Famous Quotes & Sayings

Three Legged Dog Quotes & Sayings

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Top Three Legged Dog Quotes

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Dennis Vickers

She pinched her lips tight together, like someone considering a foul smell, three-legged dog, ugly baby. — Dennis Vickers

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Simon Cowell

I should get a dog. I would get a rescue dog. I like mutts; I don't care. I would probably get a three-legged dog no one else would want. — Simon Cowell

Three Legged Dog Quotes By K.J. Charles

Heroic," Crane told Baines contemptuously. "Old women, idiot children, bound men, you'll take on all comers. There's a three-legged stray dog hangs around the lanes here. Perhaps someday you could work up to kicking that. — K.J. Charles

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Michael J. Sullivan

You didn't kill him, did you?"

"No. I locked him in the chapel but it won't hold. Which reminds me, could I borrow your sword? You're not going to use it, anyway."

Royce handed him the falchion sword that had been part of his castle guard disguise. Hadrian took the weapon, slipped it from its sheath, and weighed it in his hand. "I tell you, these swords are terrible. They are heavy and have all the balance of a drunken three-legged dog trying to take a piss." He then looked at Arista and added, "Oh, excuse me, Your Highness. How are you doing, Princess? — Michael J. Sullivan

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Louis C.K.

You know the only thing happier than a three-legged dog? A four-legged dog. — Louis C.K.

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Renee Carlino

There will always be something a little off, but like a three-legged dog, you'll learn to walk again. — Renee Carlino

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Justin Kirk

Had a dog. I had many. I grew up in rural Washington before I moved to the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and my first dog was - his name first was Bear, but then it changed to Big, and he sort of looked like Old Yeller. And then we also had a three-legged dog named Foxy, who we found because her leg was in a trap. — Justin Kirk

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Quinn Loftis

Alright then, I guess that's settled," Lilly said, then she turned to Fane, "Lay a paw on my little girl and you will be a three legged Lassie, got it?"
Fane winced and then asked, "You both do realize I'm a wolf not a dog right? — Quinn Loftis

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Rachel Vincent

We're days away from going full scale against Malone, and in the meantime, we're under fire from above. And I'm about as useful as a three-legged dog."
"You're much more useful than any kind of dog, mi vida." Marc purred and pressed me into the counter, his hands on my hips. I couldn't resist a smile. I was a real sucker for Spanish. — Rachel Vincent

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Wesley Eisold

A three-legged dog
successfully crosses the road
to a new location
where there is greener grass
to piss on — Wesley Eisold

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Dave Matthews

My songs are like a three-legged dog - you have to get to know them to have any love for them. — Dave Matthews

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Kaley Cuoco

I'm hoping one day to open my own shelter. I would be the person with the three-legged dog. I just love animals more than people; I really do. — Kaley Cuoco

Three Legged Dog Quotes By Daryl Gregory

A BS in any neuroscience without a master's or PhD was a three-legged dog of a degree: pitiable, adorable, and capable of inspiring applause when it did anything for you at all. — Daryl Gregory

Three Legged Dog Quotes By David Bowick

Who wouldn't want to watch an averagely attractive guy kick a three legged, one eyed dog in the face as it urinates all over itself? The correct answer is no one. — David Bowick