Famous Quotes & Sayings

Time Invest Quotes & Sayings

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Top Time Invest Quotes

Time Invest Quotes By Whitfield Diffie

If you depend on a secret for your security, what do you do when the secret is discovered? If it is easy to change, like a cryptographic key, you do so. If it's hard to change, like a cryptographic system or an operating system, you're stuck. You will be vulnerable until you invest the time and money to design another system. — Whitfield Diffie

Time Invest Quotes By David Shi

Happiness is not synonymous with pleasure. It is, instead, a deeper emotion that originates from within ... Happiness results from a sense of mental and moral contentment with who we are, what we value, and how we invest our time and resources for purposes beyond ourselves. — David Shi

Time Invest Quotes By Robert A. Heinlein

You obviously don't know what an Old Man of the Sea great wealth is. It is not a fat purse and time to spend it. Its owner finds himself beset on every side, at every hour, wherever he goes, by persistent pleaders, like beggars in Bombay, each demanding that he invest or give away part of his wealth. He becomes suspicious of honest friendship
indeed honest friendship is rarely offered him; those who could have been his friends are too fastidious to be jostled by beggars, too proud to risk being mistaken for one. — Robert A. Heinlein

Time Invest Quotes By Derek Landy

You have no idea the power generated each time somebody is told a story. When a conscious, sentient mind willingly ignores what is real, what is fact, and instead chooses to invest in people and places that never existed ... It's magnificent. — Derek Landy

Time Invest Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Invest your time adding value to others — Sunday Adelaja

Time Invest Quotes By Charles Schwab

Sometimes my mistake has been hesitancy about acting on the decisions I've made. When's the best time to invest? It's today, not tomorrow. — Charles Schwab

Time Invest Quotes By William J. Bernstein

You have to understand your own psychology. You have to understand that human beings weren't really designed to invest. We have all these emotions that are appropriate responses if you're being chased by a tiger, but they're terrible responses if you've got a 30-year time horizon to think about investment or when you're trying to manage investment over 30 years. — William J. Bernstein

Time Invest Quotes By Pierre Omidyar

You can invest in companies, you can help grow companies, you can be a venture capitalist - and be a philanthropist at the same time. — Pierre Omidyar

Time Invest Quotes By Jeffrey R. Holland

All but a prophetic few must go about God's work in very quiet, very unspectacular ways. And as you labor to know Him, and to know that He knows you; as you invest your time
and your convenience
in quiet, unassuming service, you will indeed find that "He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up" (Matthew 4:6). — Jeffrey R. Holland

Time Invest Quotes By Richard Paul Evans

Rarely do we invest the time to open the book of another's life. When we do, we are usually surprised to find its cover so misleading and its reviews so flawed. — Richard Paul Evans

Time Invest Quotes By Hyrum W. Smith

Your governing values should be important enough to you that you will invest your time, resources, and energy in making them a fundamental part of your life. — Hyrum W. Smith

Time Invest Quotes By Rick Warren

The way you SEE your life SHAPES your life.
How you define life determines your destiny. Your perspective will influence how you invest your time, spend your money, use your talents, and value your relationships. — Rick Warren

Time Invest Quotes By Van Jones

All the big ideas for getting us onto a lower carbon trajectory involve a lot of people doing a lot of work, and that's been missing from the conversation. This is a great time to go to the next step and ask, well, who's going to do the work? Who's going to invest in the new technologies? What are ways to get communities wealth, improved health, and expanded job opportunities out of this improved transition? — Van Jones

Time Invest Quotes By Glen Duncan

If I'm going to invest the time in a novel, I want something more than the entertainment you get out of most genre fiction. — Glen Duncan

Time Invest Quotes By Bernard Baruch

Now is always the hardest time to invest. — Bernard Baruch

Time Invest Quotes By Doug Dohring

If you invest the short time it takes to read, understand and apply the basic principles in this book, there is little doubt you will be a much bigger success than you otherwise would have been. There truly is POWER in words ... — Doug Dohring

