Famous Quotes & Sayings

Utopistics Quotes & Sayings

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Top Utopistics Quotes

Utopistics Quotes By Rachel Renee Russell

Wine intoxicates for a time, but the end is bitterness. — Rachel Renee Russell

Utopistics Quotes By Niels Bohr

How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress. — Niels Bohr

Utopistics Quotes By Virginia Postrel

Though designed as a mere convenience, clothing sizes establish an unintended norm, an ideal from which deviations seem like flaws. There's nothing like a trip to the dressing room to convince a woman - fat, thin, or in between - that she's a freak. — Virginia Postrel

Utopistics Quotes By Dave Barry

In my experience, if you go to a hospital for any reason whatsoever, including to read the gas meter, they give you a tetanus shot. — Dave Barry

Utopistics Quotes By Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

I find, that, in general, alliances based on friendship are the only things that last. Not alliances based on words and letters. — Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Utopistics Quotes By Lois McMaster Bujold

I'm not getting it all sorted, she worried. I'm not getting it right.
You are brilliant, the Voice reassured her.
It is imperfect.
So are all things trapped in time. You are brilliant, nonetheless. How fortunate for Us that We thirst for glorious souls rather than faultless ones, or We should be parched indeed, and most lonely in Our perfect righteousness. Carry on imperfectly, shining Ista. — Lois McMaster Bujold

Utopistics Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

To make a choice not to sacrifice is to decide that I am better off allowing a life to perish than release the resources I possess that might allow it to thrive. And because of choices such as these, the life that I am really allowing to perish is mine. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Utopistics Quotes By George Steiner

Nothing is more symptomatic of the enervation, of the decompression of the Western imagination, than our incapacity to respond to the landings on the Moon. Not a single great poem, picture, metaphor has come of this breathtaking act, of Prometheus' rescue of Icarus or of Phaeton in flight towards the stars. — George Steiner

Utopistics Quotes By James Egan

There is no gravity in space. There is gravity almost everywhere in space. It is reduced but we can't escape gravity because it is a fundamental force of the universe. Astronauts seem weightless because they are orbiting Earth. They are falling towards Earth but they are moving sufficiently sideways to miss it. So they are constantly falling but never landing. — James Egan

Utopistics Quotes By Walter M. Miller Jr.

He soon decided that almost any fact could be accepted calmly after it had already happened. Men would be just as calm after their cities had been reduced to rubble. The human capacity for calmness was almost unlimited, ex post facto, because the routine of daily living had to go on, despite the big business of governments whose leaders invoked the Deity in the cause of slaughter. — Walter M. Miller Jr.