Famous Quotes & Sayings

Vid J T K Quotes & Sayings

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Top Vid J T K Quotes

Vid J T K Quotes By Peter Shaffer

Love is the only doorway from the prison of ourselves. — Peter Shaffer

Vid J T K Quotes By Jake Bible

It was a stressful morning," Shane said, tapping his eye patch. "Turns out you can't grow eyes back. Who fucking knew, right?" "Fucking medical system," Max said, taking another drag. "Thanks, Obama. — Jake Bible

Vid J T K Quotes By Hillary Jordan

She was inexorably in motion, on her way to a fate that would not include him, and though she missed him still, she was conscious that something had shifted inside her since she'd seen him on the vid. Through some unknown agency, the roar of his loss had diminished to a loud rumble, and the waves had spent much of their fury. The hold he'd left inside her was beginning to knit itself closed, and if she squinted, she could see that one day far in the distance, all that would remain of it would be a ragged seam, sensitive to the touch perhaps, but no longer tender. — Hillary Jordan

Vid J T K Quotes By J.D. Robb

What the fuck was that? Is it like that vid, with the people and the pods and the dupes?"
"Oh, that's a scary one. It's sort of like that. He's in love."
"What with?"
"Who," Peabody said with a laugh. "Apparently he met somebody a few weeks ago, and he's in love. He's happy."
"He's fucking creepy, that's what he is. I think I like him better when he's a dick. He kept smiling."
"Happy makes you smile."
"It's unnatural. — J.D. Robb

Vid J T K Quotes By James Costos

At the end of the day, what I have is the power to give a louder voice to people who have issues, questions and problems. — James Costos

Vid J T K Quotes By Manuel Lima

The origin of the word knowledge itself is strongly tied to trees. "In the Germanic languages, most terms for learning, knowledge, wisdom, and so on are derived from the words for tree or wood," says Hageneder. "In Anglo Saxon we have witan (mind, consciousness) and witige (wisdom); in English, 'wits,' 'witch', and wizard'; and in modern German, Witz (wits, joke). These words all stem from the ancient Scandinavian root word vid, which means 'wood' (as in forest, not timber). — Manuel Lima

Vid J T K Quotes By Lois McMaster Bujold

The rather blurred background to the face that formed over the vid plate seemed faintly familiar - ah yes, the Security Ops room at Ryoval Biologicals. Baron Ryoval had arrived personally on that scene as promised. It took only one glance at the dusky, contorted expression on Ryoval's youthful face to fill in the rest of the scenario. Miles folded his hands and smiled innocently. "Good morning, Baron. What can I do for you?" "Die, you little mutant!" Ryoval spat. "You! There isn't going to be a bunker deep enough for you to burrow in. I'll put a price on your head that will have every bounty hunter in the galaxy all over you like a second skin - you'll not eat or sleep - I'll have you - " Yes, — Lois McMaster Bujold

Vid J T K Quotes By Craig Ferguson

I view my own body as a petting zoo. I am the main attraction ... And the only customer. — Craig Ferguson

Vid J T K Quotes By Jeff Hardy

I can feel you, without even seeing you. — Jeff Hardy

Vid J T K Quotes By Laura Ingalls Wilder

In order to thoroughly enjoy anything, one must feel the absence of it at times ... — Laura Ingalls Wilder

Vid J T K Quotes By Nicholas Hoult

I'm not one of those people who's saying "I'm going to set up a production company", because I like acting and not having to be a business man and do that side of things. — Nicholas Hoult

Vid J T K Quotes By Henry Ford

The great need of the world has always been for leaders. With more leaders we could have more industry. More industry, more employment and comfort for all. — Henry Ford

Vid J T K Quotes By Vid Lamonte' Buggs Jr.

The Secret is - there really is no secret. Everything you need lies within yourself. — Vid Lamonte' Buggs Jr.