Time Invest Quotes By Sturgill Simpson

I someday hope to find the time and coin to invest more of my creative energy towards the visual media side of releasing music. I'd love to make short film videos pushing the conventional standards of what a country music video can be. — Sturgill Simpson

Time Invest Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

You need to invest time in understanding and discovering yourself — Sunday Adelaja

Time Invest Quotes By Daphne Oz

I am inspired by working moms. Mothers who somehow balance the demands of their many lives - professional, familial, personal, and interior - and still manage to make time to have fun and invest in themselves! This is a huge challenge that I look forward to taking on. — Daphne Oz

Time Invest Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Being an entrepreneur is the greatest investment — Sunday Adelaja

Time Invest Quotes By Leonardo DiCaprio

Now is the time to divest and invest to let our world leaders know that we, as individuals and institutions, are taking action to address climate change, and we expect them to do their part this December in Paris at the U.N. climate talks. — Leonardo DiCaprio

Time Invest Quotes By R.v.m.

Rather than wasting time on yesterday that is gone, it is better to invest your time in tomorrow that is not yet born.-RVM — R.v.m.

Time Invest Quotes By Brian Tracy

The value of a relationship is in direct proportion to the time that you invest in the relationship. — Brian Tracy

Time Invest Quotes By Katie Kacvinsky

I'd rather invest my time collecting memories and friends and love and all the things money can't buy. — Katie Kacvinsky

Time Invest Quotes By Nick Saban

When you invest your time, you make a goal and a decision of something that you want to accomplish. Whether it's make good grades in school, be a good athlete, be a good person, go down and do some community service and help somebody who's in need, whatever it is you choose to do, you're investing your time in that. — Nick Saban

Time Invest Quotes By Chalene Johnson

Positive energy is your priceless life force. Protect it. Don't allow people to draw from your reserves; select friends who recharge your energies ... I'm not asking you to cut people out of your life, but I am asking you to invest your time with people who will push you to be your best. Winners love to see other people win. — Chalene Johnson

Time Invest Quotes By Sereda Aleta Dailey

Appreciation is one of those funny things that you have to just allow it to blend together on its own. Past reveals all as they say. You will indefinitely know when the time comes to leave a crappy relationship. There's just no mistaking it. There comes a time when no more growth can come to a union for many folks. Well then go plant your seeds into your own garden before you come invest your time into another person again. Whatever you need to connect with will come and go as necessary. — Sereda Aleta Dailey

Time Invest Quotes By Nathan Smith

The more time you invest in thinking about the project - where to begin and how to pull it all together - the more original, successful, and enjoyable the project will be. There is always an element of fear here - everyone is afraid of failing. Don't be! The truth is that you are going to fail in some way, but this is something to be embraced and viewed as a learning experience. There is freedom in recognizing you will fail - you'll be inspired to push yourself. With every finished project you will probably have a list of things you would do differently next time. Expect this from the beginning and the journey will be more rewarding. — Nathan Smith

Time Invest Quotes By Randy Lerner

We have to invest in developing Villa Park, allowing us to generate our own revenue streams. At the same time, of course, there's a balance between growing long-term and getting the instant results we all crave as fans. — Randy Lerner

Time Invest Quotes By Bethany Hamilton

Learn to have patience with people, just take it one step at a time in everything that you're doing and just invest time in the people that you're with ... have patience with them, even if they're not necessarily the easiest person to work with. — Bethany Hamilton

Time Invest Quotes By Immanuel Wallerstein

An individual or a group of individuals might of course decide at any time that they would like to invest capital with the objective of acquiring still more capital. But, before a certain moment in historical time, it had never been easy for such individuals to do this successfully. — Immanuel Wallerstein

