Famous Quotes & Sayings

Veggies Quotes & Sayings

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Top Veggies Quotes

Veggies Quotes By Curtis Stone

In my travels, I also noticed that kids in Thailand like spicy food, and kids in India love curry. I'm hoping to introduce my son, Hudson, to lots of veggies and spices when he's young. I say that before he's started on solid foods, so it could be easier in theory than practice! — Curtis Stone

Veggies Quotes By Steve Albini

I hate 'foodie' because it's cute, like pretty much all diminutives associated with eating. 'Veggies,' 'sammies,' 'parm.' I eat food, and I cook it: it's for eating, preferably with friends, and I don't make a fetish out of it. — Steve Albini

Veggies Quotes By Laura Prepon

I always have really fresh, hormone-free, additive-free chicken, healthy veggies, and brown rice in the fridge to grab because I'm always on the go. — Laura Prepon

Veggies Quotes By Gunnar Peterson

I always advise eating regular meals - a mix of healthy carbs, protein and fruits and veggies. — Gunnar Peterson

Veggies Quotes By Witney Carson

I eat healthy most of the time. Whole foods are the best for you when you are super active, so I get plenty of fruits and veggies to keep me energized. — Witney Carson

Veggies Quotes By Isabel Lucas

I eat lots of veggies and pasta and nuts, tofu and soups. Works well for my body, and I also feel more in tune. — Isabel Lucas

Veggies Quotes By Nicola Yoon

a melting pot. It's more like one of those divided metal plates with separate sections for starch, meat, and veggies. I'm looking at him and he's still not looking — Nicola Yoon

Veggies Quotes By Valerie Cruz

I eat tons of green veggies to keep my PH balance in check. — Valerie Cruz

Veggies Quotes By Kerri Walsh

When I'm sore, ice is my best friend. It really works. I take omega-3s every day, which helps with inflammation. And I try to eat things that won't inflame my joints, like fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein, and seafood. — Kerri Walsh

Veggies Quotes By Tia Mowry

To keep my son healthy, I throw secret veggies into his favorite dishes. — Tia Mowry

Veggies Quotes By Anthony Higgins

and retreat from the busy and hectic day to day daily life or the desire for fresh veggies, gardening can fill that void. In addition to providing some peace for an individual it can also provide a brilliant source of nutrition and cost savings at the dinner table. The drawback that gardeners have had to face is change of seasons, insect and rodent pests as well as fertilizing problems. Gardening methods over the years has taken a pleasant turn for the better as people are trying to re-connect to the natural way of things and are taking an organic approach to raising vegetables and fruits. It is pleasing and inspiring to witness this shift from chemical saturated food going back to the natural way it was meant to be eaten. It thrills me to contribute to this global shift! I hope our children and generations after them have many blessed years of health and abundance at their dinner tables from the positive teachings — Anthony Higgins

Veggies Quotes By Olive Hunter

Mom Voice - A mother's vocal range when even the neighbours will clean their rooms and eat their veggies. — Olive Hunter

Veggies Quotes By Allison Williams

I'm not a dieter. I have the palate of a 7-year-old boy, although I'm working on it. I order off the kids' menu! I'm working hard to eat more fruit and veggies and round it all out, but I'm a big pretzels and Diet Coke kind of girl. — Allison Williams

Veggies Quotes By Dean Hughes

What would Kathy say if she knew I let the whole crew eat those Oreos when they never did eat their carrot sticks (which I had so firmly required as prerequisite)? All three of my kids were probably heading for disease (not enough veggies) and jail (not enough discipline). — Dean Hughes

Veggies Quotes By Rachael Taylor

I eat excellent bread, clean meat, good crisp veggies, organic fruits and nice wine and cheese. It is one of the things I am truly grateful for. I'm not kidding. You can't ask a single mother of three working two jobs for minimum wage to eat that way. I am lucky. — Rachael Taylor

Veggies Quotes By Robin Gibb

I don't like fruit but I'm vegetarian, so eat a lot of veggies. — Robin Gibb

Veggies Quotes By Mia Hamm

Chicken, brown rice, and veggies is a great healthy dinner option. It's full of whole grains and protein, and will keep you full for a long time. — Mia Hamm

Veggies Quotes By Dana Cowin

If more people start selling ugly produce we have a chance to crack the hunger and malnutrition problems in the U.S. (Almost 90% of us do not get enough fruits and veggies). — Dana Cowin

Veggies Quotes By Mark Sisson

Adjust your mentality to make veggies a centrepiece of your meals and snacks. Get comfortable with occasionally consuming larger quantities than typical Western diet traditions call for. — Mark Sisson

