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Visualize The Future Quotes & Sayings

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Top Visualize The Future Quotes

Visualize The Future Quotes By Wm. Paul Young

Not unlike most people. When I dwell with you, I do so in the present - I live in the present. Not the past, although much can be remembered and learned by looking back, but only for a visit, not an extended stay. And for sure, I do not dwell in the future you visualize or imagine. Mack, do you realize that your imagination of the future, which is almost always dictated by fear of some kind, rarely, if ever, pictures me there with you? — Wm. Paul Young

Visualize The Future Quotes By Billy Graham

What you do with Christ here and now decides where you shall spend eternity. — Billy Graham

Visualize The Future Quotes By Darrell Huff

IF YOU can't prove what you want to prove, demonstrate something else and pretend that they are the same thing. In the daze that follows the collision of statistics with the human mind, hardly anybody will notice the difference. The semiattached figure is a device guaranteed to stand you in good stead. It always has. — Darrell Huff

Visualize The Future Quotes By Brian Tracy

Imagine your ideal future. Visualize yourself as if your life were perfect in every respect. — Brian Tracy

Visualize The Future Quotes By Isaac Asimov

If we look forward to a future in which mankind behaves rationally and avoids self-destruction, we can visualize a world that will be more complicated than the one we know today, but a world that will run better and, most of all, a world in which the individual will count for more, not less. — Isaac Asimov

Visualize The Future Quotes By Stanley Weintraub

A future general, Captain Jack of the Cameronians, averse to the truce when on the line, had speculated in his diary a few days earlier, in almost Shavian fashion, about the larger implications of the cease-fire, which had extended farther than governments conceded, It is interesting to visualize the close of a campaign owing to the opposing armies
neither of them defeated
having become too friendly to continue the fight. — Stanley Weintraub

Visualize The Future Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

When I obtain this or am free of that - then I will be okay." This is the unconscious mind-set that creates the illusion of salvation in the future. — Eckhart Tolle

Visualize The Future Quotes By Bess Streeter Aldrich

As she wrote her pulse quickened to the pleasure of forming the phrases,--her blood warmed to the joy of the working. She was experiencing a return of the familiar sensation of happiness in constructing. Quite suddenly, in fancy she caught in the far distance a glimpse of silver wings. It gave her a warm thrill of gratification too deep for words. Immediately she knew through some inner consciousness, that no matter what the future would hold--joy or sorrow, happiness or grief--that no matter where life's paths would lead her--through sharp and stony ways or beside still waters--buried deep within her was an indestructible capacity to visualize a white bird flying. She might never get close to the way of its winging, but always there would be joy in lifting her eyes to the glory of its distant flight. — Bess Streeter Aldrich

Visualize The Future Quotes By Louise Hay

Right now is the time for you to visualize and create your future. Make it as healthy and bright and joyful as you can. It's your life, and you're going to live it. — Louise Hay

Visualize The Future Quotes By Bernie Siegel

There have been many dreams which have been personal guides for me. — Bernie Siegel

Visualize The Future Quotes By Robert Sietsema

I pre-screen restaurants because my objective is to never have a bad meal, and I get pretty close to that. — Robert Sietsema

Visualize The Future Quotes By J.M. Darhower

Imagine every aspect of your life - your job, your spouse, your kids, even your friends - but don't imagine the future you think you're heading for. Instead, imagine the future you desire most. Forget all the expectations everyone else has for you and concentrate on what you truly want. Visualize the road that will take you there. That's your path. That's where you belong in life ... None of the truly great in this world became that way by doing what they felt they had to do. If Isaac Newton had become a farmer like his mother wanted him to, or if Elvis would've listened when he was told to stick to truck driving, we'd know neither man today. We know them, because they had the courage to follow the path they envisioned. — J.M. Darhower

Visualize The Future Quotes By Jamie Dornan

What kid doesn't want to pretend they're James Bond? — Jamie Dornan

Visualize The Future Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future. — Rhonda Byrne

Visualize The Future Quotes By Jonny Bell

Learn to make each day count. Look at your past with thankfulness at what it taught you, and with pride at what success it gave you. Visualize your future with amazement at what you can become. Enjoy your present, knowing that it is a result of your past, and a springboard for your future success. — Jonny Bell