Time Invest Quotes By Billy Graham

If ever we are to study the Scriptures, if ever we are to spend time in prayer, if ever we are to win souls for Christ, if ever we are to invest our finances for His kingdom - it must be now. — Billy Graham

Time Invest Quotes By Evan Williams

Google started out when the dot-com boom was happening. It grew under the radar of big companies that were competing in but basically ignoring search. Then they were able to really invest during the bust for a long time. — Evan Williams

Time Invest Quotes By Rob Liano

If you aren't constantly focused on your goals, you can easily waste all of the time, energy and money you invest in pursuing them. — Rob Liano

Time Invest Quotes By Elliot Grove

Invest in learning and discovering new filmmaking techniques is the next keystone to success. Film is changing rapidly right now. The last big change was the introduction of sound. This time around it is movies on th internet and mobile telephones. — Elliot Grove

Time Invest Quotes By Mark Shand

There are 13 Asian countries that still have elephants, and Elephant Family is looking to invest in further projects that will be the most critical for saving elephants while there is still time. — Mark Shand

Time Invest Quotes By John C. Maxwell

Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. How do you gain influence from people? You invest in them. How do you invest in them? It starts with giving them time. — John C. Maxwell

Time Invest Quotes By Tracy Sherwood

Time is the only commodity that is irreplaceable: invest it, share it, spend it...but never waste it. — Tracy Sherwood

Time Invest Quotes By Reese Roper

It is really hard for me to invest time into a relationship because I get kind of freaked out by the thought of doing something that part of my mind keeps telling me is "unproductive". — Reese Roper

Time Invest Quotes By Ameen Rihani

We can not understand each other, if every time we venture out we stick the feather of cocksureness in our caps. No, we can never wholly understand each other, and rise to the level of mutual esteem at least, if we do not invest in that fellow feeling that triumphs over class and creed and race and color. — Ameen Rihani

Time Invest Quotes By Rich Lesser

You hire the best people you can possibly find. Then it's up to you to create an environment where great people decide to stay and invest their time. — Rich Lesser

Time Invest Quotes By Jack Welch

A company has only so much money and managerial time. Winning leaders invest where the payback is the highest. They cut their losses everywhere else. — Jack Welch

Time Invest Quotes By Ari Gold

The idea that someone could, or would want to, experience uninterrupted happiness over a period of days, let alone years, is ludicrous.

Anyone who feels pleasant and bubbly all the time is either mentally disabled or hooked on crack.

Money, on the other hand, is steady. You can spend it, invest it or light a little bit on fire in an intern's ass. Either way, money gets to sleep over.

Money is a resource that makes it easier for you to find your purpose and achieve your goals, not because you are buying happiness, but because you are eliminating the desperation that drains happiness and distracts you from your purpose. — Ari Gold

Time Invest Quotes By Debbie Ford

It would be impossible to estimate how much time and energy we invest in trying to fix, change and deny our emotions - especially the ones that shake us at our very core, like hurt, jealousy, loneliness, shame, rage and grief. — Debbie Ford

Time Invest Quotes By Steve Jurvetson

History has proven time and again that downturns are the best time to invest in new start-ups. You get good deals and find a better environment for start-ups to grow. — Steve Jurvetson

Time Invest Quotes By John Caudwell

It's important to show children love, affection and balance and invest time in their moral upbringing. — John Caudwell

Time Invest Quotes By Jaggi Vasudev

One significant thing that you can do for your children is to invest some time into taking them out into nature. — Jaggi Vasudev

Time Invest Quotes By Dave Ramsey

Baby Step Four: Invest 15 Percent of Your Income in Retirement Those of you concerned about retirement are relieved we have finally gotten to this step. Those who have been living in denial are wondering what all the fuss is about. Baby Step Four is time to get really serious about your wealth building. — Dave Ramsey

Time Invest Quotes By LZ Granderson

The more time we invest imitating others, the less that's available to discover and be ourselves. — LZ Granderson

