Famous Quotes & Sayings

Verrocchio Christ Quotes & Sayings

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Top Verrocchio Christ Quotes

Verrocchio Christ Quotes By Laura Linney

Cancer is so much bigger than a TV show. — Laura Linney

Verrocchio Christ Quotes By Jewel

An artist's most valuable asset is individuality. — Jewel

Verrocchio Christ Quotes By John Newton

I am still in the land of the dying; I shall be in the land of the living soon. (his last words) — John Newton

Verrocchio Christ Quotes By Scott Speer

Listen. This will probably be the worst pain you have ever experienced in your life. Everything in your body will tell you to let go, but you have to hold on. You have to hold on, Maddy, no matter what. No matter how badly it hurts. You can never, never let go. Can you do that for me? — Scott Speer

Verrocchio Christ Quotes By Cyma Rizwaan Khan

When you name your child after a grotesque gigantic creature known for slaughtering hundreds of innocents for the sole purpose of entertainment (okay so they were illegal immigrants who entered his realm) you must have a slight idea how that would turn out. — Cyma Rizwaan Khan

Verrocchio Christ Quotes By Mahmoud Darwish

Please take your time. I want you to kill me slowly so I can write my last
poem to my wife's heart. They laughed, and took from me
only the words dedicated to my wife's heart. — Mahmoud Darwish