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Wake Up Every Morning Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wake Up Every Morning Quotes

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Marianne Williamson

People who are meditating every day and involved in a serious spiritual practice don't usually wake up in the morning and want to rush out to eat a bunch of junk food. — Marianne Williamson

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Margaret Atwood

Every night when I go to bed I think, In the morning I will wake up in my own house and things will be back the way they were.
It hasn't happened this morning, either. — Margaret Atwood

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Danny Wood

I wake up every morning feeling like I have the best life. — Danny Wood

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By George Burns

There's an old saying, 'Life begins at forty.' That's silly. Life begins every morning you wake up. — George Burns

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Ike Barinholtz

I do this thing at every party: I go to a party, I stand around for, like, 45 minutes, and then I turn to my wife and say, 'I think we should go home.' And then we leave, and then I wake up the next morning and say to my wife, 'We don't go out anymore.' It's a great trick. — Ike Barinholtz

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Sarah Ockler

Every morning, I wake up and forget just for a second that it happened. But once my eyes open, it buries me like a landslide of sharp, sad rocks. Once my eyes open, I'm heavy, like there's to much gravity on my heart. — Sarah Ockler

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Robert Morrow

If you want to know what a truly healthy relationship is, it's one where both people wake up every morning and say, I choose to be with this person. — Robert Morrow

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By David Letterman

It was stupid behaviour. And you take a look at the explosion, and it knocks you down and you wake up every morning and you're scared and you're depressed and sad, and you kind of got to let that knock you down and knock you down. — David Letterman

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Anita Roddick

I wake up every morning thinking ... this is my last day. And I jam everything into it. There's no time for mediocrity. This is no damned dress rehearsal. — Anita Roddick

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Harriet Evans

Not to be with the one you love, Laura, the one person you should be spending your life with
it's like a kind of living death. To wake up every morning and know you are still here. To have that brief, sweet moment of blankness, before your mind reminds you who you are, and why you are unhappy. It was like hell. A living hell of the heart's own making. — Harriet Evans

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Ainsley Earhardt

I'm getting paid to wake up America every morning! — Ainsley Earhardt

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Jeff Schweitzer

When Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, he exposed the world to a momentous discovery . For the first time in history, human beings were seen not as creatures of divine origin, but instead, as a product of nature, an animal like every other on the planet. Imagine yourself back in that amazing year. The day before Darwin's book was published, you wake up thinking yourself the image of God; the next morning you realize you have the face of a monkey. Not everybody immediately embraced this rude demotion from god to goat. — Jeff Schweitzer

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Paul Auster

But I know nothing of time. I am new every day. I am born when I wake up in the morning, I grow old during the day, and I die at night when I go to sleep. It is not my fault. And I am doing so well today. I am doing so much better than I have ever done before. — Paul Auster

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Kass Morgan

I don't want to spend another day without you. I want to go to sleep every night with you by my side and wake up next to you every morning. I want nothing else but you, for the rest of my life. — Kass Morgan

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Ashley Jeffery

Every morning I wake up, I feel guilty; every breath of borrowed time is heavy in my chest.-Lo-The Wild Hunt — Ashley Jeffery

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Balroop Singh

Every morning I wake up with your thoughts
Holding my heart as if it would break
I know my pain doesn't reach you
Will I ever stop loving you? — Balroop Singh

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Danny Brown

Since I was a kid, I'd wake up every morning hearing a voice say, 'You're the greatest rapper ever.' I'm trying to prove that voice right. — Danny Brown

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Amanda Palmer

You know what's really cool? Wake up every morning, decide what you feel like doing, and do it. — Amanda Palmer

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Chevy Stevens

It's not like I wake up every morning and just can't wait to write. It is my job. It's much easier to not write. I'd rather read. This is my income. This is what supports my family. Having a child is a pretty big incentive to keep working. — Chevy Stevens

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Tammy Faye Bakker

I wake up every morning and I wish I were dead, and so does Jim. — Tammy Faye Bakker

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Malcolm X

Every morning when I wake up, now, I regard it as having another borrowed day. — Malcolm X