Time Invest Quotes By Karen White

Me? Rebuild" I shook my head."First off, I don't know anything about construction or reconstruction. And second, have you been down there? Have you seen it? So many people haven't moved back or rebuilt, and I totally get it. Why invest all that time and money when each hurricane season brings a new threat?"
Aimee regarded me with a steady blue gaze. "Why build skyscrapers in San Francisco that might be knocked down by an earthquake? Or why build farms in Kansas and Oklahoma that might get blown away by a tornado?" She snorted, and it seemed so uncharacteristic for the elegant old woman that I almost laughed. "Where did they want us to go, anyway? I figure if we're still breathing, then we're meant to keep going. So we rebuild. We start over. It's just what we do. — Karen White

Time Invest Quotes By Rudy Giuliani

I don't invest in the stock market. I did it a long, long time ago when I was really young, and I got involved in all the investigations and all the prosecutions, and I felt it was better if I didn't make individual investments. So I'm invested in funds, but not in individual - not in individual stocks. — Rudy Giuliani

Time Invest Quotes By Pierre Trudeau

The Canadian community must invest, for the defence and better
appreciation of the French language, as much time, energy, and money as
are required to prevent the country from breaking up — Pierre Trudeau

Time Invest Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Appreciate and find ways to invest in yourself — Sunday Adelaja

Time Invest Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Always invest your life in your calling and purpose — Sunday Adelaja

Time Invest Quotes By Marvin J. Ashton

It takes personal sacrifice to communicate when conditions are right for the other person-during the meal preparation, after a date, a hurt, a victory, a disappointment, or when someone wants to share a confidence. One must be willing to forego personal convenience to invest time in establishing a firm foundation for family communication. When communication in the family seems to be bogging down, each individual should look to himself for the remedy. — Marvin J. Ashton

Time Invest Quotes By Michelle Gielan

With technology and over-scheduling, we are forgetting to invest time in simple connective moments with others. — Michelle Gielan

Time Invest Quotes By J. Richard Clarke

Continue to invest in your personal development. Expand your occupational horizons by constant study ... look to your present job as a stepping-stone along your career path. Take time to think. The dimensions of most jobs are constrained only by the mind of the uncreative worker. I like what one business man counseled: If at first you do succeed, try something harder!!! — J. Richard Clarke

Time Invest Quotes By Gerardo Giannoni

everything you do needs to work on a three-year time horizon, then you are competing against a lot of people. But if you are willing to invest on a seven-year time horizon, you are now competing against a fraction of those people, because very few companies are willing to do that. Just by lengthening the time horizon, you can engage in endeavors that you could never otherwise pursue. At Amazon we like things to work in five — Gerardo Giannoni

Time Invest Quotes By Albert Schweitzer

Open your eyes and look for some man, or some work for the sake of men, which needs a little time, a little friendship, a little sympathy, a little sociability, a little human toil ... It is needed in every nook and corner. Therefore search and see if there is not some place where you may invest your humanity. — Albert Schweitzer

Time Invest Quotes By Max Beesley

I think that if you've got 5 million people that enjoy drama and invest in characters, you must take the time to not worry about your job and getting sacked and just go for it and hit it again. — Max Beesley

Time Invest Quotes By Lyndon B. Johnson

Way back last summer I asked some of the most outstanding educational minds in this Nation to tackle this problem. I gave them a single instruction: find out how we can best invest each education dollar so that it will do the most good. Your support and the support of every leading education group proves that they did their job better than I had hoped, because for the first time we have succeeded in finding goals which unite us rather than divide us. — Lyndon B. Johnson

Time Invest Quotes By Chip Kelly

Everybody has the same amount of time during the day. You can either spend your time or invest your time. — Chip Kelly

