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Translation And Culture Quotes & Sayings

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Top Translation And Culture Quotes

Translation And Culture Quotes By Walid Phares

We in the West have been at the mercy of those who where supposed to translate and explain an entire ideology but instead sanitized it and camouflaged it. The same applies on the other side. In western culture, democracy is being taught in the classroom, but it is a historically understood concept. The intellectual translation into Arab Muslim culture depends on the "translating party." In those cultures, its real meaning has been complicated and altered in the madrassas (Islamic religious schools) or when taught by antidemocracy teachers. — Walid Phares

Translation And Culture Quotes By Sibylla Matilde

Really, 1969, huh?" she said with a devious smile, and then murmured, "Good year. — Sibylla Matilde

Translation And Culture Quotes By Lawrence Venuti

Translation rewrites a foreign text in terms that are intelligible and interesting to readers in the receiving culture. Doing so is akin to committing an act of ethnocentric violence by uprooting the text from the language and culture that gave it life. Translating into current, standard English at once conceals that violence and homogenizes foreign cultures, — Lawrence Venuti

Translation And Culture Quotes By Jay Kristoff

There's a fairy story called the 'The Shoemaker and the Elves' where this old cobbler keeps leaving leather out overnight and wakes up the next day, and there's a new pair of shoes. Co-authoring is a little like that. You send off the manuscript to your partner, and a few days later, you check your email, and hey, there's more book in here! — Jay Kristoff

Translation And Culture Quotes By Rudyard Kipling

No one accuses the gunner of maudlin affection for anything except his beasts and his weapons. He serves as least three jealous gods-his horse and all its sadlery and harness; his gun, whose least detail of efficiency is more important than men's lives; and, when these have been attended to, the never-ending mystery of his art commands him. — Rudyard Kipling

Translation And Culture Quotes By Phil Knight

I'm Phil Knight, and I don't believe in advertising. — Phil Knight

Translation And Culture Quotes By Jim Henson

The most sophisticated people I've ever known had just one thing in common: they were all in touch with their inner children. — Jim Henson

Translation And Culture Quotes By Sai Baba

True education consists in the cultivation of the heart. — Sai Baba

Translation And Culture Quotes By Terence McKenna

Skywalker is a direct translation of the word shaman out of the Tungusic, which is where Siberian shamanism comes from. So these heroes that are being instilled in the heart of the culture are shamanic heroes. They control a force which is bigger than everybody and holds the galaxy together. — Terence McKenna

Translation And Culture Quotes By Bakhtyar Ali

When a people has no translations and is unable to promote its culture, it does not exist. — Bakhtyar Ali

Translation And Culture Quotes By Daniel J. Boorstin

Like Hamlet, Goethe's Faust offers a wide panorama of scenes from the vulgar to the sublime, with passages of wondrous poetry that can be sensed even through the veil of translation. And it also preserves the iridescence of its modern theme. From it Oswald Spengler christened our Western culture 'Faustian,' and others too have found it an unexcelled metaphor for the infinitely aspiring always dissatisfied modern self.
Goethe himself was wary of simple explanations. When his friends accused him of incompetence in metaphysics, he replied. 'I, being an artist, regard this as of little moment. Indeed, I prefer that the principle from which and through which I work should be hidden from me. — Daniel J. Boorstin

Translation And Culture Quotes By Lev Grossman

Becoming me was the greatest creative project of my life. — Lev Grossman

Translation And Culture Quotes By Susan Abulhawa

Thank you,' I answered, unsure of the proper American response to her gracious enthusiasm. In the Arab world, gratitude is a language unto itself. "May Allah bless the hands that give me this gift"; "Beauty is in the eyes that find me pretty"; "May Allah never deny your prayer"; and so on, an infinite string of prayerful appreciation. Coming from such a culture, I have always found a mere "thank you" an insufficient expression that makes my voice sound miserly and ungrateful." (169). — Susan Abulhawa

Translation And Culture Quotes By Peadar O'Guilin

Changing words isn't so hard. Recognizing a particular sound, swapping it for another - that was easy even for your ancestors. Reading what happens in your head and the heads of all the beings around you, now that is difficult. Finding equivalents in one culture for the basic concepts of another - that is really difficult. I say the word vegetable and the translator tells you something like 'edible moss'. So, yes, it's a miracle, but it's a dangerous miracle. It makes you think you understand beasts and you never do. When it comes down to it, you can't even understand your own species. — Peadar O'Guilin

Translation And Culture Quotes By Soseki Natsume

Daisuke was of course equipped with conversation that, even if they went further, would allow him to retreat as if nothing had happened. He had always wondered at the conversations recorded in Western novels, for to him they were too bald, too self indulgent, and moreover, too unsubtly rich. However they read in the original, he thought they reflected a taste that could not be translated into Japanese. Therefore, he had not the slightest intention of using imported phrases to develop his relationship with Michiyo. Between the two of them at least, ordinary words sufficed perfectly well. But the danger was of slipping from point A to point B without realizing it. Daisuke managed to stand his ground only by a hair's breadth. When he left, Michiyo saw him to the entranceway and said, "Do come again, please? It's so lonely. — Soseki Natsume

Translation And Culture Quotes By Edith Grossman

Fidelity is surely our highest aim, but a translation is not made with tracing paper. It is an act of critical interpretation. Let me insist on the obvious: Languages trail immense, individual histories behind them, and no two languages, with all their accretions of tradition and culture, ever dovetail perfectly. They can be linked by translation, as a photograph can link movement and stasis, but it is disingenuous to assume that either translation or photography, or acting for that matter, are representational in any narrow sense of the term. Fidelity is our noble purpose, but it does not have much, if anything, to do with what is called literal meaning. A translation can be faithful to tone and intention, to meaning. It can rarely be faithful to words or syntax, for these are peculiar to specific languages and are not transferable. — Edith Grossman

Translation And Culture Quotes By Mark Occhilupo

I'm pretty superstitious, I want to do everything right, get my routine right, and I wait for waves. I kinda try to sense the ocean coming together for me. — Mark Occhilupo

Translation And Culture Quotes By Michael Pollan

Cooking - of whatever kind, everyday or extreme - situates us in the world in a very special place, facing the natural world on one side and the social world on the other. The cook stands squarely between nature and culture, conducting a process of translation and negotiation. Both nature and culture are transformed by the work. And in the process, I discovered, so is the cook. — Michael Pollan

Translation And Culture Quotes By Moira Young

What does it look like I'm doin? If yer the shy type. I'd advise you to turn around.
Oh! I turn ny back on him quick. — Moira Young

Translation And Culture Quotes By Anthony Burgess

Translation is not a matter of words only; it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture. — Anthony Burgess

Translation And Culture Quotes By James Davison Hunter

There is little taste for 'high culture' especially in Evangelicalism, where the tendency has long been toward translation - making things accessible to the largest number of people. — James Davison Hunter

Translation And Culture Quotes By Andrew Chesterman

In antiquity , for instance, one of the dominant images of the translators was that of a builder: his (usually it was him, not her) task was to carefully demolish a building, a structure (the source text), carry the bricks somewhere else (into the target culture), and construct a new building - with the same bricks. — Andrew Chesterman