Veggies Quotes By Lauren Alaina

Changing my diet was the big thing. I had to learn correct portion control ... I eat an egg-white omelet for breakfast, shrimp and veggies for lunch, and chicken with asparagus for dinner. — Lauren Alaina

Veggies Quotes By Bruce Ames

The effort to eliminate synthetic pesticides because of unsubstantiated fears about residues in food will make fruits and vegetables more expensive, decrease consumption, and thus increase cancer rates. The levels of synthetic pesticide residues are trivial in comparison to natural chemicals, and thus their potential for cancer causation is extremely low. [Ames believes that "to eat your veggies" is the best way to prevent cancer.] — Bruce Ames

Veggies Quotes By Shandy L. Kurth

You gonna make it? Fallon asked Brody, eyeing him. He looked two steps from the grave. Well, if I don't, you guys feel free to eat me. A little meat would do you good. These damn veggies ain't doing shit. — Shandy L. Kurth

Veggies Quotes By David Chang

There are many things to admire about Japan but this is the one thing I love the most and probably the only time I eat breakfast. Fish, eggs, soup, salad, veggies; all in the tiniest bites. It's a full meal, but it's so refreshing. — David Chang

Veggies Quotes By Jennifer Lane

Aren't those vegetables sexy, Rog?" Grant cooed, trying to hold in laughter. "Sexy, sexy veggies. You two need to go on lots of dates together. — Jennifer Lane

Veggies Quotes By Marisa Miller

I'll cook a batch of brown rice or quinoa and keep it in the fridge, so when I get hungry, I can easily dress it up with olive oil, lemon, and salt and pepper, and then add veggies. — Marisa Miller

Veggies Quotes By Alison Sweeney

I cook at home all the time and really enjoy it. It's fun family time and we all chip in and help out. We do a lot with our outdoor grill, a lot of chicken or shrimp, and every meal includes veggies. — Alison Sweeney

Veggies Quotes By Nicola Yoon

America's not really a melting pot. It's more like one of those divided metal plates with separate sections for starch, meat, and veggies. — Nicola Yoon

Veggies Quotes By Stephen Furst

You can eat a lot more vegetables than you can cotton candy. Bring on the veggies. Stay away from the fluffy carbs. — Stephen Furst

Veggies Quotes By Jillian Michaels

Fitness and proper nutrition truly go hand-in-hand. Focus on eating clean and filling your plate with veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins. And, everyone hates to do it, but calorie counting is crucial to weight loss as well as maintaining a healthy physique. — Jillian Michaels

Veggies Quotes By Martha Hunt

I stick to lots of protein and veggies and try not to eat so many carbs, even though carbs are my favorite. I eat healthy things like quinoa, and I add fresh juices to my diet to get extra vitamins. — Martha Hunt

Veggies Quotes By Frida Gustavsson

I'm obsessed with vinyasa flow yoga and Pilates. And since I live in Sweden, and we have good seafood, I tend to cook a lot of fish, preferably with oven-roasted veggies and a cauliflower mash. — Frida Gustavsson

Veggies Quotes By Calvin Trillin

Even today, well-brought-up English girls are taught by their mothers to boil all veggies for at least a month and a half, just in case one of the dinner guests turns up without his teeth. — Calvin Trillin

Veggies Quotes By Sherri Shepherd

I'm a human garbage can, but I don't like veggies unless they have Velveeta cheese on top. And forget crunchy broccoli and carrots. I like 'em soggy, soft and wilted. The nutrients have probably gone away, but that's the only way I can eat them. — Sherri Shepherd

Veggies Quotes By Ella Dominguez

McG: 11:39 PM: Tease. A: Bushy prehistoric looking veggies frighten me.
Lilliana: 11:41 PM: WTH are we talking about here?
McG: 11:42 PM: Fucking auto correct. VAGINAS! Bushy vaginas put the fear of God in me. Seriously, Lilly, if you've got one, groom that shit unless you want to see a grown alpha male curl into the fetal position and cry. It won't be pretty. Just sayin — Ella Dominguez

Veggies Quotes By Tiger Woods

I am pretty health-conscious, so when my girlfriend and/or I make dinner
no, I don't have a cook!
we choose the healthier options: lean meats, steamed veggies, fish, etc. Of course, there are always those cravings for the "bad foods" that I do give in to once in a while! — Tiger Woods

Veggies Quotes By Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Men don't want to be confused by the facts when their minds are already made up. Women know the art of negotiation - just ask the mother of a four-year-old who refuses to eat his veggies or the parent of a teenager. — Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Veggies Quotes By Bill Dedman