Time Invest Quotes By Danny Wallace

It's funny. Dev had always said disposables were different. That what they contained was more special because you couldn't instantly see inside. You had to wait. You had to invest in the moment and then wait to see what you got. And those moments had to be the right moments. You had to be sure you wanted this moment when you pressed the button, because time was always running out, you were always one click closer to the end. That's what it felt like here. But that's what made it exciting.
I looked at the tin number at the top of the wheel.
Eleven more clicks.
What would they be? Who'd be in them? What story would they tell? — Danny Wallace

Time Invest Quotes By Alexander Lowen

You will stay in therapy as long as you feel it is worth the time, effort and money you invest. — Alexander Lowen

Time Invest Quotes By Barack Obama

And when it comes to developing the high standards we need, it's time to stop working against our teachers and start working with them. Teachers don't go in to education to get rich. They don't go in to education because they don't believe in their children. They want their children to succeed, but we've got to give them the tools. Invest in early childhood education. Invest in our teachers and our children will succeed. — Barack Obama

Time Invest Quotes By David Graeber

The International Monetary Fund basically acted as the world's debt enforcers - "You might say, the high-finance equivalent of the guys who come to break your legs." I launched into historical background, explaining how, during the '70s oil crisis, OPEC countries ended up pouring so much of their newfound riches into Western banks that the banks couldn't figure out where to invest the money; how Citibank and Chase therefore began sending agents around the world trying to convince Third World dictators and politicians to take out loans (at the time, this was called "go-go banking"); how they started out at extremely low rates of interest that almost immediately skyrocketed to 20 percent or so due to tight U.S. money policies in the early '80s; how, during the '80s and '90s, this led to the Third World debt crisis; how the IMF then stepped in to insist that, in order to obtain refinancing, poor countries would be obliged to abandon price supports on — David Graeber

Time Invest Quotes By Mark Cuban

Recessions are the best time to start a company. Companies fail. Others hold back capital. If you are willing to do the preparation and work, it is the best time to invest in yourself and start a business. — Mark Cuban

Time Invest Quotes By John Frankenheimer

And I kind of feel that I have a responsibility to the people that invest their time and money with me to show up on the set every day and do the best of which I am capable. — John Frankenheimer

Time Invest Quotes By Shahid Kapoor

The amount of time you invest in a film is not directly proportional to its success. — Shahid Kapoor

Time Invest Quotes By Jay Leno

U.N. officials said today they desperately need $7 billion to help people cope with disasters, but they're having a hard time getting people to send rescue money. Here's what the UN should do: Invest in bad mortgages, run a bank into the ground, give yourself a bonus, get some spa treatments and, in no time, the government will send you $750 billion. — Jay Leno

Time Invest Quotes By Ryan Adams

When I start working on a batch of tunes - like roughly 10 solid tunes - I always know there'll be another 10 to follow, because for every song I invest a lot of time in, there's another song waiting behind it. — Ryan Adams

Time Invest Quotes By Jonathan Raymond

I can't find good people" becomes "I can't know who my A players are until I challenge them to find out." "Nobody cares as much as I do" becomes "I haven't figured out how they care in their own way that can harmonize with the way that I do." "I can't afford to invest time in someone who is just going to leave anyway" becomes "I don't have time to do anything else." "I'm not a therapist, I don't have the skills to help them with their personal problems" becomes "I'm not a therapist, but I am two steps ahead of this person as a professional and can help them grow by sharing the things I've learned along the way." "We just need better systems and more communication" becomes "We don't need more communication. We need to start speaking a different language." Imagine — Jonathan Raymond

Time Invest Quotes By Jeff Bezos

If everything you do needs to work on a three-year time horizon, then you're competing against a lot of people. But if you're willing to invest on a seven-year time horizon, you're now competing against a fraction of those people ... Just by lengthening the time horizon, you can engage in endeavors that you could never otherwise pursue — Jeff Bezos

