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Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes & Sayings

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Top Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Andrea Leadsom

I think we have muddled the terms of marriage, civil partnership, registry office, church etc. I would have liked that to have been clarified. I didn't really like the legislation that was the problem but I absolutely support gay marriage. — Andrea Leadsom

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Jessica Lahey

Out of love and desire to protect our children's self-esteem, we have bulldozed every uncomfortable bump and obstacle out of the way, clearing the manicured path we hoped would lead to success and happiness. Unfortunately, in doing so we have deprived our children of the most important lessons of childhood. The setbacks, mistakes, miscalculations, and failures we have shoved out of our children's way are the very experiences that teach them how to be resourceful, persistent, innovative and resilient citizens of this world. — Jessica Lahey

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Ken Keyes Jr.

By tuning in to your minute-to-minute stream of consciousness, you discover the addictions that make you worried, anxious, resentful, uptight, afraid, angry, bored, etc. You thus use every uncomfortable emotion as an opportunity for consciousness growth. Even though you may still be feeling emotional and uptight, you begin to get at the roots of your ups and downs - your brief bits of pleasure and your long periods of unhappiness. — Ken Keyes Jr.

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Seanan McGuire

Death was precious. That didn't change the fact that life was limited. — Seanan McGuire

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Fred Astaire

Oh, there's no such thing as my favorite performance. I can't sit here today and look back, and say: "Top Hat was better than Easter Parade or any of the others". I just don't look back, period. When I finish with a project, I say: "All right, that's that. What's next?" — Fred Astaire

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Robert B. Parker

Since when do you and I talk about the world," she said. "The world is what it is."

"Yeah, I know."

"Not only do you know, you've helped me to know."

"Good to be useful," I said.

"What has always made me respect you, even in the
bad times, was your ability to look out at the world
and see what's there. Not what you'd like to see, or
even what you need to see, but simply what's there. — Robert B. Parker

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Mark Batterson

Over the years I've grown more comfortable with making people uncomfortable because that is when growth can happen. You need a little conflict. You need a little tension. And that is part of my calling. A little tough love goes a long way! — Mark Batterson

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Mary Jane Patterson

Our involvement in the civil rights movement is what sent us into our involvement against apartheid. — Mary Jane Patterson

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Paul Tough

Both Cohen and Fierst told me that many parents at Riverdale, while pushing their children to excel, inadvertently shield them from exactly the kind of experience that can lead to character growth. As Fierst put it, "Our kids don't put up with a lot of suffering. They don't have a threshold for it. They're protected against it quite a bit. And when they do get uncomfortable, we hear from their parents. We try to talk to parents about having to sort of make it okay for there to be challenge, because that's where learning happens. — Paul Tough

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Henry Ford

The thing to do with money is to put it back into yourself, into your work, into the thing that is important, into whatever you are so much interested in that it is more important than money. — Henry Ford

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Alexander McCall Smith

[Love] may bring surprise, joy, despair and, occasionally, perfect happiness. — Alexander McCall Smith

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Geoff Thompson

Writing has been challenging at times but that's where all the growth is. I know I'm in the right place if it's difficult. Something a British writer said to me once was: "If the project doesn't make him wobble, he doesn't take it." You have to be uncomfortable to grow. — Geoff Thompson

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Oliver Smith

Oh, my bad ... I'm sorry for bothering you. I forgot I only exist when you need me for something. — Oliver Smith

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Steven Spielberg

The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves. — Steven Spielberg

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Alan Cohen

Life is about movement, expansion, growth, and actualizing potential. If you stay in a home, relationship, or job beyond the time it is healthy for you, the universe will prod you with thorns as if to say, "It's time to move to a broader domain." If you do not heed the message, the thorns will get sharper and at some point you will have no choice but to fly. When you do, you will understand why a once comfortable situation became uncomfortable. — Alan Cohen

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By L.K. Elliott

Feeling uncomfortable is the first step towards growth. — L.K. Elliott

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Hilary Swank

My biggest growth has been sitting with things that are uncomfortable and dealing with them. — Hilary Swank