At one point, Sarah Palin sent her husband instructions to stock up on 'fresh fruit and veggies' for the kids, and 'as little processed foods as possible.' — Bill Dedman

Veggies Quotes By Alison Sweeney

If you're going to saute something, lightly spray olive oil in the pan or on veggies before you serve them. It adds a nice flavor. We grill a lot, so I'll use a little on my corn or my shrimp. — Alison Sweeney

Veggies Quotes By Andrew Luck

I try to eat fruit and veggies and meat and all the different categories and have a well rounded diet. — Andrew Luck

Veggies Quotes By Yolanda Adams

The only time I really eat out is when I'm on the road. Then, I make the same choices that I would make at home - salmon and lots of oily fish and veggies. — Yolanda Adams

Veggies Quotes By Ariana Grande

I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-around happier person. It is tricky dining out, but I just stick to what I know - veggies, fruit and salad - then when I get home I'll have something else. — Ariana Grande

Veggies Quotes By Todd English

I use a lot of spices, fresh veggies and fruit, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, avocado, soybeans and organic ingredients as often as possible. We need fat in our diets and using the healthier fats is key. — Todd English

Veggies Quotes By Ashton Shepherd

I drink a lot of water and I try to watch what I eat. The thing about me is I like healthy stuff, I like fruits and veggies, so it's all about moderation. — Ashton Shepherd

Veggies Quotes By Phillip C. McGraw

Here they are: Power Proteins Super Starches Chicken breast Oats Tuna (chunk light, canned in water) Brown rice Black beans Corn Prime Produce - Veggies Fit Fats Carrots Avocado Tomatoes Sunflower seeds Mushrooms Cashews Prime Produce-Fruits Blueberries Oranges Grapes — Phillip C. McGraw

Veggies Quotes By Emeril Lagasse

Wrap fish fillets, sliced veggies, and other quick-cooking items inside foil packets with bundles of fresh herbs and throw them directly on the grill; the steam will release the herb's perfume and flavor anything contained inside the pouch. — Emeril Lagasse

Veggies Quotes By Kristin Chenoweth

We are what we eat, so I eat as many veggies as I can! — Kristin Chenoweth

Veggies Quotes By Tracee Ellis Ross

I listen to my body. Some days all I want is a good steak and others, I crave veggies and quinoa. — Tracee Ellis Ross

Veggies Quotes By Bruce Ames

If I don't eat veggies with a meal, I feel deprived. — Bruce Ames

Veggies Quotes By Charlie Trotter

Always make stock in a large quantity and freeze it in plastic bags. That way, when you want to make a nice soup or boil veggies, you can simply pull the bag out of the freezer. — Charlie Trotter

Veggies Quotes By Ice Cube

I'm trying to cut down a little on eating, on sodium, keep my blood pressure down, which is tough. Because I love food! I do, but it's unfair how everything that's bad for you tastes so good, and all the good stuff, veggies and green things, doesn't match up. — Ice Cube

Veggies Quotes By Adam

Good people eat all their veggies and all the fruits, but they still have good grades. I call this, Freakonomics."
-Adam Pazandak — Adam

Veggies Quotes By Luke Mitchell

I try to stay away from processed foods. I eat lean meats and get as many veggies as I can on my plate, so when mum calls me on a Sunday, I can tell her I'm eating enough veggies! I love pasta, but I don't eat carbs a whole lot, and I love fruit. — Luke Mitchell

Veggies Quotes By Shawn Johnson

I love lean meats like chicken, turkey. I'm obsessed with sushi and fish in general. I eat a lot of veggies and hummus. — Shawn Johnson

Veggies Quotes By Donald Driver

I've done a lot of kale as well as broccoli. I love it. Asparagus I couldn't stand before, but now it is part of my meals. All three of those are greens that I never used to eat. Now, a smoothie for me is nothing but fruits and veggies and vanilla Greek yogurt. — Donald Driver

Veggies Quotes By Lee Haney

Most kids will not volunteer to eat veggies. At times you must step up to the plate and enforce the rule of authority as a parent. — Lee Haney

Veggies Quotes By Marisa Miller

I eat mostly organic, but I love macaroni and cheese, Mexican food, and egg-and-cheese croissants. So when I indulge, I eat protein and veggies for the rest of the day. It really is all about moderation and balance. — Marisa Miller

Veggies Quotes By Nate Holland

My best nutrition tip is to eat things you like that are low in calories and fat. Some of my favorites are chicken, rice, assorted veggies, egg white omelets, turkey sandwiches and protein shakes. — Nate Holland

