Famous Quotes & Sayings

Truth Socrates Plato Aristotle Quotes & Sayings

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Top Truth Socrates Plato Aristotle Quotes

Truth Socrates Plato Aristotle Quotes By Glen Mazzara

I think horror films always have to be as simple as possible. — Glen Mazzara

Truth Socrates Plato Aristotle Quotes By Roger Angell

Infield practice is more mystic ritual than preparation, encouraging the big-leaguer, no less than the duffer in the stands, to believe in spite of all evidence to the contrary, that playing ball is a snap. — Roger Angell

Truth Socrates Plato Aristotle Quotes By Martin Luther

I frankly confess that even if it were possible I should not wish to have free choice given to me, or to have anything left in my own hands by which I might strive for salvation. — Martin Luther

Truth Socrates Plato Aristotle Quotes By Allan Sherman

The whole city gives you the impression of impermanence. You have the feeling that one day someone is going to yell, "Cut! Strike it!" and then the stagehands will scurry out and remove the mountains, the movie-star homes, the Hollywood Bowl
everything. — Allan Sherman

Truth Socrates Plato Aristotle Quotes By Philip Pullman

Creation, whether it's writing, painting or whatever, is essentially despotic and autocratic in nature, because it's the work of one mind and one mind alone which has absolute power of life or death over this sentence, or that phrase or whatever it is. It brooks no interference and can only work if it's the one mind doing it. Reading, on the other hand, interpretation, is inherently, intrinsically democratic, because it is fundamentally a process of negotiation between the mind and the text, between the expectations you bring to it and the satisfactions and disappointments you take away from it. — Philip Pullman