Vid J T K Quotes By Lena Dunham

I go back to Oberlin in the dead of winter to give a "convocation speech" in Finney Chapel, the largest and most historic of campus structures. In a subconscious nod to my college experience I forget to pack both tights and underwear and have to spend the weekend going commando in a wool skirt and knee socks. I am toured around the school like a stranger by a girl who didn't even go here. We stop at a glossy new cafe for tea and scones. She asks if I want a tour of the dormitories- no, I just want to wander around alone and maybe cry. — Lena Dunham

Vid J T K Quotes By Terence

Homo sum: humani nil a me alienum puto.I am human: nothing human is alien to me. — Terence

Vid J T K Quotes By Alan Furst

Struggling writers are often advised to pick a simple genre, but it doesn't work that way. — Alan Furst

Vid J T K Quotes By Liane Moriarty

Of course you should only be nice to nice people!" Vid looked at Dakota in the rearview mirror. "You hear that, Dakota? Don't waste your time on people who are not nice! — Liane Moriarty

Vid J T K Quotes By Chuck Wendig

He watches a vid of Brin reading from the Journal of the Whills: "The truth in our soul, Is that nothing is true. The question of life Is what then do we do? The burden is ours To penance, we hew. The Force binds us all From a certain point of view." Addar fails to understand what it means, but he admits: He enjoys listening to Brin. — Chuck Wendig

Vid J T K Quotes By J.D. Robb

I was having the surreal experience of having myself show myself around my office and bullpen."
"Oh! My desk. I could've sat at my desk. I could've sat at your desk."
"It's a vid set."
"Even then, no. — J.D. Robb

Vid J T K Quotes By Lois McMaster Bujold

Other than that, how was Kyril Island, Ensign Vorkosigan?" inquired the Count. "You didn't vid home much, your mother noticed." "I was busy. Lessee. The climate was ferocious, the terrain was lethal, a third of the population including my immediate superior was dead drunk most of the time. The average IQ equaled the mean temperature in degrees cee, there wasn't a woman for five hundred kilometers in any direction, and the base commander was a homicidal psychotic. Other than that, it was lovely. — Lois McMaster Bujold

Vid J T K Quotes By J.D. Robb

I don't like to think of her as pretend Peabody anymore. The more we find out, the meaner and crazier she gets. It's like it's bad enough fake Peabody got murdered, but now fake Peabody is a dead, blackmailing asshole on top of it. It's depressing."
"Yeah, it's all really too bad for you."
"Well, it kind of is. How am I supposed to enjoy the vid now, when I'll be thinking how behind the scenes I was trying to blackmail McNab into bed, and the whole time he's in love with you? And that maybe there's a vid of the two of you all naked and sexy and - "
"Stop right there before I boot."
"Hey! Maybe there's a vid of fake Peabody and fake Roarke all naked and sexy. That would definitely make up for it. Maybe I can get a copy."
"There's going to be a vid of me tearing strips off your ass then using them to wallpaper my office. I'll make copies for everybody. Get Marlo down here. I'll start on Julian. — J.D. Robb

Vid J T K Quotes By Scott Westerfeld

Alek coughed politely, "If I promise to avoid funny business, could you perhaps remove this knife from my throat? — Scott Westerfeld

Vid J T K Quotes By J.D. Robb

Very low. It's going to be one of the cast or crew, one of the people who worked with her, one of the people she pushed, insulted, threatened."
"Who pushed back." He got to his feet. "Celebrity murders," he muttered. "They'll probably make another goddamn vid." At Eve's stunned, slightly horrified expression, he smiled. "You could make book on it," he said. "Keep me updated. And don't be late for the media conference."
"Shit," Eve said when he'd gone out. "Shit. He could be right."
"Who'd play me in this one? I mean, it's really wild, isn't it? Somebody playing me investigating the murder of somebody who was playing me. And then there's - "
"Don't. You're giving me a headache. Get those runs done. — J.D. Robb

Vid J T K Quotes By Vid Lamonte' Buggs Jr.

Make Hard Work Your Best Friend. Hard Work becomes Smart Work; Smart Work becomes Easy Work. — Vid Lamonte' Buggs Jr.

Vid J T K Quotes By Lois McMaster Bujold

We're just good friends," caroled Miles, and laughed hysterically. He lunged for the comconsole - the guards grabbed for him and missed - and, climbing across the desk, snarled into the vid, "Stay away from her, you little shit! She's mine, you hear, mine, mine, all mine - Quinn, Quinn, beautiful Quinn, Quinn of the evening, beautiful Quinn," he sang off-key as the guards dragged him back. Blows ran him down into silence. "I thought you had him on fast-penta," said the clone to Galen. "We do." "It doesn't sound like fast-penta! — Lois McMaster Bujold

Vid J T K Quotes By Stephen Richards

One way you can trace your way back to real and true happiness and joy is through forgiveness. — Stephen Richards

Vid J T K Quotes By David O. Russell

I did a dance sequence in my second short film, which was my best short film, called 'Hairway to the Stars,' and I think Chris Wink, the founder of Blue Man Group, was in that. It's a black-and-white dance sequence. We were Glorious Food waiters together. — David O. Russell