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True Love And Jealousy Quotes & Sayings

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Top True Love And Jealousy Quotes

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By C.J. Carlyon

I would rather be destroyed by you than loved by anyone else. — C.J. Carlyon

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Julia Quinn

You know all of the young gentlemen better than I do," Lady Manston continued. "Are there any we should avoid?"
All of them, George wanted to say.
'What about Ashbourne's son?'
"No?" his mother echoed. "No, as in you don't have an opinion?"
"No, as in no. He is not for Billie."
Who, George could not help but note, was watching the mother-son exchange with an odd mix of curiosity and alarm.
"Any particular reason?" Lady Manston asked.
"He gambles," George lied.
Well, maybe it wasn't a lie. All gentlemen gambled. He had no idea if the one in question did so to excess.
"What about the Billington heir? I think he - "
"Also no."
His mother regarded him with an impassive expression.
"He's too young," George said, hoping it was true.
"He is?" She frowned. "I suppose he might be. I can't remember precisely. — Julia Quinn

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Laura Z. Hobson

Any life he'd ever heard of, his own included, was burdened with emotions - love, loss, jobs, jealousy, money, death, pain. But if you were Jewish, always there was this extra one, the added pull at your endurance, the one more thing. There was that line in Thoreau about 'quiet desperation' - that was indeed true of most men. But for some men and women, for some fathers and mothers and children, the world still contrived that one extra test, endless and unrelenting. — Laura Z. Hobson

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Graham Flegg

The Pythagoreans... were fascinated by certain specific ratios, ...The Greeks knew these as the 'golden' proportion and the 'perfect' proportion respectively. They may well have been learned from the Babylonians by Pythagoras himself after having been taken prisoner in Egypt. Ratios lay at the heart of the Pythagorean theory of music. — Graham Flegg

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Brady Udall

The life of a plural wife, she'd found, was a life lived under constant comparison, a life spent wondering. Sitting across from her sister-wives at Sunday dinner, the platters and serving dishes floating past like hovercraft, the questions were almost inescapable; Who of us is the most happy? Which of us is his one true love? Who does he desire the most? — Brady Udall

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl Of Lytton

No true love there can be without Its dread penalty
jealousy. — Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl Of Lytton

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Pierce Brown

My editor's main job is to cut down my worldbuilding. There's so much fun stuff in there, you know? — Pierce Brown

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Robert Graves

Love is universal migraine, A bright stain on the vision Blotting out reason. Symptoms of true love Are leanness, jealousy, Laggard dawns; Are omens and nightmares - Listening for a knock, Waiting for a sign: For a touch of her fingers In a darkened room, For a searching look. Take courage, lover! Could you endure such pain At any hand but hers? — Robert Graves

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Rajneesh

Drop jealousy and love wells up. Jealousy means that I am the owner. It is an ego trip, and wherever there is ego there is poison, and the poison kills the very source of love. One has to become aware of just these few things and discard them and one's life becomes a lotus of love. And then there is no need to go in any search of god, god will come in search of you. This is my observation, that god always comes seeking the true seeker. Whenever the disciple is ready the master appears. — Rajneesh

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Malaika Arora Khan

For me, the spirit of Christmas means being happy and giving freely. It's a tradition for all the kids in the family to help mom decorate the tree. Christmas is all about family, eating, drinking and making merry. — Malaika Arora Khan

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Osho

Any love that is followed by jealousy is certainly not true love, it is biological instinct. — Osho

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Michael J. Sullivan

Sometimes the price of dreams is achieving them. — Michael J. Sullivan

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Iris Murdoch

Jealousy comes from self-love rather than from true love. — Iris Murdoch

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By C.J. Carlyon

I'm jealous of the cherries that have been in your mouth," he said, "that they get to make your lips so red." He kissed her softly, teasing her tongue with his, a lustful wet caress, and Austen was suspended in air. "I'm jealous of every single day before today that I didn't get to spend with you. — C.J. Carlyon

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By John Bradshaw

3. The child is allowed to experience and express ordinary impulses, such as jealousy, rage, sexuality and defiance, because the parents have not disowned these feelings in themselves. 4. The child does not have to please the parent and can develop his own needs at his own developmental pace. 5. The child can depend on and use his parents because they are separate from him. 6. The parents' independence and good boundaries allow the child to separate self and object representation. 7. Because the child is allowed to display ambivalent feelings, he can learn to regard himself and the caregiver as "both good and bad," rather than splitting off certain parts as good and certain parts as bad. 8. The beginning of true object love is possible because the parents love the child as a separate object. — John Bradshaw

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Damian Woetzel

Where a city is only focused on one aspect, it becomes a city without a soul, not a city people want to live in. — Damian Woetzel

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Mike Pence

And conservatives know that if you reject these principles of limited government and urge others to reject them you can be my ally, you can be my friend but you cannot call yourself a conservative. — Mike Pence

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

Some sounds are so exquisite - far more exquisite than anything seen. Daff's purr there on my rug, for instance - and the snap and crackle of the fire - and the squeaks and scrambles of mice that are having a jamboree behind the wainscot. — L.M. Montgomery