Time Invest Quotes By Leonard Ravenhill

But you know if God should stamp eternity or even judgment on our eyeballs, or if you'd like on the fleshy table of our hearts I am quite convinced we'd be a very, very different tribe of people, God's people, in the world today. We live too much in time, we're too earth bound. We see as other men see, we think as other men think. We invest our time as the world invests it. We're supposed to be a different breed of people. I believe that the church of Jesus Christ needs a new revelation of the majesty of God. We're all going to stand one day, can you imagine it- at the judgment seat of Christ to give an account for the deeds done in the body. This is what- this is the King of kings, and He's the Judge of judges, and it's the Tribunal of tribunals, and there's no court of appeal after it. The verdict is final. — Leonard Ravenhill

Time Invest Quotes By James C. Collins

It occurs to me,Jim,that you spend too much time trying to be interesting. Why don't you invest more time being interested?
Collin's advice from John Gardner that he took to heart. — James C. Collins

Time Invest Quotes By Herman Melville

Why did the poor poet of Tennessee, upon suddenly receiving two handfuls of silver, deliberate whether to buy him a coat, which he sadly needed, or invest his money in a pedestrian trip to Rockaway Beach? Why is almost every robust healthy boy with a robust healthy soul in him, at some time or other crazy to go to sea? Why upon your first voyage as a passenger, did you yourself feel such a mystical vibration, when first told that you and your ship were now out of sight of land? Why did the old Persians hold the sea holy? — Herman Melville

Time Invest Quotes By Dan Poynter

Book writing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Anyone who decides to write a book must expect to invest a lot of time and effort without any guarantee of success. Books do not write themselves and they do not sell themselves. Authors write and promote their books. — Dan Poynter

Time Invest Quotes By Patty Murray

I think what's been lacking from our discussion for a long time is really that other part of what a Budget chair does, which is set the priorities for this country in terms of making sure we invest in the right places, in education, in job training, and to make sure we do a balanced approach moving forward. — Patty Murray

Time Invest Quotes By Jacqueline Novogratz

I also took issue with the practice of donors typically only funding programs instead of institutions ... That is a fine strategy for providing alms or direct charity. At the same time, no one would invest in a company and not expect it to pay for hiring great people, paying the rent, and keeping the lights on. We need philanthropists to build institutions in the social sector too. — Jacqueline Novogratz

Time Invest Quotes By Anna Stevens

Searching for a mentor is similar to searching for a spouse: you two need to share common values, concerns, experiences, communication style, and, of course, have time to invest into meaningful conversations with one another. — Anna Stevens

Time Invest Quotes By Christiane Amanpour

Our industry has invested so much money in technology that perhaps it's time to invest in talent, in people. — Christiane Amanpour

Time Invest Quotes By Michel Faber

My affinity, as a novelist, with Dickens has been overstated. I relish the way everything in his prose pulsates with life force, and I'm in debt to him every time I invest inanimate objects with uncanny animism. But his female characters annoy me. — Michel Faber

Time Invest Quotes By Douglas W. Phillips

Think long and hard about the way you invest your children's time. Time is treasure. And where your time investment is, there you will find the heart of a child. Invest the majority of his time in entertainment, and his heart will be turned to love of pleasure. Invest his time in peers rather then family, and his heart will be with the peers more than his family. There is a time and place for all good things in balance, but wise parents will steward the treasure of time, and in so doing, shepherd their children's hearts. — Douglas W. Phillips

Time Invest Quotes By Bill Maris

If you want to invest in early-stage technologies, putting a timeframe on it does behold you to Silicon Valley economics. You've got a certain time period where you have to make the money. And you have to invest that money whether you find good companies or not. — Bill Maris

Time Invest Quotes By Gagan Narang

Cricket is a self-sustaining industry; but corporates need to realise that other sports don't have that luxury. This is the time when they need to invest, and keep the faith. Every sport has the potential to create world champions. Imagine India as a country full of world champions. Why imagine? Let's just make it happen. — Gagan Narang

Time Invest Quotes By Amy Chua

Florence saw childhood as something fleeting to be enjoyed. I saw childhood as a training period, a time to build character and invest for the future. — Amy Chua

