Famous Quotes & Sayings

Us Andersen Quotes & Sayings

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Top Us Andersen Quotes

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

These fiery trials are designed to make you stronger, but they have the potential to diminish or even destroy your trust in the Son of God and to weaken your resolve to keep your promises to Him. These trials are often camouflaged, making them difficult to identify. They take root in our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities, our sensitivities, or in those things that matter most to us. A real but manageable test for one can be a fiery trial for another. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

Repentance is a blessing to all of us. We each need to feel the Savior's arms of mercy through the forgiveness of our sins. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

While many governments and well-meaning individuals have redefined marriage, the Lord has not. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

I only do His will, replied Death. I am his gardener. I take all His flowers and trees, and transplant them into the gardens of Paradise in an unknown land. How they flourish there, and what that garden resembles, I may not tell you. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Uell S. Andersen

A patient suffering with cancer of the throat was informed of a new X-ray machine that would cure his condition. This man could neither read nor write, nor was he informed about any of the instruments or procedures of medical practice. When he first sat down in the doctor's office and received into his mouth a thermometer with which the doctor sought to take his temperature, he believed he was undergoing X-ray treatment. The doctor, alert to the practices of psychology, recognized this, and after leaving the thermometer in the patient's mouth for ten minutes, excused him and told him to return in two days. Three weeks of treatment with a thermometer cured this patient's cancerous condition! Obviously, it wasn't the thermometer that did it. It was Faith! — Uell S. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Eighty percent of our criminals come from unsympathetic homes. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

Faith in Jesus Christ is a gift from heaven that comes as we choose to believe and as we seek it and hold on to it. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Kurt Andersen

If partisanship makes us abandon intellectual honesty, if we oppose what our opponents say or do simply because they are the ones saying or doing it, we become mere political short-sellers, hoping for bad news because it's good for our ideological investment. — Kurt Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

It is within the sanctuary of the Church that we protect our faith. Meeting together with others who believe, we pray and find answers to our prayers; we worship through music, share testimony of the Savior, serve one another, and feel the Spirit of the Lord. We partake of the sacrament, receive the blessings of the priesthood, and attend the temple ... When you are faced with a test of faith, stay within the safety and security of the household of God. There is always a place for you here. No trial is so large we can't overcome it together. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

As we act in faith, we often find that the blessings from the Lord are different than we expected but much better than we imagined. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Lemon Andersen

I live by the code 'Kill them with kindness, blood everywhere;' for me, it's always about being the nicest kind of guy. — Lemon Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

The Savior taught us to love not only our friends but also those who disagree with us- and even those who repudiate us. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Laura Andersen

I want to be undone by you. I want to be the one to come to pieces in your arms, to forget there is anything in this world but the two of us. — Laura Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Susan Andersen

And if her heart was breaking with every step she took, at least he would never know. — Susan Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Now, if we only had as many casks of butter as there are people here, then I would eat lots of butter! — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

I testify of the great blessing of children and of the happiness they will bring us in this life and in the eternities, — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Now he is certainly sailing above, he on whom my wishes hang, and in whose hand I should like to lay my life's happiness. I will dare everything to win him and an immortal soul. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Samantha Ellis

At this point, harking back to the stuff about souls, Andersen bolts on a perplexing Christian salvation message about how the Little Mermaid can earn a soul if she is good for three hundred years, but every time she sees 'a rude, naughty child', she'll get more time in purgatory. Don't be rude or naughty or the mermaids will suffer? Please. Even as a child, I knew this was ridiculous. — Samantha Ellis

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Because she could not go near all these wonderful things, she longed for them all the more. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Lemon Andersen

The pen isn't really the weapon - the work ethic is the weapon. — Lemon Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Laura Andersen

She had known for months now that something or someone would have to break to end this painful stalemate they were locked in. She had never guessed it would be Dominic. She had never guessed Dominic could be broken. — Laura Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

How little do the wisest among us know of that which is so important to us all. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Susan Andersen

Keep yourself healthy, my butt. Next you'll be flipping them all nasty one-handed gestures and telling me its an AMA approved method of controlling your blood pressure. — Susan Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

I covet honour in the same way as a miser covets gold. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Each time I think that the song is ended ... something higher and better begins for me. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

