Famous Quotes & Sayings

Timecode Film Quotes & Sayings

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Top Timecode Film Quotes

Timecode Film Quotes By Bill Peet

Animal personalities have always intrigued me, the desire to find out more about them made a reader out of me. — Bill Peet

Timecode Film Quotes By Claudia Schiffer

I try to extract something positive from every situation, even if it's just learning not to make the same mistake twice. — Claudia Schiffer

Timecode Film Quotes By Viet Thanh Nguyen

Our country itself was cursed, bastardized, partitioned into north and south, and if it could be said of us that we chose division and death in our uncivil war, that was also only partially true. We had not chosen to be debased by the French, to be divided by them into an unholy trinity of north, center, and south, and to be turned over to the great powers of capitalism and communism for a further bisection, then given roles as the clashing armies of a Cold War chess match played in air-conditioned rooms by white men wearing suits and lies. — Viet Thanh Nguyen

Timecode Film Quotes By Marya Hornbacher

Anorexia and bulimia seem to be getting much more common in boys, men, and women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds; they are also becoming more common in racial groups previously thought to be impervious to the problem. — Marya Hornbacher

Timecode Film Quotes By Sarah J. Maas

As the memory of that day echoed through her, she remembered the words Sam kept screaming at Arobynn, as the King of the Assassins beat her, the words that she'd somehow forgotten in the fog of pain: I'll kill you! Sam had said it like he meant it. He'd bellowed it, again and again and again ... — Sarah J. Maas

Timecode Film Quotes By Boris Pasternak

Winter had long since come. It was freezing cold. Torn-up sounds and forms appeared with no evident connection from the frosty mist, stood, moved, vanished. Not the sun we are accustomed to on earth, but the crimson ball of some other substitute sun hung in the forest. From it, strainedly and slowly, as in a dream or a fairy tale, rays of amber yellow light, thick as honey, spread and on their way congealed in the air and froze to the trees. — Boris Pasternak

Timecode Film Quotes By John G. D. Clark

As contemporary history reminds us we are human to the extent that we are able to chose between alternatives. — John G. D. Clark

Timecode Film Quotes By Jacob Bronowski

Dissent is the mark of freedom, as originality is the mark of independence of mind. ... No one can be a scientist ... if he does not have independence of observation and of thought. — Jacob Bronowski

Timecode Film Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Anything. You want it, I got it in me to give it to you, you got anything from me. — Kristen Ashley

Timecode Film Quotes By Lucy Stone

Oh, I wish it were in my power to put men in the place of fashionable women for one six months! They should curl their hair, consult the milliner, make spongecake, do a little embroidery, wear long skirts, and dress so tightly that they could scarcely breathe. — Lucy Stone

Timecode Film Quotes By Saffron Burrows

In orthodox film-making, you never shoot sequentially - but with improv, obviously every move you make has a knock-on effect; it is a cumulative process. I have improvised, on the non-scripted 'Timecode.' It can become entirely indulgent: actors smashing crockery and competing verbally. — Saffron Burrows

Timecode Film Quotes By Robin Morgan

All art is the tension, expressed between the uncontainable and its one perfect inevitable form. — Robin Morgan

Timecode Film Quotes By Jennifer Egan

Think about medieval times, Danny, like when this castle was built. People were constantly seeing ghosts, having visions - they thought Christ was sitting with them at the dinner table, they thought angels and devils were flying around. We don't see those things anymore. Why? Was all that stuff happening before and then it stopped? Unlikely. Was everyone nuts in medieval times? Doubtful. But their imaginations were more active. Their inner lives were rich and weird. — Jennifer Egan

Timecode Film Quotes By P.D. James

In 1930s mysteries, all sorts of motives were credible which aren't credible today, especially motives of preventing guilty sexual secrets from coming out. Nowadays, people sell their guilty sexual secrets. — P.D. James

Timecode Film Quotes By Agyness Deyn

I'd love to have tea and scones with the Queen; she's my idol. — Agyness Deyn