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Jodi Picoult

I cannot admit this out loud. In the first place, we are expected to be supermoms these days, instead of admitting that we have flaws. It is tempting to believe that all mothers wake up feeling fresh every morning, never raise their voices, only cook with organic food, and are equally at ease with the CEO and the PTA. — Jodi Picoult

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Toni Sorenson

Every morning we wake up with the same choice: What will my attitude be today? Ask yourself that without fail. Decide that no matter what the day brings, your attitude will include three elements: an awareness of how far you've come, gratitude for where you are, and determination to keep moving in the right direction. — Toni Sorenson

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Nina Persson

I have physical problems with listening to reggae. It's weird, I don't know why. It doesn't fit the way my heart pounds, and I feel very bad when I hear it. I have a neighbor
she's a waitress who comes home every night at four in the morning and she plays reggae very loud. I hate that. I can't sleep and I can't wake up either to that music. — Nina Persson

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Edward Hirsch

What else are there but rituals
To cover up the emptiness
O Disbelief

Lord Nothingness
When my son's suffering ended
My own began

Why did the sun rise this morning
It's not natural
I don't want to see the light

It's not time to close the casket
Or say Kaddish for my son
I've already buried two fathers

With a mother to come
Isn't that enough Lord who wants us
To exalt and sanctify Him

I don't want to wear the mourner's ribbon
Or wake up crying every morning
For God knows how long

I don't want to tuck my son into the ground
As if we were putting him to bed
For the last time — Edward Hirsch

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Junot Diaz

I can see myself watching him shave every morning. And at other time I see us in that house and see how one bright day (or a day like this, so cold your mind shifts every time the wind does) he will wake up and decide it's all wrong. I'm sorry, he'll say. I have to leave now. — Junot Diaz

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Bill Bailey

I feel sorry for James Blunt, he has to wake up every morning and think 'Oh my God, I'm James Blunt, what have I done?' — Bill Bailey

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By J.A. Redmerski

You're more important to me than anything or anyone ... I want to wake up every morning with you next to me. I need you in my life more than I have ever needed or wanted anything. — J.A. Redmerski

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Joel Osteen

Wake up every morning with a thankful attitude. Expect something good to happen in your life today. — Joel Osteen

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Audrey Regan

Brushing my little teeth every morning of my childhood, I stood on my tippy toes, leaned over the sink and said to myself that when I am a big girl I will see from this high.
Today I did the same thing, but the view from my toes was the same from flat feet.
I'm a big girl now. — Audrey Regan

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Anne Lamott

The miracle is that we are here, that no matter how undone we've been the night before, we wake up every morning and are still here. It is phenomenal just to be. — Anne Lamott

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Mick Cornett

People in Oklahoma don't wake up every morning wondering what the government is going to do for them. — Mick Cornett

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Tim Tebow

I have so many things to work on, and so many ways that I fail. But that's what grace is all about. And I constantly wake up every morning trying to get better, trying to improve, trying to walk closer to God. — Tim Tebow

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Nas

I think if I heard someone else talking about their life, describing all the problems I've had, they'd look like they were through. Done. But there's something about me - I'm smiling. Those things are really not bad enough to put me in a slump. I'm smiling with the opportunity to wake up every morning. — Nas

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Kiera Cass

America Singer, one day you will fall asleep in my arms every night. And you'll wake up to my kisses every morning. — Kiera Cass

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

Hope strengthens. Fear kills[ ... ] That simple adage is master of every situation, every choice. Each morning we wake up, we get to choose between hope and fear and apply one of those emotions to everything we do. Do we greet things that come our way with joy? Or suspicion? — Karen Marie Moning

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By James Herriot

Every day lasts a year. I never enjoy anything. And every morning when I wake up I dread having to face the world again. — James Herriot

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Ben Shapiro

When I was a kid, I'd wake up extraordinarily early every morning and turn on the television, scanning for episodes of 'The Jetsons.' For some reason, I loved the notion of a future where there would be flying cars, supercomputers, and most of all, robot maids to take care of the chores. — Ben Shapiro