Time Invest Quotes By Fred Wilson

Venture capitalists are professional money managers. We are provided capital to invest as long as we can return it to our investors with a strong return in a reasonable amount of time. A strong return is three times cash on cash. A reasonable amount of time is ten years max. — Fred Wilson

Time Invest Quotes By Osayi Emokpae Lasisi

It doesn't matter to me that my leaving will cost you money. It doesn't matter that my space will take time to fill. What matters is that I'm happy and if you're not willing to invest in me, then I'm willing to cost you money. — Osayi Emokpae Lasisi

Time Invest Quotes By Juan Enriquez

There's always a question when you invest. Are you too early, are you too late, or are you just right? And there was a lot of hype about life sciences, around the sequencing of the human genome and a lot of people concluded that's not really there. But by the way, there was a lot of hype around the digital revolution just about the time of 2000 and the human genome, and it turns out that some of the world's biggest, most powerful companies are the survivors post that crash. — Juan Enriquez

Time Invest Quotes By Eric Schmidt

In practice, ship and iterate means that marketing programs and PR pushes should be minimal at launch. If you are in the restaurant business, you call this a soft opening. When you push the babies out of the nest, don't give them a jetpack or even a parachute - let them fly on their own. (Note: This is a metaphor.) Invest only when they get some lift. Google's Chrome is a great example of this - it launched in 2008 with minimal fanfare and practically no marketing budget and gained terrific momentum on its own, based solely on its excellence. Later, around the time the browser pushed past seventy million users, the team decided to pour fuel on the fire and approved a marketing push (and even a TV advertising campaign). But not until the product had proven itself a winner did it get fed. — Eric Schmidt

Time Invest Quotes By M.J. DeMarco

Thou shalt not invest in a needless business. Thou shalt not trade time for money. Thou shalt not operate on a limited scale. Thou shalt not relinquish control. Thou shalt not let a business startup be an event over process. — M.J. DeMarco

Time Invest Quotes By Gordon S. Murray

the right time to invest is when you have the money and the right time to sell is when you need the money. — Gordon S. Murray

Time Invest Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

The purpose of work is to labor and invest time in your gift — Sunday Adelaja

Time Invest Quotes By Anthony Bourdain

You have to be a romantic to invest yourself, your money, and your time in cheese. — Anthony Bourdain

Time Invest Quotes By Jamie Bell

TV is a big business. In some ways, it's surpassed films, in terms of the way people invest in these shows and invest in these characters, and give up so much of their time to follow these people's stories. — Jamie Bell

Time Invest Quotes By Seth Klarman

One thing I want to emphasize is that, like any human being, we can discuss our view of the economy and the market. Fortunately for our clients, we don't tend to operate based on the view. Our investment strategy is to invest bottom up, one stock at a time, based on price compared to value. And while we may have a macro view that things aren't very good right now - which in fact we feel very strongly we will put money to work regardless of that macro view if we find bargains. So tomorrow, if we found half a dozen bargains, we would invest all our cash. — Seth Klarman

Time Invest Quotes By Carol Grace

Laurie: Besides marrying for love is vastly over-rated. There will be no guarantees that love will last. But a million dollars lasts a long time if you invest it properly — Carol Grace

Time Invest Quotes By Peter Walsh

You are important enough to invest the time and energy needed for the change you want. Commit to becoming the person you wish to be and carve out the time for what needs to be done! — Peter Walsh

Time Invest Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

The product you produced is the evidence of the value in your life — Sunday Adelaja

Time Invest Quotes By Billy Graham

You possess a non-renewable resource, which is headed toward total depletion and that resource is time. You can either invest your life or let it dribble through your fingers like sand in an hour glass. If there is ever a time to redeem every second, every minute it is now. You may never have tomorrow. You can't count your days, but with the Lord as your Savior you can make your days count. — Billy Graham