Famous Quotes & Sayings

Wearing Costumes Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wearing Costumes Quotes

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Brendon Urie

I really miss wearing costumes and makeup. — Brendon Urie

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Polly Berrien Berends

We do not have to get our children to learn; only to allow and encourage them in their learning. We do not have to dictate what they should learn; only to discern and respond to what it is that they are learning. Such responsiveness is at once the most educational and the most loving. — Polly Berrien Berends

Wearing Costumes Quotes By R.L. Stine

She wasn't wearing a mask! The monstrous green face was her face. She wasn't wearing a monster costume. None of the Horrors were wearing costumes, I realized. I stepped back, raising my hands in horror as if trying to shield myself. — R.L. Stine

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Romola Garai

I've done a few costume dramas, and people say, 'What was it like wearing the costumes? Did they really help you with your character?,' and most of the time it doesn't make any difference. You're wearing something a bit weird, and it's sort of uncomfortable, but it doesn't really have a huge impact on the part that you're playing. — Romola Garai

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Bruno Bettelheim

Parents ought, through their own behavior and the values by which they live, to provide direction for their children. But they need to rid themselves of the idea that there are surefire methods which, when well applied, will produce certain predictable results. Whatever we do with and for our children ought to flow from our understanding of and our feelings for the particular situation and the relation we wish to exist between us and our child. — Bruno Bettelheim

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Wildbow

Not a trace of emotion on her face. Not a flicker of a change in expression. Did she not care, or was she wearing an exceptional mask?
Funny, just how easily those masks came to people. Costumes were nothing in the grand scheme of things. Cloth or kevlar, spider silk or steel. It was the false faces we wore, the layers of defenses, the lies we told ourselves, that formed the real barriers between us and the hostile world around us. — Wildbow

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Nicole Scherzinger

Growing up, I was very conservative in my wardrobe, so when I first joined the Pussycat Dolls, the biggest challenge was wearing those cabaret costumes. I didn't feel comfortable showing my body so much, showing my legs and butt, chest and midriff. — Nicole Scherzinger

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Dave Barry

The universe has fascinated mankind for many, many years, dating back to the very earliest episodes of Star Trek, when the brave crew of the Enterprise set out, wearing pajamas, to explore the boundless voids of space, which turned out to be as densely populated as Queens, New York. Virtually every planet they found was inhabited, usually by evil beings with cheap costumes and Russian accents, so finally the brave crew of the Enterprise returned to Earth to gain weight and make movies. — Dave Barry

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Rachel Vincent

My stomach flip-flopped, and I let his words play over in my head. "So, no costume?"
Tod shrugged. "Nah. Don't get me wrong - it's hot. But it's hot in an obvious kind of way. It's not really you."
I frowned. "Because I'm not obviously sexy?"
"Because you are obviously sexy. Some girls may need costumes to make guys want them, but I couldn't possibly want you more
than I do right now, no matter what you were wearing. Or not wearing."
I stared up at him. "How is it possible that every time you open your mouth, I - " fall more in love with you " - melt a little more? — Rachel Vincent

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Lily Collins

Wearing a corset, a ball gown, heels and a swan hat with wings to fight in the forest gave me a whole new appreciation for everyday clothes, because you really become that alter ego while wearing those costumes in those environments on the set. They just influenced everything you tried to do. — Lily Collins

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Vincent Cassel

I've always loved the idea of changing myself, wearing costumes and disguises. It takes you back to being a kid, to dressing up. — Vincent Cassel

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Marissa Jaret Winokur

I'm certainly not 10 pounds away from being an ingenue! Of course I would love to lose 10 pounds. I would never lie and say I don't think about it, but I don't think about it on a daily basis. I love my body. I don't like wearing clothes that hide or cover it. I love wearing costumes that show it off. — Marissa Jaret Winokur

Wearing Costumes Quotes By John Szarkowski

What's happening is that people are making a billion photographs a year of their cats, frequently with the cats wearing costumes. Do you think I should be doing shows of cat photography? — John Szarkowski

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Soseki Natsume

It's only natural for the docile creature of yesteryear to become difficult today. That's just the way people are. You can try forcing someone to remember how he felt in winter and keep shivering after summer comes, but it won't happen. A person might not be able to eat when they're sick but nobody can make they give up food for the rest of their life... The trouble with people is they think they are solid as rock. — Soseki Natsume

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Stephen Costello

In productions such as 'Anna Bolena' and 'Rigoletto,' the costumes are tailored, and they're tight. In 'Moby,' it's like you're wearing pajamas, and you have more freedom. It's very comfortable on stage. — Stephen Costello

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Gia Coppola

Costumes say a lot about a character. When it came to 'Palo Alto,' it was important for me that the kids didn't look perfect. In most teen movies today, all of the clothes are expensive. I remember wearing a lot of dirty vintage clothes. — Gia Coppola

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Victoria Wood

Acting is not my favourite thing. I don't like wearing costumes and wigs. — Victoria Wood

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Morgan Freeman

Someone's going to put the clothes on you, and part of being an actor is wearing costumes. Costumes tell you an awful lot about who you are, so you just, it's nothing. — Morgan Freeman

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Johnny Weir

Figure skating is theatrical, and a part of it is wearing costumes. My costumes were very over-the-top and outrageous for figure skating. But for me, it's all beautiful. Even when nobody else believed they were beautiful, I felt beautiful in them. — Johnny Weir

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Cary Grant

And there I suddenly found my articulate self in a dazzling land of smiling, jostling people wearing and not wearing all sorts of costumes and doing all sorts of clever things. And that's when I knew! What other life could there be but that of an actor? — Cary Grant

Wearing Costumes Quotes By John Lanchester

It seemed too as if many of the people were on display, behaving as if they expected to be looked at, as if they were on show: so many of them seemed to be wearing costumes, not just policemen and firemen and waiters and shop assistants, but people in their going-to-work costumes, their I'm-a-mother-pushing-a-pram costumes, babies and children in outfits that were like costumes; workers digging holes in their costume-bright orange vests; joggers in jogging costume; even the drinkers in the streets and parks, even the beggars, seemed to be wearing costumes, uniforms. — John Lanchester

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Rachel Vincent

What is it about women and luggage? You don't have to bring everything you own, and it shouldn't take this long to throw some clothes into a bag. In fact, if it will save you any time, just leave the underwear out all together. — Rachel Vincent

Wearing Costumes Quotes By Sri Aurobindo

A great thing would be done if all these God-visions could embrace and cast themselves into each other; but intellectual dogma and cult egoism stand in the way. — Sri Aurobindo