Veggies Quotes By Katherine Webb

I just try to stick to clean foods, anything grilled like salmon, chicken, fish, brown rice, and veggies. I do have a really big sweet tooth, so I try to curb my cravings with fruit instead. — Katherine Webb

Veggies Quotes By Amy E. Reichert

Luella had been Lou's favorite grandma. Some grandmas took their grandchildren to parks, or bought them books and dolls, or shared their special stories. Her grandma shared her recipes. She taught Lou how to check when a roast turkey was done, chop veggies without cutting off a finger, and bake a coconut cake grown men swooned over. A fog of comforting smells had perpetually blanketed her kitchen- an expression of her love so strong you could taste it. Lou caught the culinary bug during those early days and loved that she was named after her grandma, even if Lou believed she'd never make food quite as delicious. — Amy E. Reichert

Veggies Quotes By Amy E. Reichert

Lou recovered some foie gras, duck confit, and assorted veggies and herbs. As she grabbed the items, a menu started bubbling to the surface: foie gras ravioli with a cherry-sage cream sauce, crispy goat cheese medallions on mixed greens with a simple vinaigrette, pan-fried duck confit, and duck-fat-roasted new potatoes with more of the cherry-sage cream sauce. For dessert, a chocolate souffle with coconut crisps. — Amy E. Reichert

Veggies Quotes By John Stamos

I like when guests come over early and we chop veggies and talk and play music. — John Stamos

Veggies Quotes By Sharon Gannon

Flesh isn't the only source of protein. You can get all the protein you need from a varied plant-based diet. Protein is found in greens, veggies, beans, grains, nuts & seeds, avocados and so on. And there is no need to consume these foods in any special combination. — Sharon Gannon

Veggies Quotes By Tori Spelling

I make lots of casseroles that have protein, veggies, carbs and good fats all together. — Tori Spelling

Veggies Quotes By Jude Bijou

Along with bathing and eating your veggies, releasing emotions needs to become part of our daily routines. — Jude Bijou

Veggies Quotes By Vanessa Hudgens

I like egg white omelets with veggies, or oatmeal with almonds and fruit. — Vanessa Hudgens

Veggies Quotes By Gautama Buddha

Please, try to eat a bit less meat, a bit more veggies from today. Let it become a habit gradually until not to eat meat anymore. Then, observe the changing of the body and spirit after eating veggies, fruits and grains ? — Gautama Buddha

Veggies Quotes By Chris Mohr

Your body is incredible at 'detoxing'. It's called pooping & sweating. Best 'detox diet' = regular exercise, eating more veggies, fruit, healthy fats, lean meat, some grains and drinking more water. — Chris Mohr

Veggies Quotes By Mark Manson

The ticket to emotional health, like that to physical health, comes from eating your veggies - that is, accepting the bland and mundane truths of life: truths such as "Your actions actually don't matter that much in the grand scheme of things" and "The vast majority of your life will be boring and not noteworthy, and that's okay." This vegetable course will taste bad at first. Very bad. You will avoid accepting it. But once ingested, your body will wake up feeling more potent and more alive. After all, that constant pressure to be something amazing, to be the next big thing, will be lifted off your back. The stress and anxiety of always feeling inadequate and constantly needing to prove yourself will dissipate. And the knowledge and acceptance of your own mundane existence will actually free you to accomplish what you truly wish to accomplish, without judgment or lofty expectations. You — Mark Manson

Veggies Quotes By Amy E. Spiegel

Single life shouldn't be a diet of junk food, aiming only to please one's lower appetites. It should be a time of preparation, the veggies that earn our dessert. — Amy E. Spiegel

Veggies Quotes By Liane Moriarty

In those years when their mother disappeared into herself, and old Mrs Jeffrey next door turned into Frannie, their honorary grandmother, Alice also taught herself how to change light bulbs, fix running toilets and cook chops and veggies while Elisabeth learned how to demand refunds, pay bills, fill in forms and talk to strangers. — Liane Moriarty

Veggies Quotes By Dwight Howard

As far juicing goes, I've done it for a couple of years; it's very good to cleanse the body. Doing the smoothies and getting the fruits and veggies in there just gives you more energy. You'll feel quite different after a couple weeks of doing it. Be consistent with it and you'll see it really makes a difference. — Dwight Howard

Veggies Quotes By Alicia Coppola

I eat very well. I cook for my family every night. We eat a variety of things, including chicken, fish, pork, lentils, all veggies, pastas, and salads. You name it, we eat it - except salmon, which I find disgusting. Sorry, salmon. — Alicia Coppola