Famous Quotes & Sayings

Urban Cowboy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Urban Cowboy Quotes

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Sara Humphreys

You are a spitfire of a woman, do you know that? You remind me of a horse that hasn't been broken yet. All skittish and full of wild energy."
"Are you for real?" Her jaw fell open. "Did you just compare me to a horse? — Sara Humphreys

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Cyril Connolly

No-one was ever made wretched in a brothel. — Cyril Connolly

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Sara Humphreys

There ain't nothin' that makes a man feel more alive than white-hot desire. — Sara Humphreys

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Lisa Brown Roberts

With you, it's... I don't even know how to say it. It's like you're a work of art. Every time I'm with you, I see something new. Something beautiful. — Lisa Brown Roberts

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Sara Humphreys

Dakota pulled a lollipop out of his pocket before quickly unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth.
What kind of vampire sucks on human candy? — Sara Humphreys

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Mattie J.T. Stepanek

Do not breathe simply to exist. — Mattie J.T. Stepanek

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Douglas Horton

We are all serving a life sentence, and good behavior is our only hope for a pardon. — Douglas Horton

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Sara Humphreys

Damn, girl. If I still breathed, I'd be suffocated by how much I want you. — Sara Humphreys

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Halle Berry

I've always thought that when anyone receives an award for acting they should always thank their fellow actors, because the only way you're going to deliver your best performance is when you have other good actors on the set supporting you and being very present for you even when the camera is not on them. — Halle Berry

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Franz Kafka

I don't know,' I cried without being heard, 'I do not know, If nobody comes, then nobody comes. I've done nobody any harm, nobody's done me any harm, but nobody will help me. A pack of nobodies. Yet that isn't all true. Only, that nobody helps me - a pack of nobodies would be rather fine, on the other hand. I'd love to go on an excursion - why not? - with a pack of nobodies. Into the mountains, of course, where else? How these nobodies jostle each other, all these lifted arms linked together, these numberless feet treading so close! Of course they are all in dress suits. We go so gaily, the wind blows through us and the gaps in our company. Our throats swell and are free in the mountains! It's a wonder that we don't burst into song. — Franz Kafka

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Bill Maher

When sex is good theres nothing better, when its bad its not bad. — Bill Maher

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Roni Loren

Should I slap a cowboy hat on you and call you Sissy? — Roni Loren

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Zadie Smith

The really heroic thing about Nick Hornby is that he lives in north London and rarely leaves it ... Every English writer needs their corner that is forever England - but only a few brave men choose to make that corner Highbury. — Zadie Smith

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Sara Humphreys

Even now, as a vampire, the fear of addiction ruled her world.
Would she ever be free? — Sara Humphreys

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Peter Russell

We have been conditioned since birth with the belief that satisfaction of these inner needs comes through our interaction with the world. We seek inner fulfillment through what we have or what we do, through the experiences the world provides, and through the ways others behave toward us. This is the meme that governs so much of our thinking and behavior: the meme that says whether or not we are content with life depends on what we have and what we do. Prevalent as this meme may be, it seldom provides any lasting satisfaction. A person may gather a great deal of wealth, but is he really more secure? More than likely, he will soon find new sources of insecurity. Are my investments safe? Will the stock market crash? Can I trust my friends? Should I employ "security" companies to protect my possessions? — Peter Russell

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Chow Yun-Fat

Working in front of the camera keeps me alive. — Chow Yun-Fat

Urban Cowboy Quotes By J.C. Valentine

A brief hush fell over the table when the guy from the bar approached. After he finished depositing their drinks in the center of the table, Lynn jumped on the opportunity to flirt, winking and smiling prettily at him. "Thanks, cowboy."
"Cowboy?" Reaching for her appletini, Piper laughed.
Lynn shrugged. "When I picture him in my bed, I see a Stetson and a saddle."
Something well-known among their group, ever since she watched John Travolta in Urban Cowboy, she was on a mission to secure herself her very own cowboy.
"I bet you see a branding iron too," Jules snickered.
Lynn's thoughtful gaze trailed after him as the bartender returned to making drinks. — J.C. Valentine

Urban Cowboy Quotes By Sara Humphreys

Dakota started laughing. You wouldn't have anything back there to help me tame a punk-rock wild child with a disdain for cowboys, would you? — Sara Humphreys