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Aunjanue Ellis

Every role is a potential lover. I ask: Are they someone I want to wake up to in the morning and go to bed with at night? Do they question my assumptions about life? Consume me to distraction? Make my cry, then clown to make me laugh again? If I say yes, then it's all I need. — Aunjanue Ellis

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Lawrence Ferlinghetti

If you're going to be a writer you should sit down and write in the morning, and keep it up all day, every day. Charles Bukowski, no matter how drunk he got the night before or no matter how hungover he was, the next morning he was at his typewriter. Every morning. Holidays, too. He'd have a bottle of whiskey with him to wake up with, and that's what he believed. That's the way you became a writer: by writing. When you weren't writing, you weren't a writer. — Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Gail McHugh

Every part of you was made for me. Your lips were made to kiss mine, your eyes were made to wake up to me looking at you in my bed every morning, and your f***ing tongue was made to roll my name off of it. I am more certain of us than I'm certain that I require oxygen to breathe. — Gail McHugh

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Hal Elrod

How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days-which inevitably create a successful life-in the same way that unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre mornings generate unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre days, and ultimately a mediocre quality of life. By simply changing the way you wake up in the morning, you can transform any area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible. — Hal Elrod

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Kelly Elliott

Courtney, I had this all planned out, and I wanted to make it so special for you, but something just came over me, and I ... well, shit ... I couldn't wait another minute. I love you, Courtney. I want to love you for the rest of my life. I want to wake up to you every morning and lie down next to you every night. I want to make love to you on our kitchen island as much as we want to. I want to sit with you on the back porch and watch you while you're lost in one of your books. I want to see your stomach getting bigger with our kids, and hell, I even want to fight with you and then have make-up sex. I want the world for both of us, and more than anything, I want to make all your dreams come true. I want to be your Prince Charming, Courtney. I want to be your everything. Will you marry me? — Kelly Elliott

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

For years it seemed to me that this period had become a recurrent nightmare that I had almost every night, because I would wake in the morning feeling the same terror I had felt in the room with the saint. During my adolescence, when I was a student at an icy boarding school in the Andes, I would wake up crying in the middle of the night. I needed old age without remorse to understand that the misfortune of my grandparents in the house in Catasa was that they were always mired in their nostalgic memories, and the more they insisted on conjuring them, the deper they sank. — Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Amit Kalantri

Every morning most of the people wake up alive than dead, so I do have a faith there is still some goodness left in the man. — Amit Kalantri

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By David Mitchell

Mrs. Todds my English teacher gives an automatic F if anyone ever writes "I woke up and it was all a dream" at the end of a story. She says it violates the deal between reader and writer, that it's a cop-out, it's the Boy Who Cried Wolf. But every single morning we really do wake up and it really was all a dream. — David Mitchell

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Zoe Saldana

You need one hundred percent commitment; you have to be willing to wake up every morning knowing you're going to [practice] eight hours straight. — Zoe Saldana

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Truman Capote

And yes, to answer you seriously, I am beginning to be ... well, not bored, but tempted; afraid, but tempted. When you've been in pain for a long time, when you wake up every morning with a rising sense of hysteria, then boredom is what you want, marathon sleeps, a silence in yourself. — Truman Capote

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Erin Heatherton

I swear by my Clarisonic Mia 2! I use it every morning when I wake up and every night before bed. — Erin Heatherton

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Mary Pipher

Courage has become Raiders of the Lost Ark, or riding in spaceships, killing people, taking enormous physical risks. To me, the kind of courage that's really interesting is someone whose spouse has Alzheimer's and yet manages to wake up every morning and be cheerful with that person and respectful of that person and find things to enjoy even though their day is very, very difficult. That kind of courage is really undervalued in our culture. — Mary Pipher

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Sergey Galitsky

I wake up every morning and have a pile of problems. — Sergey Galitsky

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Misty Copeland

I wake up every morning, and I go to ballet class no matter what's going on the night before. That's my priority, and that's what makes me feel sane and not removed from the realities of my world. — Misty Copeland

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Ina Garten

My extravagance is my garden - it's the first thing I look at every morning when I wake up. It gives me so much pleasure. — Ina Garten

