Famous Quotes & Sayings

Understimulated Brain Quotes & Sayings

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Top Understimulated Brain Quotes

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Sol LeWitt

Once it is out of his hand the artist has no control over the way a viewer will perceive the work. Different people will understand the same thing in a different way. — Sol LeWitt

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Rachel Naomi Remen

Wounding and healing are not opposites. They're part of the same thing. It is our wounds that enable us to be compassionate with the wounds of others. It is our limitations that make us kind to the limitations of other people. It is our loneliness that helps us to to find other people or to even know they're alone with an illness. I think I have served people perfectly with parts of myself I used to be ashamed of. — Rachel Naomi Remen

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Jamie McGuire

I relaxed my cheek against her hair. She always smelled so good, felt so good. Being near her was like a sedative. My entire body relaxed, and I was suddenly so tired, I didn't want to move. We sat together, our arms around each other, her head tucked in against my neck, for the longest time. Nothing beyond that moment was guaranteed, so I stayed there inside of it, with Pigeon. — Jamie McGuire

Understimulated Brain Quotes By James Carroll

Humans are reeds of straw who think. Reeds of straw who know. Reeds of straw who choose. Reeds of straw who love. Reeds of straw who willingly surpass themselves. — James Carroll

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Michael Thomas Ford

No one in France cares if you tried to kill yourself. In fact, I think they like you better because you're all tragic. — Michael Thomas Ford

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Beverly Sills

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. — Beverly Sills

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Paulo Coelho

You only need to hide if you're doing something you shouldn't. — Paulo Coelho

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Rita Rudner

We live in Los Angeles, where you are expected to move every two to four years, so people can see how well your career is going. — Rita Rudner

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Kylie Scott

If I could just keep my legs shut I might yet win this battle. It seemed an insurmountable task, given the array of his arsenal. The size of his artillery. One hand dived down further, stroking between my legs, while the other held the back of my head. I was helpless, the battle lost. God, I sucked. — Kylie Scott

Understimulated Brain Quotes By George R R Martin

One King means peace. — George R R Martin

Understimulated Brain Quotes By John Searle

The assertion fallacy ... is the fallacy of confusing the conditions for the performance of the speech act of assertion with the analysis of the meaning of particular words occurring in certain assertions. — John Searle

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Condoleezza Rice

As Americans we like to believe that we're loved in international politics or that people like what we're doing. But we also recognize that we have an extraordinary responsibility to do what we think is right, and that sometimes what we do is not very popular. — Condoleezza Rice

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Rick Moody

I am now the site of an unmistakable sag ... With fancy holographic belt buckles do I attempt to restrain my stampeding softness. In vain ... My only virtues, as a physical specimen, are my sideburns, which are like the pelts of rare woodland animals. My sideburns are not to be ignored. — Rick Moody

Understimulated Brain Quotes By John Crowley

Love is a myth.'
'Love is a myth,' Grandfather Trout said. 'Like summer.'
'In winter,'Grandfather Trout said, 'summer is a myth. A report, a rumor. Not to be believed in. Get it? Love is a myth. So is summer. — John Crowley

Understimulated Brain Quotes By Fujio Mitarai

The world is facing a new networked, digital lifestyle, and we will ensure that Canon remains ahead of the game. — Fujio Mitarai