In his own time and in his own way, the Lord will bring about his miracles. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Almighty God, thee only have I; thou steerest my fate, I must give myself up to thee! Give me a livelihood! Give me a bride! My blood wants love, as my heart does! — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Andersen Prunty

Everyone has problems. Everyone has a shitty life. But people who embrace that and do something with the misery are seen as the abnormal ones. And the people who apply normalcy like a camouflage suit are seen as the normal ones. — Andersen Prunty

Us Andersen Quotes By Lemon Andersen

[I've] learned how to pull the mic away and attack the poetry with my body. — Lemon Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

The wiser a man becomes, the more he will read, and those who are wisest read most. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

With all the blessings our modern age has given to us, let us not give up the things that promote the workings of the Holy Ghost. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

I only appear to be dead. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Erika Andersen

Responsible: (1) Liable to be held to account for discharging one's duty; (2) Able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior; (3) Able to be trusted or depended upon; reliable. — Erika Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

in a single instant, can the consciousness of the sin that has been committed in thoughts, words, and actions of our past life, be unfolded to us. When once the conscience is awakened, it springs up in the heart spontaneously, and God awakens the conscience when we least expect it. Then we can find no excuse for ourselves; the deed is there and bears witness against us. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Gudjon Bergmann

You are wrong about that, you know, Dr. Andersen replied calmly. This, right here - us talking, sitting in this overlit room, a bunch of shrinks watching us through the tinted windows - this is the dream. The peace you felt before, that is reality. It is the I. The only part of existence that does not change, that cannot change, that will not change. You may not be ready to understand this quite yet, but if you continue meditating, you will. — Gudjon Bergmann

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

Perfection does not come in this life, but we exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and keep our covenants. President Monson has promised, "Your testimony, when constantly nourished, will keep you safe." We push our spiritual roots deep, feasting daily on the words of Christ in the scriptures. We trust in the words of living prophets, placed before us to show us the way. We pray and pray and listen to the quiet voice of the Holy Ghost that leads us along and speaks peace to our soul. Whatever challenges arise, we never, never leave Him. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Time is so fleeting that if we do not remember God in our youth, age may find us incapable of thinking of him. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Ross Andersen

Historically, discoveries of pure science are slow to reach the mainstream compared with those of the applied sciences, which noisily announce themselves with new medicines and gadgets. The Hubble has proved an exception, remaking, in a single generation, the popular conception of the universe. It has accomplished this primarily through the aesthetic force of its discoveries, which distill the difficult abstractions of astrophysics into singular expressions of color and light, vindicating Keats's famous couplet: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty." Though philosophy has hardly registered it, the Hubble has given us nothing less than an ontological awakening, a forceful reckoning with what is. The telescope compels the mind to contemplate space and time on a scale just shy of the infinite. — Ross Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Cynthia Ozick

Imagine an American Hans Christian Andersen, conceive of the Brothers Grimm living in Missouri, and you will approximate Howard Schwartz, a fable-maker and fable-gatherer seduced by the uncanny and the unearthly. In Lilith's Cave, he once again reaches into a magical cornucopia of folklore and fantasy and spreads before us, in enchanting language, the marvels and shocks of dybbuks, ghosts, demons, spirits, and wizards. — Cynthia Ozick

Us Andersen Quotes By Andersen Prunty

They reached the Tabernacle. It looked like it had been converted from a one room schoolhouse. "It used to be a one room schoolhouse," Mindy said. The — Andersen Prunty

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

I will fly to those royal birds, — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Gunnar Reiss-Andersen

It's no use being a qualified zoologist once you're inside the lion's mouth. — Gunnar Reiss-Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Christopher Andersen

Daddy," said the toddler, now seething with righteous indignation, "you are a poo-poo head!"
Feigning outrage, JFK lowered his voice. "John," he said, "no one calls the President of the United States a poo-poo head. — Christopher Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Karsten Andersen

Gravitation cant be held responsible for people falling in love. — Karsten Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

We can work, study, laugh and have fun, dance, sing, and enjoy many different experiences. These are a wonderful part of life, but they are not central to why we are here. The opportunity to choose good over evil is precisely why we are here. Not one of us would say, "I want to choose evil." We all want to choose the right. However, the choice of good over evil is not always easy, because evil frequently lurks behind smiling eyes. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

