Time Doesn T Heal All Wounds Quotes & Sayings
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Top Time Doesn T Heal All Wounds Quotes
Time doesn't, as advertised, heal all wounds. Although the wrenching immediacy of grief eventually passed, the settled sorrow that replaced it might in its own way be even more intense. — Dean Koontz
But the sort of sucky thing is, time doesn't necessarily heal all wounds. Sometimes, it just makes the wounds worse. — Jess Rothenberg
Time doesn't heal; or at least, it hasn't healed such wounds for me, no matter what i told him earlier. Time is just another captor of mine.
-Medusa — Heather Lyons
All I have to do is look around me to know time doesn't heal all wounds. If it did, maybe this place would have some happier hearts — Angela Pisel
Time doesn't heal all wounds, handy lie though it may be. Time forces acceptance of what cannot be changed. — E.R. Pierce
What is that old children's rhyme, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'? Anyone who says that doesn't understand the power of words. They can cut deeper than any knife, hit harder than any fist, touch parts of you that nothing physical will ever reach, and the wounds that some words leave never heal, because each time the word is thrown at you, labeled on you, you bleed afresh from it. It's more like a whip that cuts every time, until you feel it must flay the very skin from your bones, and yet outwardly there is no wound to show the world, so they think you are not hurt, when inside part of you dies every time. — Laurell K. Hamilton
Time doesn't heal all wounds. We both know that's bullshit; it comes from people who have nothing comforting or original to say. — Adam Silvera
If there is anything certain in life, it is this. Time doesn't always heal. Not really. I know they say it does, but that is not true. What time does is to trick you into believing that you have healed, that the hurt of a great loss has lessened. But a single word, a note of a song, a fragrance, a knife point of dawn light across an empty room, any one of these things will take you back to that one moment you have never truly forgotten. These small things are the agents of memory. They are the sharp needle points piercing the living fabric of your life.
Life, my children, isn't linear where the heart is concerned. It is filled with invisible threads that reach out from your past and into your future. These threads connect every second we have lived and breathed. As your own lives move forward and as the decades pass, the more of these threads are cast. Your task is to weave them into a tapestry, one that tells the story of the time we shared. — Stephen Lee
That goes for old wounds, too, you know. I really wish we'd had the chance to talk before this," he says, cracking the window so the smoke can escape. "There's a Longfellow quote I have stuck on my bulletin board at the church office- 'There is no grief like the grief that does not speak'- and it's true. I've found that keeping pain inside doesn't give it a chance to heal, but bringing it out into the light, holding it right there in your hands and trusting that you're strong enough to make it through, not hating the pain, not loving it, just seeing it for what it really is can change how you go on from there. Time alone doesn't heal emotional wounds, Sayre, and you don't want to live the rest of your life bottled up with anger and guilt and bitterness. That's how people self-destruct. — Laura Wiess
Time doesn't heal the wounds; it masks them. It takes them and makes them something else. Some scars always remain. Some wounds always remain open and exposed. — Joann Buchanan
Disruptive awakening is your signal that you're ready to take the initial step toward attaining your authentic identity and moving into a more deeply guided awareness of your personal path and purpose in life. While awakening experiences are often unexpected, and even scary, in truth they are invitations from your Spirit to remember and begin living at the highest level of your inner truth. — Sonia Choquette
Time doesn't heal all wounds; it wallpapers over them. — Marshall Moore
Time doesn't always heal all wounds. — A.J. Darkholme
Or perhaps is is that time doesn't heal wounds at all, perhaps that is the biggest lie of them all, and instead what happens is that each wound penetrates the body deeper and deeper until one day you find that the sheer geography of your bones - the angle of your hips, the sharpness of your shoulders, as well as the luster of your eyes, the texture of your skin, the openness of your smile - has collapsed under the weight of your griefs. — Thrity Umrigar
My job changes very little because I've found that the more you try to be funny, the less funny you become. — Nathan Fillion
Time doesn't heal wounds; it only watches them take different
shapes and forms until they look so different that where they came
from is often obscured. The real capacity to heal inner wounds
comes from heaven, not earth. Only the power of Jesus can go to
the deep places and bring healing. — Robert Whitlow
Iraq has been successfully demonized as if everybody who lives there is Saddam Hussein. In the build-up to this attack on Iraq, journalists have almost universally excluded the prospect of civilian deaths, the numbers of people who would die, because those people don't matter. — John Pilger
Evangelicals have largely misinterpreted Aquinas, and they have placed on him views that he did not hold. — Norman Geisler
Time doesn't heal all wounds; God heals wounds. — Pete Wilson
The trouble with kingdoms of heaven on earth is that they're liable to come to pass, and then their fraudulence is apparent for all to see. We need a kingdom of heaven in Heaven, if only because it can't be realized. — Malcolm Muggeridge