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Jason Reitman

[With comedy and wanting to make people laugh,] when you're a child, all you want is ANY kind of laugh. You get them to laugh, and great! - you've succeeded. And then it's "How FAST can I get them to laugh?" "How LONG can I get them to laugh?", "How HARD can I get them to laugh?". And then it becomes: "Can I laugh at something that makes them uncomfortable?", "Can I get them to laugh at something that challenges their beliefs? — Jason Reitman

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Sean Stephenson

You make a new life by making new choices. — Sean Stephenson

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Brene Brown

We believe growth and learning are uncomfortable so it's going to happen here - you're going to feel that way. We want you to know that it's normal and it's an expectation here. You're not alone and we ask that you stay open and lean into it. — Brene Brown

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Christopher Rice

I am one of those people, and I may be personally biased, who wishes that I had some place to come out of the closet besides a bar. — Christopher Rice

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Norbert Wiener

A significant idea of organization cannot be obtained in a world in which everything is necessary and nothing is contingent — Norbert Wiener

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Debbie Ford

Growth is usually uncomfortable. If you're looking for comfort, you will more than likely feel tired and old earlier than you want, and the misery of your caged soul will always be looming nearby. — Debbie Ford

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Robin S. Sharma

Hard times only feel bad. In truth, they serve us so very well. They make us tougher. They connect us to our dormant potential. Yes, they make us feel uncomfortable. Yes, they create confusion within our minds and provoke fear within our hearts. But the reality of the matter is that the conditions that challenge us the most are the very conditions that lead to our greatest growth. And to our most fulfilling achievements. — Robin S. Sharma

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Joseph Hansen

It seems important to me that beginning writers ponder this - that since 1964, I have never had a book, story or poem rejected that was not later published. If you know what you are doing, eventually you will run into an editor who knows what he/she is doing. It may take years, but never give up. Writing is a lonely business not just because you have to sit alone in a room with your machinery for hours and hours every day, month after month, year after year, but because after all the blood, sweat, toil and tears you still have to find somebody who respects what you have written enough to leave it alone and print it. And, believe me, this remains true, whether the book is your first novel or your thirty-first. — Joseph Hansen

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Ray Dalio

Once you accept that playing the game will be uncomfortable, and you do it for a while, it will become much easier (like it does when getting fit). When you excel at it, you will find your ability to get what you want thrilling. — Ray Dalio

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Merrill Markoe

I have learned that the stuff that causes me anxiety, the stuff I instinctively veer away from, is usually a road map to where my own creative growth can be found. So I consciously head toward the places that make me uncomfortable. — Merrill Markoe

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Marianne Williamson

The ego is our pain, but it is what we know and we resist moving out of it. The effort it takes to grow out of painful patterns often feels more uncomfortable than remaining within them. Personal growth can be so painful because it can make us ashamed and humiliated to face our own darkness. But the goal of personal growth is the journey out of dark emotional patterns which cause us pain to those which cause us peace. — Marianne Williamson

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Charles F. Glassman

If your comfort zone is misery, it's time to get uncomfortable. — Charles F. Glassman

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Mark Batterson

The path of least resistance never gets us where we want to go. Shortcuts always end up being cul-de-sacs. The key to spiritual growth is the willingness to go out of your way for God. You will find God in uncomfortable places at inconvenient times. But if you go out of your way for God, God will go out of His way for you. Crash the party! — Mark Batterson

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Sarah Ban Breathnach

How much time, creative energy, and emotion do we expend resisting change because we assume growth must always be painful? Much personal growth is uncomfortable, but it's worse to thwart the ascent of your authenticity. — Sarah Ban Breathnach

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Ufuoma Apoki

When a situation becomes too uncomfortable for you, it's either it's way bigger than you can handle or you've become too big for it. The catch, though, is that you decide which is - To outgrow it or let it grow all over you. — Ufuoma Apoki

Uncomfortable And Growth Quotes By Eric Foner

The problem is that we tend too often to read Lincoln's growth backward, as an unproblematic trajectory toward a predetermined end. This enables scholars to ignore or downplay aspects of Lincoln's beliefs with which they are uncomfortable. — Eric Foner