Famous Quotes & Sayings

Ux Design Quotes & Sayings

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Top Ux Design Quotes

Ux Design Quotes By Denis Leary

I love to smoke. I smoke seven thousand packs a day! — Denis Leary

Ux Design Quotes By Jack D. Zipes

Fairy tales since the beginning of recorded time, and perhaps earlier, have been a means to conquer the terrors of mankind through metaphor. — Jack D. Zipes

Ux Design Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

The world opens up to you when you pour out goodness. The universe opens up to you when you pour out love. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Ux Design Quotes By Joe Gibbs

The key to being a good manager or a good entrepreneur is to pick the right people. Pick the right people, and they'll make you look good. — Joe Gibbs

Ux Design Quotes By Archibald Primrose

The Empire is a Commonwealth of nations. — Archibald Primrose

Ux Design Quotes By Warren Christopher

An independent and free media is essential to ensure democracy. — Warren Christopher

Ux Design Quotes By Frank Knox

If future generations ask us what we are fighting for [in World War Two], we shall tell them the story of Lidice. — Frank Knox

Ux Design Quotes By Jenifer Tidwell

UX designers have to constantly learn about human psychology, interaction design, information architecture and user research techniques, just to name a few, in order to create the right solutions to a user's problems. — Jenifer Tidwell

Ux Design Quotes By Stephen P. Anderson

I think it's more accurate to think of aesthetics as a key ingredient in a recipe, as opposed to the icing on the cake. — Stephen P. Anderson

Ux Design Quotes By Munia Khan

Never let the salt of your tears be tasteless in grief. — Munia Khan

Ux Design Quotes By Ernest K. Gann

Are we lost, or are we found at last? On earth we strive for our various needs, because so goes the fundamental law of man. Aloft, at least for a little while, the needs disappear. Likewise the striving. In the thoughts of man aloft, food and evil become mixed and sometimes reversed. This is the open door to wisdom. Aloft, the earth is ancient and man is young, regardless of his numbers, for there, aloft he may reaffirm his suspicions that he may not be so very much. This is the gateway to humility. — Ernest K. Gann

Ux Design Quotes By Jennie Garth

If there's an energy between two people it doesn't matter what you look like or what you do for a living or where you live. — Jennie Garth

Ux Design Quotes By Edward R. Tufte

To clarify, *add* data. — Edward R. Tufte

Ux Design Quotes By Tim Curry

My great hero is Billie Holiday, and I've always wanted to do an album of standards with a piano-led quartet. — Tim Curry

Ux Design Quotes By Patricia Briggs

If I let them all treat me like I was broken, then how was I going to convince myself I wasn't? — Patricia Briggs

Ux Design Quotes By Jared Spool

Intuitive design happens when current knowledge is the same as the target knowledge. — Jared Spool

Ux Design Quotes By Jill Lepore

The historian, on the contrary, cannot experiment and can rarely observe. Instead, the historian has to collect his own evidence, knowing, all the while, that some of it is useless and much of it unreliable.
-Professor Charles Homer Haskins — Jill Lepore

Ux Design Quotes By Jon Kolko

Hidden in the physical work space, in the user's words, and in the tools they use are the beautiful gems of knowledge that can create revolutionary, breakthrough products or simply fix existing, broken products. People do strange things - unexpected things - and being there to witness and record these minute and quick moments of humanity is simply invaluable — Jon Kolko

Ux Design Quotes By Jared Spool

Intuitive design is how we give the user new superpowers. — Jared Spool

Ux Design Quotes By Chad Camara

UX Design is a practical yet very thoughtful discipline, and a UX Designer's single most important skill is the ability to learn and adapt. — Chad Camara