It doesn't matter if you're born in a duck yard, so long as you are hatched from a swan's egg! — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Laura Andersen

I cook better than a Stepford wife and Bobby Flay, COMBINED! — Laura Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Alexander McCall Smith

Mma Makutsi was unconvinced. "Where there is smoke there's fire, Mma. I have always said that." Mma Ramotswe could not let that pass. "But what does Clovis Andersen say in The Principles of Private Detection, Mma? Does he not say that you must be very careful to decide where the smoke is coming from? Smoke can drift, Mma. Those were his exact words, I think. — Alexander McCall Smith

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

I have gone through the most terrible affair that could possibly happen; only imagine, my shadow has gone mad; I suppose such a poor, shallow brain, could not bear much; he fancies that he has become a real man, and that I am his shadow. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Andersen Prunty

"If we're meant to have the flame then we'll have the flame. If we're meant to find your father then we'll find your father. It's really as simple as that. We could have tried to hold onto the flame. We could have jumped in the river after it. But what would happen then? We would have had to chase it and our only purpose is to find your father. The more you chase something, the farther away it gets. — Andersen Prunty

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

I know what you want. It is very stupid of you, but you shall have your way, and it will bring you to sorrow, my pretty princess. - The sea witch. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Susan Andersen

He stared at her. "How do chicks do that?" "We have uteruses- they give us magic color sense. — Susan Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Well, that's not easy to answer when the question is so stupidly put ... — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Kurt Andersen

I often set two alarm clocks because I'm afraid the first one won't actually make me get up. — Kurt Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Sharp knives seemed to cut her delicate feet, yet she hardly felt them, so deep was the pain in her heart. She could not forget that this was the last night she would ever see the one for whom she had left her home and family, had given up her beautiful voice, and had day by day endured unending torment, of which he knew nothing at all. An eternal night awaited her. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Nancy Tellem

Unlike most experts in her field, Erika Andersen has an approach to being strategic that's sensible and accessible. With her, you feel capable of creating the business, career and life you want. She's to strategy what Suze Orman is to personal finance! — Nancy Tellem

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

Counting the ways the Book of Mormon brings peace to the soul is like counting the sand on the seashore. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Laura Andersen

Wouldn't you like to be my lord Duke of Exeter? Come on, Dom. Say something."
"You have lost your mind."
"Say something less insulting. — Laura Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Her tender feet felt as if cut with sharp knives, but she cared not for it; a sharper pang had pierced through her heart. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

Our desire to share the gospel takes all of us to our knees, and it should, because we need the Lord's help. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By M.J. Andersen

Anyone who tells you her life is like a book has either been reading some bad books or is not being straight with you or herself about her life. — M.J. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Alex Gabriel

I saved you," Andersen said at last, slowly but firmly, like Pat was an idiot child who had to be reminded of the basic rules of the universe. To wit: Gravity exists. Time purports to flow in a linear fashion, but it's only trying to fool us. I saved you. — Alex Gabriel

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

But our trials need not be spiritually fatal. They need not take us from our covenants or from the household of God. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Cyn Balog

Hans and Christian just stare at me, faces grim. All I can think of is how awesome it would be if my name were Andersen. — Cyn Balog

Us Andersen Quotes By Neil L. Andersen

The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to "re-turn" toward God. — Neil L. Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Many, many steeples would have to be stacked one on top of another to reach from the bottom to the surface of the sea. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

out-of-doors there was quite a snow-storm. "It is the white bees that are swarming," said Kay's old grandmother. "Do the white bees choose a queen?" asked the little boy; for he knew that the honey-bees always have one. "Yes," said the grandmother, "she flies where the swarm hangs in the thickest clusters. She is the largest of all; and she can never remain quietly on the earth, but goes up again into the black clouds. Many a winter's night she flies through the streets of the town, and peeps in at the windows; and they then freeze in so wondrous a manner that they look like flowers. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

Suddenly an ice-cold wind went through the vast hall, and the blind mother could feel that Death had arrived.
'How have you been able to find your way here?' he asked, 'how have you been able to get here faster than I have?'
'I'm a mother, she said. — Hans Christian Andersen

Us Andersen Quotes By Hans Christian Andersen

But shouldn't all of us on earth give the best we have to others and offer whatever is in our power? — Hans Christian Andersen