Visualize The Future Quotes By Gabe Jennings

Often I visualize a quicker, like almost a ghost runner, ahead of me with a quicker stride. It's really crazy. In races, this always happens to me. I see the vision of a runner ahead of me, maybe just 15, 20 meters ahead of me, and the cadence of that runner, which is actually me in the future, is a little quicker, so if I'm going (his rhythm/breathing), then my ghost runner, the vision of me, ahead of me, like opening up and just going for it, is quicker . — Gabe Jennings

Visualize The Future Quotes By Walter Russell

The Russell Cosmogony with its new concepts of light, matter, energy, electricity and magnetism is a simple yet complete, consistent and workable cosmogony which will enable future scientists to visualize the universe as a unified whole, and will open the door to the New Age of Transmutation. — Walter Russell

Visualize The Future Quotes By Elsie De Wolfe

I know of nothing more significant than the awakening of men and women throughout our country to the desire to improve their houses. Call it what you will - awakening, development, American Renaissance - it is a most startling and promising condition of affairs. — Elsie De Wolfe

Visualize The Future Quotes By Dalai Lama

The need for love lies at the very foundation of human existence. — Dalai Lama

Visualize The Future Quotes By Monica McCarty

You are too kind." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "But what has marriage to offer me that I don't already have?"
There were many ways to answer that question, but having care for her innocence, Lachlan refrained from the blunt one. One glance at that beautiful face and lush body, and he need look no further for a reason why the lass should be wed: swiving. And lots of it. — Monica McCarty

Visualize The Future Quotes By Shiloh Walker

She knew violence- and my, what a lovely thing to profess knowledge of. — Shiloh Walker

Visualize The Future Quotes By Tracy Brian

Your mental picture of yourself has a powerful effect on your behavior. Visualize yourself as the person you intend to be in the future. Your self-image, the way you see yourself on the inside, largely determines your performance on the outside. All
improvement in your outer life begins with improvements in your mental pictures, on the inside. — Tracy Brian

Visualize The Future Quotes By Bonnie Raitt

There were so many great music and political scenes going on in the late '60s in Cambridge. The ratio of guys to girls at Harvard was four to one, so all of those things were playing in my mind. — Bonnie Raitt

Visualize The Future Quotes By Scott Bukatman

As yet, though we live in a culture in which images are the dominant currency of communication, we have been unable to form an adequate picture of the future. Despite the new electronic power to create instant image flow, the ability to see the more diffuse Postmodern connections . . . has become more difficult. . . . It is harder to visualize a multinational identity than a local entity. We can only see the world by forming a picture through various specialized mediations. . . . We now lack a convincing vision... — Scott Bukatman

Visualize The Future Quotes By Richard Heby

To have chosen the wrong way was the greatest torture I could imagine: to be continually pursuing the end, with it never coming into sight, with every glimmer, drop of water, flash of light a false identifier that something was out there, when the likely path only led to infinite darkness. — Richard Heby

Visualize The Future Quotes By Sarah Lewis

A near win shifts our view of the landscape. It can turn future goals, which we tend to envision at a distance, into more proximate events. We consider temporal distance as we do spatial distance. (Visualize a great day tomorrow and we see it with granular, practical clarity. But picture what a great day in the future might be like, not tomorrow but fifty years from now, and the image will be hazier.) — Sarah Lewis

Visualize The Future Quotes By Edwin Land

As I visualize it, the business of the future will be a scientific, social and economic unit. It will be vigorously creative in pure science where its contributions will compare with those of the universities. — Edwin Land

Visualize The Future Quotes By John Noble

In Revelation 12, we see a pure, holy woman giving birth to a son - a corporate son who brings victory by the blood of Jesus, their testimony and sacrifice. My vision is to see that kind of church moving in the authority, the sacrifice and love of Jesus. — John Noble

Visualize The Future Quotes By Timothy Pina

Begin to visualize your bright future ahead of you and then start walking the roads towards it. — Timothy Pina

Visualize The Future Quotes By Vannoccio Biringuccio

[On the propulsive force of rockets] One part of fire takes up as much space as ten parts of air, and one part of air takes up the space of ten parts of water, and one part of water as much as ten parts of earth. Now powder is earth, consisting of the four elementary principles, and when the sulfur conducts the fire into the dryest part of the powder, fire, and air increase ... the other elements also gird themselves for battle with each other and the rage of battle is changed by their heat and moisture into a strong wind. — Vannoccio Biringuccio