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Rick Riordan

I wake up every morning and think: You know what would be good today? Not dying. — Rick Riordan

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Chanel Cleeton

I want forever with you. I want to wake up next to you every morning and go to bed beside you every night. I want to wear a ring on my finger every day of my life marking me as yours. I want to make you promises, and I want to spend every day of my life working to keep those promises. — Chanel Cleeton

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Jewel E. Ann

Yeah, well I've never tried to imagine you before me. Probably because I still wake up every morning and question whether I dreamed you. And when I realize you're my real, it's like winning the lottery every damn day of my life. — Jewel E. Ann

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Anonymous

Every morning when I wake up I forget for a fraction of a second that you are gone and I reach for you. All I ever find is the cold side of the bed. My eyes settle on the picture of us in Paris, on the bedside table, and I am overjoyed that even though the time was brief I loved you and you loved me. — Anonymous

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Gary Holland

I wake up every morning excited. Rather than become complacent or overwhelmed, I've made a choice for life - and I can do something about it. — Gary Holland

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Julie James

If you think it means I'm asking you to move in with me, you'd be right." Her expression turned more serious. "If you also think it means that I wake up every morning wondering what I did to deserve having you back in my life, well, you'd be right about that, too."
Jack just sat there for a moment, just ... stunned. No one had ever said anything like that to him.
"Come here," he said huskily. He grabbed her chair and pulled it toward his. He kissed her, softly at first, then his hand moved to her back and pushed her close as his emotions got the better of him. He pulled back to hold her gaze. "I love you, Cameron. You know that, right?"
She kissed him back, whispering the words in his ear. "I love you, too. — Julie James

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Jay McLean

Every morning you have two choices. Continue to sleep with dreams - or - wake up and chase them. — Jay McLean

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Isabelle had been trained to wake up early every morning, rain or shine, and a slight hangover did nothing to prevent it from happening again. She sat up slowly and blinked down at Simon. She'd never spent and entire night in a bed with anyone else, unless you counted crawling into her parents bed when she was four and afraid of thunderstorms. She couldn't help staring at Simon as if he were some exotic species of animal. He lay on his back, his mouth slightly open, his hair in his eyes. Ordinary brown hair, ordinary brown eyes. His t-shirt was pulled up slightly. He wasn't muscular like a shadowhunter. He had a smooth flat stomach but no six-pack, and there was still a hint of softness to his face. What was it about him that fascinated her? He was plenty cute, but she had dated gorgeous faerie knights, sexy shadowhunters ...
"Isabelle," Simon said without opening his eyes. "Quit staring at me. — Cassandra Clare

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Sharad Vivek Sagar

We got up at 6am to go to school for a few years and we found it so challenging. Some people in our country have woken up at 6am every single morning for decades now so that this nation can wake up and see great mornings. I salute all those wonderful super humans who are inspiring a better tomorrow. Thank you, Teachers! — Sharad Vivek Sagar

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Scarlett Dawn

I want to fall asleep next to you every night even when you're cranky. I want to wake up next to you every morning even when I'm grumpy. I love the fact that when you snore it sounds a little like your wolf. I love that your mind is just as scheming as mine. I love the tiny smile you show only me after we've made love. I love the compassion you show to your subjects when other Rulers wouldn't, but at the same time your intelligence and determination when you know you can't. I love how loyal you are to those you love. And when it's time to have children, you're the one I want to have them with. — Scarlett Dawn

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Steve Krupnik

Every morning when I first wake up, I thank God I do not get as much government as I pay for. — Steve Krupnik

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

You want to know what I'm afraid of? I'm afraid of every morning when I wake up that this will be the day when I can no longer move for myself. I know it's coming. It's just a matter of time until I have no choice, except to have someone else clothe me, feed me. Change my diaper. And I can't stand it. (Adron)
Then why don't you kill yourself? Why are you still here? (Livia)
Because every time I think of doing that, I can hear my family praying over me while I was in the hospital. I hear my mother weeping, my father begging me not to die on them. I could never intentionally hurt them that way. It would devastate them both, and while I'm a pathetic asshole, I'm not that selfish. (Adron) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Nhat Hanh

