Famous Quotes & Sayings

Warrior State Of Mind Quotes & Sayings

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Top Warrior State Of Mind Quotes

Warrior State Of Mind Quotes By Jasmine V

It's funny how people who we fight with the most at the end of day are the ones that really got your back. — Jasmine V

Warrior State Of Mind Quotes By Mike Lofgren

The cultural forces that help politically sustain both the militaristic and the corporate function of the Deep State, however, are growing more irrational and antiscience. A military tradition that glories in force and appeals to self-sacrifice is the polar opposite of the Enlightenment heritate of rationality, the search for peace, and a belief in the common destiny of mankind. The warrior-leader, like the witch doctor, ultimately appeals to irrational emotionalism; and the cultural psychology that produces the bravest and most loyal warriors is a mind-set that is usually hostile to the sort of free inquiry of which scientific progress depends. This dynamic is observable in Afghanistan: no outside power has been able to conquer and pacify that society for millennia because of the tenacity of its warrior spirit; yet the country has one of the highest illiteracy rates on earth and is barely out of the Bronze Age in social development. p 260 — Mike Lofgren

Warrior State Of Mind Quotes By Kenneth Koch

Certainly, it seems true enough that there's a good deal of irony in the world ... I mean, if you live in a world full of politicians and advertising, there's obviously a lot of deception. — Kenneth Koch

Warrior State Of Mind Quotes By Joseph P. Bradley

The acquisition of an accurate and easy conversation, of some skill in music, and in pure and healthful diversions, are of great benefit in fitting one for social intercourse, in which one of the greatest sources of pleasure is found. — Joseph P. Bradley

Warrior State Of Mind Quotes By R.A. Salvatore

For there is no perfect strike, no perfect defense, no perfect form. The word itself defines a state that cannot be improved, but such is not the case, is never the case with muscle and mind and technique. So there is no state of perfection, but to seek it is not folly, nay, for it is that very seeking, the relentless journey, which defines the quality of the warrior. — R.A. Salvatore

Warrior State Of Mind Quotes By Ashley Drew

Love is full of risks. Losing the person you love is one of them, and you have to be willing to take it. — Ashley Drew

Warrior State Of Mind Quotes By Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont

Everything must go its own way. One has to plow in order to sow, one has to sow in order to harvest, and what is disturbing has to be weeded out, like a bad weed. — Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont