, capital is hoarded, and labor starves. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov

My patient was one of those singular and unfortunate people who regard their heart ("a hollow, muscular organ," according to the gruesome definition in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, which Pnin's orphaned bag contained) with a queasy dread, a nervous repulsion, a sick hate, as if it were some strong slimy untouchable monster that one had to be parasitized with, alas. — Vladimir Nabokov

Webster Quotes By Barry Webster

I shall listen to my heart and it shall save me. I shall listen to my heart and I'll be free. — Barry Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

In spite of being happier than I ever dreamed I could be, I'm also soberer. The fear that something may happen to you rests like a shadow on my heart. Always before I could be frivolous and carefree and unconcerned, because I had nothing precious to lose. But now
I shall have a Great Big Worry all the rest of my life. Whenever you are away from me I shall be thinking of all the automobiles that can run over you, or the signboards that can fall on your head or the dreadful, squirmy germs that you may be swallowing. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Cal Thomas

The high-minded definition of politics is: 'the art or science of government; the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy.' It is only when you keep reading in Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary that you get closer to the truth: 'political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices'. — Cal Thomas

Webster Quotes By Charles Webster Hawthorne

Study continuously, developing yourself into a better person, more sensitive to things in nature. Spend years in getting ready. — Charles Webster Hawthorne

Webster Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

God is only the president of the day, and Webster is his orator. — Henry David Thoreau

Webster Quotes By K. Webster

I only think about you. The black abyss inside my head is obliterated by your light. I'm too absorbed in your tight body and swollen lips. You chase away my demons. — K. Webster

Webster Quotes By Ralph Webster

I can tell you that events were incremental, that the unbelievable became the believable and, ultimately, the normal. — Ralph Webster

Webster Quotes By Barry Webster

If this were a fairy tale, that meant the dragon had been slain. Or hadn't arrived yet. — Barry Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

When you wait to the last minute, you rush to get things done, and the closer you get to the deadline, the less options you have. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

Getting an education is an awfully wearing process! — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

Do you want to know something? I have three pairs of kid gloves. I've had kid mittens before from the Christmas tree, but never real kid gloves with five fingers. I take them out and try them on every little while. It's all I can do not to wear them to classes. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By John Webster

When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons. — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Allayne Webster

If they bomb us while we're asleep, will we wake up dead? — Allayne Webster

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

Where is the fun of living if you are going to make yourself a slave to all sorts of petty rules? asked Patty wearily. — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

Mr. President, I wish to speak today, not as a Massachusetts man, nor as a Northern man, but as an American. I speak for the preservation of the Union. Hear me for my cause. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Robert A. Caro

I, sir, take a different view of the whole matter. I look upon Ohio and South Carolina to be parts of one whole - parts of the same country - and that country is my country. ... I come here not to consider that I will do this for one distinct part of it, and that for another, but ... to legislate for the whole. And finally Webster turned to a higher idea: the idea - in and of itself - of Union, permanent and enduring. — Robert A. Caro

Webster Quotes By Jean Webster

It's a relief not having to thank Somebody for every mouthful you eat. (I dare say I'm blasphemous; but you'd be, too, if you'd offered as much obligatory thanks as I have.) — Jean Webster

Webster Quotes By Delano Johnson

I eat words for breakfast, almost savagely. Webster and Dictionary are mad at me. — Delano Johnson

Webster Quotes By Barry Webster

The breach between the mind and body can't be healed by more knowledge."
"Then we'll go shopping. It's the only way to solve a crisis. — Barry Webster

Webster Quotes By K. Webster

Crazy, yes. Overwhelming, definitely. Obsessed, you bet. But evil? Never. — K. Webster

Webster Quotes By Julian Barnes

If I hadn't decided on cremation and a scattering, I could have used the phrase as an epitaph on a chunk of stone or marble: "Tony Webster - He Never Got It." But that would be too melodramatic, even self-pitying. How about "He's on His Own Now"? That would be better, truer. Or maybe I'll stick with: "Every Day Is Sunday. — Julian Barnes

Webster Quotes By Noah Webster

The heart should be cultivated with more assiduity than the head. — Noah Webster

Webster Quotes By Len Webster

Every storm has a beginning, every storm has a perfect moment of bliss and every storm has a destructive end. — Len Webster

Webster Quotes By Webster Tarpley

In India, as we saw, the Sepoy Mutiny led to a vast reorganization of British colonialism in the area, sending out a viceroy from London and before too long, Queen Victoria was proclaimed "Empress of India," with this great empire, ruling over maharajahs and other local potentates. — Webster Tarpley

Webster Quotes By John Webster

What a strange creature is a laughing fool,
As if a man were created to no use
But only to show his teeth. — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Noah Webster

But when thou findest sensibility of heart, joined with softness of manners, an accomplished mind, and religion, united with sweetness of temper, modest deportment, and a love of domestic life; such is the woman who will divide the sorrows and double the joys of thy life. Take her to thyself; she is worthy to be thy nearest friend, thy companion, the wife of thy bosom. — Noah Webster

Webster Quotes By John Webster

All things do help the unhappy man to fall. — John Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

If we cherish the virtues and the principles of our fathers, Heaven will assist us to carry on the work of human liberty and human happiness. Auspicious omens cheer us. Great examples are before us. Our own firmament now shines brightly upon our path. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

Justice, sir, is the great interest of man on earth. It is the ligament which holds civilized beings and civilized nations together. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

I have saved $1,638,580 over my four years. That may not seem like a lot, faced with our deficit, but multiply it by 435 members of the House - and then the senators get three times as much - and you are adding up several millions in savings. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Dan Webster

We're not even supposed to have a break in August if we have not passed the appropriations bills. It's in the House rules. — Dan Webster

Webster Quotes By Daniel Webster

Gentlemen, the character of Washington is among the most cherished contemplations of my life. It is a fixed star in the firmament of great names, shining without twinkling or obscuration, with clear, steady, beneficent light. — Daniel Webster

Webster Quotes By Caroline Blackwood

Great Granny Webster seemed to hate colours. Almost everything she owned was either black or dark brown. — Caroline Blackwood