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Julianne Hough

I definitely am the kind of person that fluctuates up and down. I work really hard for a certain project and then I'm like, 'Oh, I'm done.' — Julianne Hough

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Shirley Hazzard

One would always want to think of oneself as being on the side of love, ready to recognize it and wish it well -but, when confronted with it in others, one so often resented it, questioned its true nature, secretly dismissed the particular instance as folly or promiscuity. Was it merely jealousy, or a reluctance to admit so noble and enviable a sentiment in anyone but oneself? — Shirley Hazzard

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Agatha Christie

The rain was pouring down again. The wind came in fitful gusts. The depressing sound of the pattering rain nearly drove them mad. By — Agatha Christie

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Paulo Coelho

May it always be clear that only True Love can compete with any other Love in this world. When we give everything, we have nothing more to lose. And then fear, jealousy, boredom, and monotony disappear, and all that remains is the light from a void that does not frighten us, but brings us closer to one another. The light that always changes, and that is what makes it beautiful and full of surprises - not always those we hope for, but those we can live with. — Paulo Coelho

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Michael Bassey Johnson

Man cannot be content in his riches even if he has the whole world, there must be a frivolous extra desire. — Michael Bassey Johnson

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Tom Ford

There aren't many strong or charismatic candidates today, because many people can't withstand the scrutiny. — Tom Ford

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Kim Stanley Robinson

It's the love of right lures men to wrong. — Kim Stanley Robinson

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Jason Versey

If we want to live perfectly happy lives...we must drive out selfish character tendencies such as pride, ego, vanity, jealousy, lusts, envy and worry. When we learn to live selflessly, putting others before ourselves, committing to what is noble, right and good; treating others with love and compassion...that's when true happiness is experienced. A genuine focus on selflessness cures all and creates an environment for true growth. It's the secret to every great relationship. We gain...when we give up self. Sacrificing one's selfish characteristics through diligent thought, meditation, prayer and action gives life to true love and abounding joy.~Jason Versey — Jason Versey

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Shelly Pratt

There's something very peaceful about being in love. It can make you light as a feather; so blissfully unaware of anything else of importance. It can make you feel anger, rage, jealousy and lust all in one sentence. But the most important thing that love can give a person is certainty. Certainty that love, real love, will always pull you through your darkest days. — Shelly Pratt

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Graham Greene

There's nothing discreditable about jealousy, Mr Bendrix. I always salute it as the mark of true love. — Graham Greene

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By John Abizaid

We've got to ensure that the quality and the capability of these forces will be good enough to withstand the challenges that the insurgents and the terrorists will present to the new Iraqi government. — John Abizaid

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Ted Dekker

As Paul wrote, a love that is patient, showing no jealousy or arrogance, keeping no record of wrong, not seeking its own and not provoked by another's behavior. These are the evidences of true love which flows from those who know the Father and His limitless love for them. — Ted Dekker

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Ben Elton

Beyond love, beyond unrequited love, perhaps even beyond any other passion known to humanity, deep, deep in the depths of the turgid, clinging, swamplike pit of despair that lies dormant within every soul, lurks JEALOUSY. Jealousy, that most demeaning and debilitating of emotions. Jealousy, which can double the strength of the love upon which it is based, but whilst doubling it, warp and pervert it, untill it is no longer recognizable as the thing of beauty it once was. Jealous love is no more like true love than Mr Hyde was like Dr Jekyll or a stagnant swamp is like a freshwater lake. — Ben Elton

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Beth Moore

Love motivates self-less jealousy. God is jealous on our behalf. He is jealous for us to know the One True God. He is jealous for us to be in a posture of blessing. He is jealous for us to be kept from the evil one. He is jealous for us to be ready for our Bridegroom. Jealousy for someone's best is of God. Jealousy of someone's best is of the enemy. — Beth Moore

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Polly Shulman

You're just jealous," I said.
"You can believe what you want," Aaron said. "But somebody's stealing from the Grimm Collection. They're either taking the objects or somehow sucking out their magic. Doc and theh librarians are going to find out who, and if Marc is in on it, you're going to be sorry you were helping him."
"Marc isn't in on it. And I love this place too! We're all on the same side!"
"I hope that's true," Aaron said. — Polly Shulman

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Andy Murray

I've never felt nervous in front of big crowds and in big stadiums. — Andy Murray

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By William Shakespeare

Is it thy will, thy image should keep open
My heavy eyelids to the weary night?
Dost thou desire my slumbers should be broken,
While shadows like to thee do mock my sight?
Is it thy spirit that thou send'st from thee
So far from home into my deeds to pry,
To find out shames and idle hours in me,
The scope and tenor of thy jealousy?
O, no! thy love, though much, is not so great:
It is my love that keeps mine eye awake:
Mine own true love that doth my rest defeat,
To play the watchman ever for thy sake:
For thee watch I, whilst thou dost wake elsewhere,
From me far off, with others all too near. — William Shakespeare

True Love And Jealousy Quotes By Thorny Sterling

He'd desperately wanted a boyfriend to lavish with affection and attention. He'd longed to know what it felt like, smelled like, tasted like to love someone. — Thorny Sterling