Famous Quotes & Sayings

Untwist Quotes & Sayings

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Top Untwist Quotes

Untwist Quotes By Henry IV

Religion is not changed as easily as a shirt. — Henry IV

Untwist Quotes By Alexis Hall

His attention. Sweet and intense at the same time. Like a barley sugar I could untwist from its plastic and hold in my mouth. A flood of secret pleasure. — Alexis Hall

Untwist Quotes By Kenneth Rexroth

With my own group I like to keep it loose. They have to counter rather than go with me. When they stop I like to be moving. — Kenneth Rexroth

Untwist Quotes By Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

As it was, they had never even managed a successful first date before their romance had gone the way of Romeo and Juliet's
except that Romeo and Juliet didn't wake up the next day, leave the crypt and say, Now what? — Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Untwist Quotes By Dorothea Dix

The capsules of the geranium furnish admirable barometers. Fasten the beard, when fully ripe, upon a stand, and it will twist itself or untwist, according as the air is moist or dry. — Dorothea Dix

Untwist Quotes By Ernest Gaines

Today I must write a paragraph or a page better than I did yesterday. — Ernest Gaines

Untwist Quotes By Allen Tate

For often at Church I've seen the stained high glass
Pour out the Virgin and Saints, twist and untwist
The mortal youth of Christ astride an ass. — Allen Tate

Untwist Quotes By Paula Poundstone

It is my wish to die of unique causes, perhaps in a high-speed tricycle crash, a bizarre stapling incient, or as a result of inadvertently sucking my brains out through my ear while trying to untwist the vacuum hose. — Paula Poundstone

Untwist Quotes By Kim Harrison

Where did he go!" he bellowed, gloved hands clenching. "I had him in a snare
that would take Alexander the Great a lifetime to untwist, and he did it in a
week!" Al took a step, pinwheeling as his booted heel found an ice cube. — Kim Harrison

Untwist Quotes By Justin Vernon

A lot of people change their band names because they're looking for a change of atmosphere. — Justin Vernon

Untwist Quotes By V.C. Andrews

Though I'm not sure, I thought I saw women dressed in black, with her head and face covered by a black veil, duck behind a tree as we approached the road and parked car. Hiding so we wouldn't see her. But I caught a glimpse, enough to reveal the rope of lustrous pearls she wore. Pearls that were there for a thin white hand to lift and nervously, out of long habit, twist and untwist into a knot. Only one women I knew did that
and she was the perfect one to wear black, and should run to hide!
Forever hide! Color all her days black! Every last one! — V.C. Andrews

Untwist Quotes By Ricky Jay

I do think deception ... There's something kind of odd about tricking people for a living, but ultimately, it's a remarkably honest profession, when you think about it. If you violate that code, and you say you're not using camera tricks, and then you do, I actually think that's a kind of serious moral issue. — Ricky Jay