Every morning, when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand-new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the capacity to live in a way that these twenty-four hours will bring peace, joy, and happiness to ourselves and others. — Nhat Hanh

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Alicia Keys

What acting does bring that music doesn't bring for me is the opportunity is the opportunity to be completely different in every way from whom you normally are, the person that you are when you wake up in the morning is who you are in your life. But to take that and have the opportunity to be the complete opposite of that, is the excitement of it. — Alicia Keys

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Jon Wells

If I were you, I'd wake up every day at dawn to see the sun come up. Then I'd go back to bed. I'd screw a different woman every night and mean it when I told her I loved her. I'd read a mystery and stop halfway through so I'd have something to wonder about. I'd see how many grapes I could fit in my mouth. I'd drive a hundred miles an hour. I'd stay sober in the morning, drunk in the afternoon, high at night. I'd have Chinese food an tacos for dinner, spaghetti for breakfast and blueberry pie for lunch. Then I'd have anything I wanted in between, 'cause son" - here he took another hit, then looked at the ground, shaking his head - "pretty much all your choices are about to go away. — Jon Wells

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Curtis Jackson

Every morning I wake up in a home where Mike Tyson previously laid in the bed and he earned over $500 million his career. It makes me conscious. — Curtis Jackson

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Suze Orman

Every morning I wake up, I can't even wait to go and see what life can I change today. It doesn't have to be a lot of lives, but I can change one life a little bit here, a little bit there, and I hope that everything I create, people know that. — Suze Orman

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Sidney Poitier

To simply wake up every morning a better person than when I went to bed. — Sidney Poitier

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Loretta Lynch

I will wake up every morning with the protection of the American people my first thought. — Loretta Lynch

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Paula Deen

I wake up every morning happy for where I am in life. It's not all about the cooking, but the fact that I can contribute by using my influence to help people all over the country. In the last two years, my partners and I have fed more than 10 million hungry people by bringing meat to food banks. — Paula Deen

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Unknown

Wake up every morning and tell yourself you're a badass bitch from hell and that no one can fuck with you and then don't let anybody fuck with you. — Unknown

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Ilsa Madden-Mills

Tell me ... tell me how much you want me, Leo," I breathed out. "I want to lay you down and slip deep inside you. I want to find every secret part of you with my lips, my tongue, my hands. I want you to ride me while I watch. I want to hear our skin slapping together. I want to wake up next to you in the morning and do it all over again. Need you so much. You're all I want. — Ilsa Madden-Mills

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Anna Howard Shaw

I wake up every morning with a great desire to live joyfully. — Anna Howard Shaw

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Tony Robbins

I prime my mind. I wake up every morning and say, "Look, if you don't have 10 minutes for yourself, you don't have a life." I take 10 minutes. — Tony Robbins

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Horace Silver

Good Lord's been kind to me, that's all I can say. I wake up in the morning with music in my head a lot of times. I won't say every morning, but I wake up in the morning sometimes with eight bars in my head and I just go to the piano. — Horace Silver

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By John A. Ashley

I wake up every morning thinking about all the great things I am going to accomplish that day, and I go to bed every night thinking about all the even greater things I'm going to have to accomplish tomorrow to make up for the nothing I did today. — John A. Ashley

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Oprah Winfrey

Life whispers to you all the time ... from the time you wake up in the morning and with every single experience ... — Oprah Winfrey

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Ana Claudia Antunes

Wake every morning with the same feeling. Live up high and fly on top of the ceiling. I just know that I'm on my way. It doesn't matter to me if I'm chasing the clouds away. North or South, East or West I live my life to the fullest. — Ana Claudia Antunes

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Lynn Raye Harris

I'll move heaven and earth to make you happy, Evie. I want you there when I wake up every morning and there when I go to sleep at night. I love you, even if you don't do a damn thing I tell you to do. — Lynn Raye Harris

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Gaito Gazdanov

When I wake up every morning, I think to myself, Today my life will begin in earnest. — Gaito Gazdanov

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Lindsay McKenna

He traced her arched eyebrow. "Every morning when I wake up with you at my side, you're more beautiful than yesterday. — Lindsay McKenna

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Gayle Forman

Every morning I wake up and I tell myself this: It's just one day, one twenty-four-hour period to get yourself through. I don't know when exactly I started giving myself this daily pep talk - or why. — Gayle Forman

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Shalom Harlow

You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. — Shalom Harlow

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Mary Ann Shaffer

The German officers said any soldier caught stealing food from our gardens would be shot. One poor soldier was caught stealing a potato. He was chased by his own people and climbed up a tree to hide. But they found him and shot him down out of the tree. Still, that did not stop them from stealing food. I am not pointing a finger at those practices, because some of us were doing the same. I figure hunger makes you desperate when you wake to it every morning. — Mary Ann Shaffer

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

I do not read newspaper comics unless they happen to be out when I visit my parents, but I follow several online comics, which I check every morning while I drink my coffee and wake up for the day. — Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Nick Clegg

One thing I've very quickly learned is that if you wake up every morning worrying about what's in the press, you would go completely and utterly potty. — Nick Clegg

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By L.J.Smith

Think about something else," Kaitlyn said. "Did you ever find a cow alarm clock around here?"
"No. A what?"
"An alarm clock shaped like a cow. It was Lewis's. It used to go off every morning, this sound like a cowbell and then a voice shouting 'Wake up! Don't sleep your life away!' And then it would moo."
Lydia giggled faintly. "I wish I'd seen that. It sounds-like Lewis."
"Actually, it sounded like a cow." Kaitlyn could hear Lydia snorting softly in the darkness for a while, then silence. She pulled the covers over her head and went to sleep. — L.J.Smith

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By J. Thomas Newsome

Every morning I wake up and see,
The most handsome man lying next to me.
He's the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
I will love him as a faithful wife — J. Thomas Newsome

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Virginia Woolf

An offering for the sake of offering, perhaps. Anyhow, it was her gift. Nothing else had she of the slightest importance; could not think, write, even play the piano. She muddled Armenians and Turks; loved success; hated discomfort; must be liked; talked oceans of nonsense: and to this day, ask her what the Equator was, and she did not know.
All the same, that one day should follow another; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; that one should wake up in the morning; see the sky; walk in the park; meet Hugh Whitbread; then suddenly in came Peter; then these roses; it was enough. After that, how unbelievable death was!-that it must end; and no one in the whole world would know how she had loved it all; how, every instant ... — Virginia Woolf

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Someday, she thought, somebody's going to wake up to this every morning. — Rainbow Rowell

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Demi Lovato

I pray every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up. — Demi Lovato

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Azzedine Alaia

If you're sad about what you see in the mirror when you wake up every morning, you must change it. — Azzedine Alaia

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Guy Gavriel Kay

Writing is never, ever easy but I wake up every morning grateful for the gift of being able to do this. — Guy Gavriel Kay

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Eric Thomas

Every morning I wake up, it's kind of like wow, I don't know what happened or how it happened, I can't put my finger on it, but I'm grateful. I'm grateful to be alive. To spend one more day with my family. One more day to make my dreams become a reality. One more day to help somebody. So the first thought on my mind is, thank you god for another day. — Eric Thomas

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Sarah Silverman

I am 39 years old, and I still wake up every morning really excited I don't have to go to school. — Sarah Silverman

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By David Graeber

Capitalism, he noted, is not something imposed on us by some outside force. It only exists because every day we wake up and continue to produce it. If we woke up one morning and all collectively decided to produce something else, then we wouldn't have capitalism anymore. — David Graeber

Wake Up Every Morning Quotes By Laura Lee Guhrke

Ian!" she cried, afraid to believe it. "I don't want you to ever regret that you married me."
He smiled, and his fingertips caressed her cheeks. "Regret it? How could I?" You are my passionate
Italian wife. You are the woman who is going to give me children and whose bed I intend to sleep in
every night. You're the reason I'll wake up every morning with a smile on my face. I love you, I will be in
love with you every day of my life, and the only day I'm leaving you is the day they put me in the ground. — Laura Lee Guhrke